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  • #1275832

    Hi, I need help with some issues which are problematic for ADA compliance. Any assistance is appreciated:

    1. Each a element must contain text or an img with an alt attribute. (Add text to the link, or alt text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the alt text is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.) We are able to add global alt text to an image, but are not able to change the alt text based on the use….

    2. Using alt text which duplicates link text in the same link or the following link results in screen readers stuttering as the same text is read out twice. Use alt=” when the image is part of a link containing text, or change the redundant alt text if the links are separate….

    3. WooCommerce implementation in Enfold
    Identify row and column headers in data tables using th elements, and mark layout tables with role=presentation. (Data tables allow screen reader users to understand column and row relationships. Layout tables read cells as a series of unrelated paragraphs with no tabular structure. Without TH or ROLE, screen readers apply heuristics to decide whether a table is a layout table or data table. These heuristics vary greatly between screen.)

    • JAWS Reading: Treats tables without TH and ROLE as layout tables if the table contains cells above or below certain pixel sizes. This
    measurement is affected by browser window size, browser font size, and the browser used.
    • NVDA Reading: Applies a ‘layout table’ heuristic to tables without TH and ROLE which varies depending on the browser used and on the
    window size in some circumstances.
    • VoiceOver Reading: Uses a sophisticated heuristic on tables without TH and ROLE, which is similar (but not identical) to the heuristic used by NVDA with Firefox.

    Thank you!


    Hey gcibura1,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    1.) Have you tried applying an alt text to the images in the Media > Library panel?

    2.) Where can we see this issue? Please provide a link to the page where the stuttering occurs so that we could check it.

    3.) How did you add a table to the product page? The theme does not create or add any table elements in the product templates, so it is probably from a plugin or a custom modification to the templates. Again, providing a link to the actual page should help.

    Best regards,

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