
Sorry for the confusion, I removed the WPCode snippet and enabled the child theme function again.
This is the working solution:

function tab_though_menu_skipping_sub_menu_items_unless_down_or_up_arrow_keys_are_used() { ?>
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
   const menuItems = document.querySelectorAll('.menu-item-has-children'); // Adjust this selector to match your menu structure

   // Initially set tabIndex to -1 for all sub-menu items to skip them in tab navigation
   menuItems.forEach(item => {
       let subMenuItems = item.querySelectorAll('.sub-menu a'); // Adjust this selector for your sub-menus
       subMenuItems.forEach(subMenuItem => {
           subMenuItem.tabIndex = -1;

       item.addEventListener('keydown', function (e) {
           // Only proceed if the event target is a menu item that contains a sub-menu
           let subMenu;
           if (e.target.classList.contains('menu-item-has-children')) {
               subMenu = e.target.querySelector('.sub-menu'); // Adjust this selector for your sub-menus
           } else {
               // This ensures we get the sub-menu even if a child of the menu item was focused
               subMenu = e.target.closest('.menu-item-has-children').querySelector('.sub-menu');

           let subMenuItems = subMenu.querySelectorAll('a'); // Assumes sub-menu items are anchor tags
           let focusedElement = document.activeElement;
           let currentIndex = Array.from(subMenuItems).indexOf(focusedElement);

           switch(e.key) {
               case 'ArrowDown':
                   // Move focus to the next sub-menu item
                   if (currentIndex < subMenuItems.length - 1) {
                       subMenuItems[currentIndex + 1].tabIndex = 0;
                       subMenuItems[currentIndex + 1].focus();
                       e.preventDefault(); // Prevent scrolling the page
                   } else {
                       // Optionally wrap around to the first item
                       subMenuItems[0].tabIndex = 0;
                       e.preventDefault(); // Prevent scrolling the page
               case 'ArrowUp':
                   // Move focus to the previous sub-menu item
                   if (currentIndex > 0) {
                       subMenuItems[currentIndex - 1].tabIndex = 0;
                       subMenuItems[currentIndex - 1].focus();
                       e.preventDefault(); // Prevent scrolling the page
                   } else {
                       // Optionally wrap around to the last item
                       subMenuItems[subMenuItems.length - 1].tabIndex = 0;
                       subMenuItems[subMenuItems.length - 1].focus();
                       e.preventDefault(); // Prevent scrolling the page

           // Reset tabIndex to -1 for items not focused to ensure they're skipped during tab navigation
           subMenuItems.forEach(subMenuItem => {
               if (subMenuItem !== document.activeElement) {
                   subMenuItem.tabIndex = -1;
add_action( 'wp_footer', 'tab_though_menu_skipping_sub_menu_items_unless_down_or_up_arrow_keys_are_used', 99 );

Best regards,