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  • #1329451

    I am trying to isolate an @media code so that my 2 column layout remains 2 columns on mobile devices. But I want to have it only in one section and not the entire site or page. Here is what I have that is working and not working:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    .responsive #top #wrap_all .flex_column {
    width: 48% !important;
    min-height: 200px !important;
    margin-right: 2% !important;

    NOT WORKING (I want to keep the changes within #impact-boxes):

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    .responsive #impact-boxes #wrap_all .flex_column {
    width: 48% !important;
    min-height: 200px !important;
    margin-right: 2% !important;

    The “#top” element has been the issue. I’ve tried moving it, removing it, merging it, and nothing seems to work.


    to what element does the ID: #impact-boxes belong?
    i do not believe that it is a parent of #wrap_all ! This is parent of all content you can set on default.
    the #top ID belongs to the body tag and is parent of #wrap_all
    so this might be the right sequence ( cascading ) : .responsive #top #wrap_all #impact-boxes .flex_column
    if it is a color-section


    Hey laptophobo,

    Which section are you looking to make this change to?

    Best regards,



    Yes, you nailed it again. Thanks!

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