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  • #971592

    Hi Enfold,

    For some reason 3 of my enfold websites stopped working properly overnight.

    – -> error500, front end and back end. I tried renaming the enfold folder and uploaded the newest version via FTP but it still does not work.

    – -> error500 only on the back end. I tried renaming the enfold folder and uploaded the newest version via FTP but after that the front end gave an error500 as well

    – -> front end is broken, only shows text and error500 on the back end.

    What happened and what can I do about this?




    beaudelor is fixed in the meanwhile.


    Ok the host automatically updated the PHP version. It is fixed now. You can close this topic.



    Great, glad you got it working and sorry for the problems. Please open a new thread if you should have any further questions or problems.

    Best regards,

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