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  • #1082215

    I upgraded to 4.5.5 and somewhere between the recently released upgrades (maybe x.3, x.4, and likely x.5) my ability to display a custom background image broke on my home page. Now it’s just white space.

    No matter what image I upload, size, shape, choice of how to display it from the drop-down menu (small, large, across the top, slider) it will not display on my website. I didn’t realize it was gone until a client of mine wrote to say the website looks bad without the image.


    What can I do to bring back the image ability?


    This is related to the last issue with CSS-merging/-parsing i posted just a few minutes ago.

    Your image-pathes are modified wrong during the merging (or avia builder parsing) process.
    They become this, with a duplicated domain in the path:

    Obviously the images can’t be found.

    In the meantime a possible solution would be to make sure your URLs are absolutly defined, e.g. including protocoll and domain.
    So they look like this:

    Another option could be to deactivate the merging/compressing of the CSS and JS in the Enfold-options until this is solved … but only if the merging process is the cause … when images set in the backend are also getting a path-issue some other parsing (avia-builder) may be the problem.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by cg.

    on my installation the absolute path fails even too. On 4.5.4 this works on 4.5.5. it does not fix the issue.
    i tested with url(“https://domain/wp-content/…) with (https://domain/wp-content/…) with (//wp-content/…) etc. pp. always doubling the domain – as you described above.

    The place to look for is : asset-manager.class.php – the new lines in: public function rel_to_abs_url($content, $path)
    espacialliy on the public function _url_callback( $match )


    Ah … thx @Guenni007 … now i see … there are some more topics about this in the forum and it’s an already known issue which they already work on.


    How can I revert to the last working version of Enfold.

    I can’t keep messing around with this to fix my website.

    Where can I get the older version?


    My URL did not include duplicated information from the domain.

    Using the absolute URL, as you showed in your response, — did not fix the issue.

    Deactivating the merging/compressing of the CSS and JS — did not fix the issue.

    How do I return to a WORKING version of Enfold. The website looks stupid without its header and my website is a low-traffic site — I can imagine how pissed off people are with high traffic sites using Enfold.


    Hi davevi,

    Best regards,

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    Sorry for the late reply, for version 4.5.4 please use the Classic Editor and not the block editor, look at the bottom of your “Theme Options” for the option to use the Classic Editor.

    Best regards,

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