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  • #1232417

    Hello! I just updated my staging site to the latest version of the theme. Before updating, there was no space between the slider and the blue bar w/3 icons on the homepage. After the update, there is a separation now, and it contains quotation marks. When viewing Inspector, it seems they’re now a part of the slider, but there is nothing in the pagebuilder that I can delete. I deactivated all plugins, and the problem persists. I have reactivated my plugins (there are some deactivated ones still in there, please leave them, this is just a staging site). I’d like to know how to fix this so that I can replicate the fix on my live site.

    Thank you.


    Same for me, update multiple sites already:
    Quotation mark appearing under the Slide-Show full width at the very left.


    Same here on multiple websites.


    Same issue for me in full width and not full width sliders, a quotation mark ” in the lower left corner and the dots controls that goes out of the image frame..


    must be in av-helper-slideshow.php.

    just one moment …

    Edit: it is on line 724:

    $html .= '</' . $tags[1]. ' ">"';

    replace with:

    $html .= '</'. $tags[1].'>';

    Pastbin complete 4.7.6 av-helper-slideshow.php
    See: Link


    Info on how to fix this hopefully little typo would be nice,


    that worked, thanks!


    Great thank you!


    solved the issue, thanks!



    Thanks for your help @guenni007!

    File can be found here as well –

    Best regards,


    Thanks, Guenni007, that worked for me, too.


    Hi Yigit,
    Can you tell me exactly what we need to do to fix it? Do we replace your text in the link above (1067 lines) with all the text in the “av-helper-slideshow.php” file?


    HI @Annemariedoolin just delete the quotation mark that you see at the end of this code..
    $html .= '</' . $tags[1]. ' ">"';

    You can find at line 724


    These quotes are also appearing for my under my image slider. Any fix for this? Also line 724 is not showing up in my editor?



    – Please go to Appearance > Editor
    – Navigate to enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/av-helper-slideshow.php file
    – Select the content of file (CTRL + A on Windows, CMD + A on Mac)
    – Replace the content of the file with –
    – Click “Update file”

    View post on



    Maybe push 4.7.7 with this quick update? And was the google maps update included in 4.7.6.? I don’t see it in the release notes?


    Hi Rob,

    We will release soon. Google Maps version was updated in 4.7.6

    fixed: Google Maps version updated to 3.41



    haha thanks, I must have been reading the release notes before my cappuccino…

    (by the way, the release notes are showing up strange on Envato theme forest with html…) Or maybe that’s how it is supposed to be?

    fixed: html markup warning in breadcrumb <a href="xxxx"> Responsive Images)


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by Yigit. Reason: to fix html

    Hey Rob,

    Thanks for the heads up, we will be correcting HTML issue on TF changelog as well :)



    hi doe anyone here had a trouble with the media library upon updating? all my images apear gray and do not load


    hi does anyone here had trouble with the media library upon updating? all my images appear gray and do not load
    sorry for the double posting….

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by pabloeduardo.
    This reply has been marked as private.


    I replied to your thread. Let us continue there :)

    Best regards,

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