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  • #290323

    Hi there. Since updating to 2.9.1 all dynamic content / content with animation is broken on my site. This includes easy sliders, icon lists, icons, partner logo element, testimonials, masonry gallery, etc. Your assistance is appreciated.

    PS> no plugins enabled.

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by drjill.

    Hi drjill!

    Can you try re-updating the theme via FTP – ?

    Best regards,


    Hi there Yigit,

    I originally did update the theme via FTP. I also then reverted to 2.8.1 and tried the update via the WP Admin. Same results both times. I’ve since reverted to 2.8.1. I am running a child theme. Can I get a list of specifically which files were updated so I can try loading just those, as well as try to investigate any conflicts that may have been introduced with my child theme? I know using a child theme is supposed to be the “safe” way to make changes to the theme, but past updated to the header file have broken my child theme before. I’m wondering if that is the problem.

    thanks, Jill



    In the full download on ThemeForest there is a change log in the version.txt with all the files that have been changed. If one of the files in your child theme has been updated then yes, it would need to then be re-updated to use the themes new code. Its more rare but it does still happen.



    Hey, thanks Devin.

    That’s where I’ll start. I realize it is possible that this might occasionally happen. I would like to try to step through updating each file that has been changed, and if there is one that is in my child theme I can flag it for potential conflict.

    However, I noticed much of the change log refers to changes that have happened within folders without being specific to which file, e.g., ” – folder config-templatebuilder: – added: new Element: Image with Hotspots.” For this example, I’d assume after looking it would be: “folder config-templatebuilder > avia-shortcodes > added file ‘image_hotspots.php’ .” Unfortunately, it isn’t always that obvious (e.g., which file in folder ‘config-templatebuilder:’ has new Header style: “transparent glass” been added?). Is there any more detail available to help me look at which specific files have been added and/or changed?



    I would suggest setting up a local or private git repo and then you can do your own patches to see where every single change has been made.

    You can do an online one for free with which will be private as well.

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