I have inserted an image onto a page using the Full Size option (1020×430) and size the image exactly to that @72dpi in PS, yet the image still crops at top and bottom. Is there a way to tweak it to fit or do a 100%?
–update- Fixed.
Hi jlarmen!
Thank you for using the theme!
Where do you want to use the image? The theme crops the image into small thumbnails and set it to different elements of the theme accordingly. You can set the crop parameter to false if you want to prevent wp from cutting the edges of the image. For example, edit functions.php, find this code on line 101:
$avia_config['imgSize']['entry_with_sidebar'] = array('width'=>710, 'height'=>270); // big images for blog and page entries
Replace it with:
$avia_config['imgSize']['entry_with_sidebar'] = array('width'=>710, 'height'=>270, 'crop'=>false); // big images for blog and page entries
Regenerate the thumbnails or upload it again. We’ll need to know where exactly are you trying to use the image so that we can point you on the right direction.