Ever since the upgrade to 3.5, when I add new elements to a page and save it…I’m shown the following and have to start from scratch.
Thank you,
Hey rlogan2334!
Thank you for using Enfold.
This is happening on our local installation sometimes but a quick page refresh usually fix the issue. Is this still happening?
This is still happening and is now happening for multiple websites. It’s not consistent, but when it happens…it’s very bad. I’m now saving my work constantly…while developing a page. Not the worst policy in the end, but if one forgets…OUCH!
Also, you can’t do a page refresh. The only way to get out of it, for me, is to hit “back” or close the browser tab altogether.
hm I can’t reproduce the issue on my end. Which browser and OS are you using? Do you geht same results when updating to Enfold v.3.5.1? and what if you deactivate all plugins you are using?
Best regards,
Yes, happens on 3.5.1. Isn’t 3.5.1 just a Windows Phone bug fix?
Windows 10. Chrome. Did not disable plugins, as this is not a constant issue.
Ismael replicated the issue.
Yes, I can reproduce the issue but I’m still using an old version of the theme so this is not specifically 3.5.1 related. This is probably a user session expiration issue. You can try to increase the duration of this session: https://premium.wpmudev.org/blog/how-to-extend-the-auto-logout-period-in-wordpress/
Done. Hopefully it fixes the issue. Thank you.
Ok great, please let us know if you should need any more help on the topic.
Haven’t see any issues since the change. Looks like we can close this. Thank you!
glad there is no issue so far. Let us know in a new ticket if you have some more questions related to the theme. We are happy to assist you.