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  • #1177130


    I’ve noticed 2 issues related to PAGES (not posts) after the last update:

    1. Enfold buttons don’t open in a new window anymore, despite the linktarget='_blank' in the shortcode. But links in the text (on the same page) do open in a new window. So the problem is proper to Enfold shorcode, I assume. (see it here)

    2. All social buttons do open in a new window from PAGES and POSTS, except “Share by email” which does NOT open in a new window from PAGES, but does from POSTS. What is interesting: 3-4 years ago Enfold support gave me the following code to make “Share by email” button open in a new window:

    function addCustomScript(){
    	function a() {
    		jQuery('.av-share-link.av-social-link-mail a').attr('target', '_blank');
    	jQuery(window).load(function() {
    add_action('wp_footer', 'addCustomScript');

    But now, despite this code, since the last update “Share by email” does NOT open in a new window FROM PAGES.

    3. In the “tag” archives mentioning PAGES the footer is disappearing (look here And in the “tag” pages NOT mentioning PAGES the footer is NOT disappearing (see it here

    Please, help.


    Hey Anton,

    Please try updating to Enfold 4.7.2 it should fix the issues.

    Best regards,



    the 4.7.2 update resolved only the “point 1” issue. The points 2 and 3 are still unresolved.
    Please, see it here :


    Hi Anton,

    Can you give us temporary admin access to your website in the private content box below, so that we can have a closer look?

    Best regards,





    Thank you for the info.

    2.) Try to adjust the priority value of the filter containing the script. Look for this line:

    add_action('wp_footer', 'addCustomScript');

    Set the priority value to 999 or replace the code with:

    add_action('wp_footer', 'addCustomScript', 999);

    3.) How did you enable the pages in archive/tag page?

    Best regards,



    2) RESOLVED. Thank you.
    3) How did I enable the pages in archive/tag page? — I didn’t. Seems to me it’s the native Enfold function. Because I’ve always had my pages in archive/tag pages. So the point 3 remains unresolved.



    You’re welcome! Thank you for the update.

    3.) You shouldn’t be able to add tags to pages by default, so those pages should not be displaying in the archive/tag pages. How did you enable the tags for pages? It probably breaks because the excerpt of the pages in the archive/tag pages contains an invalid html code.

    Best regards,



    look, to be honnest I have no memory of having activated the tags for the pages anywhere. Again, to me it’s always been a native Enfold’s function…
    At the same time, you say that “the excerpt of the pages in the archive/tag pages contains an invalid html code”. But I’ve found a tag archive, which is comprising pages but footer doesn’t desappear :
    And here’s another tag archive, also with pages, but without footer :

    How come ?



    Again, to me it’s always been a native Enfold’s function…

    It’s not a default theme’s function, not even WordPress’, so there’s a custom modification or plugin in your site that enables tags for pages. Please disable the function or plugin.

    Regarding the excerpt, we just mentioned it because it’s really possible especially when the content is created using the advance layout builder.

    Best regards,

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