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  • #261510


    The theme is great and very powerful, but it is disappointing to spend a lot of time getting things how you want them in a prior release, only to have things “stop working the same way” in a new release! As the other Poster notes below, others are having similar problems with various features of Enfold 2.7.1. This makes folks (understandably) very wary of updating!

    I’m hoping the Kriesi team (or anyone on this great forum) might have some insights as to what is making this custom CSS NOT work correctly in 2.7.1, whereas it WAS working fine in 2.5.2 (details below)?

    #socket { font-size: 15px !important; position: fixed; bottom: 0px; width: 100%; overflow: hidden; }
    #socket .container { padding: 4px 0 6px 0; }
    html {background: #ffffff; }

    Orginal Post:

    Although I realize “sticky sockets” are not officially supported in Enfold, under 2.5.2 I had precisely the “sticky socket” behavior I wanted working very nicely for me using the following custom CSS code:

    #socket { font-size: 15px !important; position: fixed; bottom: 0px; width: 100%; overflow: hidden; }
    #socket .container { padding: 4px 0 6px 0; }
    html {background: #ffffff; }

    With this custom CSS code under 2.5.2, I would ALWAYS have my socket on the bottom of ANY browser window, no matter how large/small the window was, no matter whether or not a scrollbar was present, no matter how much/little content any given page had, no matter whether mobile or not: my socket was always showing at the bottom of the view window. It was great, and exactly how I wanted it.

    Unfortunately . . . when I updated to 2.7.1, this code stopped working in the SAME way. Now with the same custom CSS under 2.7.1, the same socket appears, but ONLY when a scrollbar is present on the right-hand side of the browser. When page content is too little (i.e. no scrollbar), the socket no longer shows like it did in 2.5.2 (using the exact same custom CSS).

    HOWEVER, even when no scrollbar is present in 2.7.2, the sticky socket is still THERE at the bottom of the page — i.e. the hover links are still present and available to click — you just can’t SEE the socket unless the scrollbar is present. It seems like whatever the “background” color in “html {background: #ffffff; }”, is now (in 2.7.2) “covering” the socket now when no scrollbar is present — whereas in 2.5.2 under these conditions, the socket was BOTH clickable and visible on pages with no scrollbar.

    So something seems to have changed in the internal code of the 2.7.2 update (versus 2.5.2), that makes the above code work differently in 2.7.1 versus how it worked in 2.5.2. I wonder if it relates to the new “transparency” features?

    I would really love to have my socket working the way it was in 2.5.2, otherwise I might have to revert back to 2.5.2, which I would prefer not to do, as using “older versions” is not an ideal long-term viable solution.

    Is there anything you can think of that might have resulted in this “change” in socket behavior between 2.5.2 and 2.7.1, and if so, can you think of any code that might fix it, so my socket again works like it did in 2.5.2 — i.e. it is ALWAYS at the bottom of the page, whether or not a scrollbar is present on the window?

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 9 months ago by Vifa.

    i think something has changed with fixed positioning in general.
    on 2.7 the fixed Background Pictures are working perfectly on my Ipad!
    on 2.71 not ! What happend?


    Yes, I’m sorry you are having similar issues! Stuff like this is very frustrating, and costs everybody a lot of time. I’m really hoping the Kriesi team can help get these issues fixed, so that I don’t have to revert back to an “old” theme version indefinitely!



    Thank you for using the theme!

    If you don’t mind, we would like to see the actual website where this is happening? A screenshot of the issue and what you want to accomplish with the socket will greatly help. Please update your theme frequently. Updating from a very old version of the theme, 2.5, to version 2.7.1 is really not advisable since markups and functionality might change drastically to keep up with the latest web development trends and fix known issues.


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    The fixed backgrounds for iOS has been disabled by Kriesi. The option was causing major issues because of the way iOS renders the sections and until a fix is found it was better to make those sections actually usable.

    I’m guessing that with the most recent changes to the header and how the header layouts are created it broke the way the socket is being forced to be sticky for you. This will happen with updates and even as we continue to update it will continue to happen. As you update any theme and plugin you will need to update your customization to work with the newest versions.

    As for the main issue, using the same css I actually still get a sticky footer on my end with no issues.

    You can upload screenshots on any image hosting service and then post a link to them here



    The mention of iOS changes is helpful; we may be getting closer.

    I tried Chrome as well. In Chrome, with the above code under Enfold 2.7.1, the “sticky footer” DOES stay in place on ANY size window, regardless of whether a right-scrollbar is in place. The code used to behave correctly this way under OS X/Safari and 2.5.2, but now under OSX/Safari and 2.7.1, the “sticky footer” only shows IF there is a right-scrollbar on the page. With no right-scrollbar under OSX/Safari and 2.7.1, no “sticky footer” appears, although it is still “there” (you can still click the links), but is “invisible.”

    I think I will go live, and then I will send you links, but in the meantime can you please do me a huge favor:

    If you try the exact same code on a page where there is NO right-scrollbar (i.e. either low page content, and/or large window), do you get the same sticky footer, or does it “disappear”:
    — Under OS X/Safari?
    — Under iOS (tablet or phone)?

    And if the “sticky footer” does “disappear” on “no-scrollbar” pages only under OSX/Safari and iOS (but not under other browsers), is there any way to fix this so the code behaves the same way under all browsers?



    Thank you for the update.

    I tested the code and I just added the z-index property and it works fine. Please use this:

    #socket { font-size: 15px !important; position: fixed; bottom: 0px; width: 100%; overflow: hidden; z-index: 9999;}
    #socket .container { padding: 4px 0 6px 0; }
    html {background: #ffffff; }

    Best regards,

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