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  • #976414

    I’ve tried to follow the CSS recommended in the Enfold documentation to 4 columns as 2 columns in Tablet portrait and Smartphone portrait. But its showing just 1 column. Please could you help me out here.

    I also have 2 columns – one with animated numbers and the other headline rotators – which are showing different heights to the others in the grid I’ve created when in the Tablet and Smartphone portrait views. Can you help get them to the same heights as the images please?

    many thanks



    Hey ehdavies,
    Thank you for the login, I first found that your Enfold Theme Options > General Styling > Quick CSS field had a great deal of errors in it. I corrected these for you and linked to a file with the before and after code, for you to review.
    Basically please don’t add a * to every line you want to comment out, add /* before & */ after the code block, or lines of codes.
    Also if you want to add “!important;” to a rule, please remove the ; before the “!important;”
    I hope this makes since :)

    For your 4 column section that you want to show as 2 columns on tablets, the issue is that “equal height” columns will break the code, so I switched them to all “individual height”
    This resulted in a new issue, 2 of your columns don’t have images to retain their height, so I added a custom class to them and this css to solve this issue:

    .eqheight {
    height: 118px;
    min-height: 118px;

    Please clear your browser cache and check.

    Best regards,


    Many thanks for looking at this and pointing out the errors. I’ve cleared the cache but the non-image columns are showing different heights when the mobile device is less than 479px (the smallest on the Customise button) and they are no longer vertically aligned in the middle. Also, if you look at the other images further down on this smallest device there are gaps appearing.
    If there’s anything else I should look at I’d be grateful.


    You mean the cache of your browser, right?
    Try incognito or in-private mode.
    Please see screenshots in Private Content area.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike
    Thanks again for your help. This is better now. I managed to get the animated text and headline rotator to centre using whitespacing and extended your CSS.
    But I still get some of the images popping out of position at the bottom of the page per the image at the below link. If you’re able to take one last look that would be great.
    Thanks again


    I’m not sure that I understand, but when I look at the bottom of your page I see there are two more of the text columns that don’t stay equal height with the other columns, for these I would add a custom class such as “eqheight_lg” and Quick CSS like:

    @media only screen and (min-width: 767px) and (max-width: 988px) { 
    .eqheight_lg {
    height: 217px;
    min-height: 217px;

    But I don’t see buttons with text under them as in your image, is this on a different page?

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike

    I think I’ve worked out what to do to fix this. Where the pixel image size is slightly different (1 pixel( it is forcing a gap in the grid on the smallest device sizes. Put the larger image at the last of the 4 columns on changing the image size seems to solve this.

    Thanks for all your help. I think we can close this one now.




    Glad we were able to help, we will close this now. Thank you for using Enfold.

    For your information, you can take a look at Enfold documentation here
    And if there are features that you wish Enfold had, you can request them and vote the requested ones here
    For any other questions or issues, feel free to start new threads under Enfold sub forum and we will gladly try to help you :)

    Best regards,

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