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  • #334085

    I just updated to 3.0 and now my sidebars are not showing on the pages when I’m logged in to WP and I’m missing a custom CSS attribute. But if I log out of WP and look at the site. My sidebars are there, custom CSS is fine but my main menu is super wide…I’m confused. Have you seen this sort of issue with the update?


    Ugh…now I am missing the sidebars and the custom CSS (only the front page widget area) on the live site (not logged into WP). The sidebars are set correctly in the dashboard/enfold/sidebar settings and each page has them set how they were before the update. I uploaded the functions.php that was edited. Previous updates have been fine and this sort of issue hasn’t happened.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by EisaSawyer.


    Can you please enable right clicking on your website? Have you tried deactivating all active plugins and check if that helps?

    Best regards,


    Hi Yigit,
    Right clicking is now enabled and yes, I deactivated all of the plugins and there was no change.



    Do you mind creating a temporary admin login and posting it here privately so we can take a look at the backend?


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    This reply has been marked as private.

    Any news on what is causing this?



    I’m sorry but are you sure that you override the whole theme files? The container looks like this:

    <main role="main" itemprop="mainContentOfPage" class="template-page content  nine alpha units">

    On 3.0.1, this container should look like this:

    <main role="main" itemprop="mainContentOfPage" class="template-page content  av-content-full alpha units">

    Did you add any modifications regarding this containers?



    I did not add any modifications. I updated Enfold the same way I’ve done with prior updates. As far as I knew I received the full update. I backup the files, update Enfold, reload the functions file. Is this in the functions file? I did not see it there.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by EisaSawyer.


    I would like to check the dashboard but /wp-login or /wp-admin redirects me to 404 page.


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    Oh. Right. Again, I’m sorry but the login credentials you posted above is not working. I’ll ask the rest of the support team to check.


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    Can someone please help with a solution to this issue? Do I need to reinstall the update somehow? Add the above container code somewhere? Any suggestions? I started this thread a week ago when I updated Enfold to 3.0.1.
    I’d really appreciate some sort of step forward.
    Thank you,


    Hi Eisa!

    Sidebar should work fine now, the problem was in the functions.php, which contained outdated code, i replaced it with the updated one, and merged your font insertion with it:

     * add Google Font
    add_filter( 'avf_google_heading_font',  'avia_add_heading_font');
    function avia_add_heading_font($fonts)
    $fonts['Alegreya SC'] = 'Alegreya SC';
    $fonts['Alegreya'] = 'Alegreya';
    return $fonts;
    add_filter( 'avf_google_content_font',  'avia_add_content_font');
    function avia_add_content_font($fonts)
    $fonts['Alegreya SC'] = 'Alegreya SC';
    $fonts['Alegreya'] = 'Alegreya';
    return $fonts;



    Thank you Josue!!
    I’m still having the issue with the background to my widgets in the sidebar, they should have some custom code, I’m going to look into it further, but could you please keep this thread open, just in case I can’t figure out what the issue is? I will keep you posted.


    So I had a chance to take a deeper look at the issue I’m having with the custom css for the widget areas. Nothing seems to have changed in the css, but since the update the background is not covering the whole widget area. Here is the css code I’m using and a screenshot of what’s happening. Thanks for your help with this.

    .widget {background:#f9f9f9; padding:25px; border-top:solid 2pt; box-shadow: 3px 3px 10px #888888;}
    .sidebar .widget:first-child, .content .sidebar .widget:first-child{background:#f9f9f9; border:none; padding: 25px;}




    Try changing it to:

    .widget {background:#f9f9f9; padding:25px; border-top:solid 2pt; box-shadow: 3px 3px 10px #888888; overflow: hidden;}
    .sidebar .widget:first-child, .content .sidebar .widget:first-child{background:#f9f9f9; border:none; padding: 25px;}

    Best regards,


    That did it! Thanks so much Josue!!

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