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  • #441975


    This is the first MAJOR issue I’ve had with this theme and I’m really hoping that you can help me fix it ASAP so I don’t have to go redo hours of work.

    Enfold theme installed, I’m using a CHILD theme (always do).

    Upgraded to 3.1.5 this a.m. and MY SIDEBARS DISAPPEARED!

    I have custom widgets created in these sidebars and really don’t want to recreate the forms.

    Help please. ASAP…. Really don’t want to spend my Saturday fixing this.


    Also killed my footer widgets…. Will let you know if I find anything else broken.


    FYI – I have thrown a contact form in the sidebars for now…. those are part of what disappeared. I had custom css / div’s that each had a unique customer testimonial at the top of each of those sidebar areas…


    Another FYI – I couldn’t wait for the answer so I also recreated my footer widgets. I still need a solution as I want to replace my quotes in the custom sidebar areas and figure out this problem so that I don’t kill my sidebars on any future updates or if I want to update other sites.

    Thanks in advance for your help, and this is still by FAR my favorite theme I’ve ever used!




    Can you please elaborate on the quotes you have created? With WordPress 4.2 widget areas required custom ID and starting from Enfold 3.1.4 they are added automatically however unfortunately that could reset your widget areas as mentioned in changelog –



    It was just a “text” area inside the “custom widget”.

    In the “text” I entered a div and a paragraph with words.

    In my CSS I created a background image / added some color / and setup the alignment… nothing fancy – just words with styling were placed inside the custom widget area I created for the individual pages.


    Is this still on your radar? I have to update another site using Enfold and I do not want to lose any of the work I have done. I’m a bit scared to update that site due to what happened.


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by Muskrat37.

    Hi Chad!

    Sorry for the late reply!
    You can try updating Enfold firstly and then WordPress to avoid the issue. But because of the change made on WordPress widget areas, you may need to recreate your widget areas. This issue should not occur in future versions.



    I just did another upgrade… AND IT HAPPENED AGAIN!

    I upgraded Enfold first – then upgraded WordPress and it still happened. I need a fix for this because I can’t keep re building all my sidebars every time there’s an upgrade to Enfold…

    Is there a way to restore the sidebars via the SQL database.. I made a backup of all my files and my database prior to doing the upgrade this time. Is there a specific table that stores the sidebar info that I could just import and have it done automatically?


    This happened to me as well, but had to end up recreating my widget areas.



    : What did you upgrade, the theme or WordPress? This issue should only happen once, when you update to WordPress 4.2 and then upgrade the theme to 3.1.4. On version 3.1.5, the sidebars should be intact unless you added special characters in the custom widget area name. Unfortunately, you can’t use the database to import the sidebar settings. We tried this method but failed.



    Ismael – in my post I said “I upgraded Enfold first – then upgraded WordPress”…

    Not sure I understand what you mean by it should only happen once. In my opinion – it should never happen….

    Are you telling me that this was a bug on previous versions of Enfold, but it is now fixed with 3.1.5?

    Also – what do you mean by “special characters”. My custom sidebars (and the Enfold standard sidebars) usually contain a text widget and I will stylize the text with html and css classes. Then I usually put a Contact Form 7 shortcode in them. Are those considered “special characters”?




    Starting on WordPress 4.2, the register_sidebar function is going to require a sidebar id so a fix was included on enfold version 3.1.4. Sidebars without an id, which is the case on versions before enfold 3.1.4, will lose the registered widgets. It might be necessary to re-apply your widgets to the correct widget area after updating. The widgets will be relocated in the Inactive Widgets section. If you already fixed the sidebars after updating to enfold 3.1.4 and if you update to enfold 3.1.5, those sidebars should stay intact.

    Regarding the “special characters”, what I meant is if you create a custom widget area, please refrain from using special characters.



    Thank you for the explanation. So if I’m understanding you correctly – updating to enfold 3.2 (I see it was just released) will keep my sidebars (and footer widgets as I noticed those vanished too) in tact when I upgrade to WP 4.2.2?

    I really appreciate the support you guys provide, and it your theme I most often go to. Thanks for providing such a great product and a great service.



    It appears to have been solved. Did a lil “test” this a.m. and had no issues.

    Thanks again for your patience (and your explanations). Both are greatly appreciated. Have a great day!



    Hi Chad!

    Glad we could help and thank you very much for the kind words. Glad you got your issue fixed as well :)


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