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  • #241043

    Hi Guys,

    1. We would like to edit the 404 page, we are using child theme, we edited the 404 page ok but then every update do we have to do it again, is there a way to make it stay?

    2. Also soon we will add WPML so how do we make the translations of the 404 page?

    3. On our gallery when lightbox opens we dont have the black background overlay showing

    4. We have a 3/4 – 1/4 text/button and it seems to show ok in all screen sizes, however just below this we have a 1/4 – 3/4 button/text and when in ipad portrait size the text overlays the button.

    5. The ajax search seems to give different results underneath than on the actual search results page, is it showing most recent pages first or something rather then most relevant, also the pages it is showing don’t have the keywords in except for in the menus?

    6. We are getting some strange W3C validation errors, these and a few others, which we would love to be able to fix –
    Error Line 7, Column 62: Bad value X-UA-Compatible for attribute http-equiv on element meta.
    <meta http-equiv=”X-UA-Compatible” content=”IE=edge,chrome=1″>
    Warning Line 136, Column 72: Document uses the Unicode Private Use Area(s), which should not be used in publicly exchanged documents. (Charmod C073)
    …=”#” aria-hidden=’true’ data-av_icon=’’ data-av_iconfont=’entypo-fontello’></…
    Error Line 332, Column 108: Element link is missing required attribute property.
    …,700′ rel=’stylesheet’ type=’text/css’><link href=’…
    Also, the title attribute has special semantics on this element.

    Many Thanks


    Hey mrlreynolds!

    1) You edit the file in your child theme and it takes priority over the parent. See:

    2) You would need to put your text strings into a translatable format:

    3+4) We would need to see a live exmaple to debug the issue

    5) As far as I know the search uses the WordPress search function. It does group content however.

    6) They can be ignored. The first is to make things work better in IE and the second/third is in how the icon font is added in which the validation seems to have an issue with for some reason.

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.

    1) Not sure why it wouldn’t be working but that is the correct way to do it since the 404.php is a core file. A 404.php in a child theme would be used first as long as the child theme is active. Make sure that you clear and disable your caching plugin when developing your site since you could mistakenly be viewing cached data instead of the live server pages.

    The homepage button is an issue where the button has a minimum width it needs to be. In the layout you have that container gets too small when on some screen sizes. The best solution is to not use a button or change the layout so that it isn’t pushed into a container that is too small for it.

    I’m having no issues with the lightbox effect on my end:

    For the search, do you have a term or or something I can try to get different results? I just tried a few and the search page was the same as in the live search.

    6) See: . The IE fix would make the site overall less compatible with IE8 and the icon font ones would mean not using the icons throughout the site. The last one is how google fonts embed their own font files so its taking code from Google exactly as Google thinks it should be added in.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 10 months ago by Devin.
    This reply has been marked as private.

    I opened my post to public, not sure why you can’t see it but read through now :)

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