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  • in reply to: Shop page not displayed correctly after update #1082517

    What version of Enfold do you use? I had that problem with an old version. After a week they made an update. As I use a child, I inserted this code into the child functions.php and all worked perfectly. I managed to use Advanced Layout Builder to the woocommerce shop page.
    The code that goes to functions.php:
    add_theme_support( 'avia_custom_shop_page' );

    Hope I helped you.

    in reply to: Enfold bug to update v2? #1071506

    I deactivated Jetpack and I still had the same issue. I finally decided to upload the new updated theme with the FTP, do to the fact that I use a child theme. I really hope that this wont be the same on every update. :( Thanks for your help. You can close the thread.

    in reply to: Enfold bug to update v2? #1070712

    Hello Victoria. Thanks for your answer. Sure think. I will give you in the private content all the necessary data. Thanks

    later edit: I used the transients manager in order to delete transients. Still have the same issue with the Enfold Update

    in reply to: Enfold bug to update? #1058739

    Hello Yigit. I always have the latest update. So it was 4.5.2 to 4.5.3. The issue is that the wp core tells me that I already have the updated 4.5.3. But on the wp updates it shows I have1 item to update. I try to update it, and it gives me the error i wrote on the previous message.

    later edit. I checked now. The item on wp updates disappeared , so I guess it was something wrong with themeforest token.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by Zetrh. Reason: Issue resolved by itself
    in reply to: "Responsive Mbile Menu" – is sticky #1004358

    nothing else. you can close the thread and thank you again :D

    in reply to: "Responsive Mbile Menu" – is sticky #1004352

    Perfectly and smooth. Thanks a lot for your help. I’m a noob in coding and things like this but i try to learn. :D thanks again for your help and time

    in reply to: "Responsive Mbile Menu" – is sticky #1004332

    Hey Mike, sure thing. I will leave all the credentials in privatate content and I’ve added all the code back

    ps. sure, if the logo shows without any intrude to the menu, of course. But mainly, what i need is that the right side bar menu to remain sticky on the monitor devices, while on mobile the menu stays as ussual

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by Zetrh.
    in reply to: "Responsive Mbile Menu" – is sticky #1004324

    Unfortunately it didn’t worked. :( I removed all the code. It’s all yours

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by Zetrh.
    in reply to: "Responsive Mbile Menu" – is sticky #1004256

    Hey, Mike – Thanks for the answer.
    I will give you a link where to look, although the mobile menu is sticky on every page. Please remember that the website is in ongoing creation so the pages changes from time to time. All but the shop page, which I will give link in the private content.
    *My problem is with the mobile menu bar that stays sticky and cover part of my page content. Now, with the left sidebar on sticky, from the Enfold Theme Options -> Logo and Main Menu, that dose not happen. Only with the right sidebar on and the code I gaved you above.
    Thanks again for the answer and for your time.

    in reply to: "Responsive Mbile Menu" – is sticky #1003928

    Hey Mike, Thanks for the reply. The code I gaved you on my first post, it made my right sidebar menu, on the laptop/monitor devices stay sticky, as I wanted from the start. But instead, it made my mobile menu go nuts and cover my page elements, while is sticky. I don’t want that. I want that mobile menu to be normal. The code you gaved me, it makes mobile menu normal, but instead makes the right sidebar menu on the laptop/monitor devices return as they initial where: not sticky. :(

    in reply to: "Sticky Right Sidebar Menu" – not staying sticky #1003424

    It works like a charm. Thanks for your help. You can close the thread now

    in reply to: LayerSlider Menu issue #1003021

    I see. First of all, thanks for the help. And second, i never thought to give a custom class attribute. Now you can close the thread

    in reply to: LayerSlider Menu issue #1002950

    I have given you in Private Content all the details

    in reply to: LayerSlider Menu issue #1002937

    So, no one can help me with the issue of the LayerSlider not working with any custom CSS? :(

    in reply to: LayerSlider Menu issue #1002516

    Ok. I understand.

    Later edit.So, i have disabled the CSS file merging and compression. I still got the issue where my css dosen’t load in LayerSlider. I thought that was the problem. But it’s not :(

    later edit 2: I waited some time, because i thought it requires time before actual appliance of the disabled css option. :( still nothing. If anyone can help me with this one i will be forever in debt :(

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by Zetrh.
    in reply to: LayerSlider Menu issue #1002494

    Oh my god, it was THAT SIMPLE? :( Thanks a lot for the help. I was going nuts on this issue. Now the css works perfectly into the LayerSlider html. But one more question: by disabling CSS file merging and compression option, now my website will run slower? It’s not an issue if it is, but only for my information.
    Thanks again for the help

    Yes, i deleted the page due to other design. Tanks anyway, you can close the thread.

    in reply to: LayerSldier Menu does show on firefox, but not on Chrome. #1000542

    Don’t worry Guenni007
    My only remaining question to the Kriesi team: Guys, i want to make a page only with layerslider’s. Kind of a home page with 6 different layersliders boxes. After 3 layersliders, the 4’th is getting shown as a loading circle on page. The same with the 5’th and 6’th. How can i make a page, no header, no footer on the page atributes, with multiple layersliders?

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by Zetrh.

    Sorry for the delayed response. Sure, I made a color bg and some png’s with the menu, both for mouse on and mouse over. I made a fixed layedslider the code is this:

    <img src=”/image1.png”

    and the menu is looking like this:

    My problem was that inserting the code into a html layer, on firefox the menu was shown complete and perfect, while on chrome the images where minimized. My solution was to change the layer from html code to plain text.

    Hope that helped you.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by Zetrh.

    I don’t have any other problems. You can close the topic. Thanks a lot for the effort and this great theme. LLTK – Long Live Team Kriesi :D

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by Zetrh.

    Problem solved: For those who want to create a menu inside the LayerSlider and use that code, do not use html where you insert the code. Instead use plain text and just insert the code there.

    in reply to: Header visibility and transparency help #931754

    Thank you Vinay, this is exactly what I’ve been looking for, so, now, I deleted the quick css code that Mike gaved me, as that code just extended the header, but did not made the submenu visible. So, in order to make submenu visible, you just need to uncheck “Unstick top bar”..(as a mather of fact, it’s only written there what that option do), so silly me. For the shrinking header, if activated it’s shown a little bit “rusty” for my taste, so, I will let both Unstick and shrinking to uncheck. Now, it is perfect. Thank you for your enourmous help.

    in reply to: Header visibility and transparency help #931310
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Header visibility and transparency help #931131

    Yes, the header appears now because I selected in the page options to show only when user scrolls down, for you to see my problem. But now, the submenu is gone, As well as the social profiles. So, my problem is this: When I select the header to show only when user scrolls, the main menu+logo remains, but the submenu is canceled(dissapears enteirly with the social profiles).
    I should tell you that when the header is set to “no transparancy”, the submenu is shown, as well as the social profiles, as in the page that i will leave in the private content.

    in reply to: Header visibility and transparency help #931005

    Sorry, it was not activated as the submenu disappear entirely. I gave you the page in the private content.

    ps, thanks for quick response

    in reply to: Layer Slider Update #912676

    Well…that explains a lot… @Rikard. Keep up the good job, and thanks again for the help :D

    in reply to: Layer Slider Update #912633

    Thanks a lot for your help. @Mike :D You’ve been quite helpfull. Did’nt noticed that option before and i’ve been through those options thousand times- :D

    in reply to: Annoying Bug Update show #909296

    got it. thanks a lot. :D

    in reply to: WooCommerce cart icon to Image #909288

    needed a little twiking, but worked like a charm. Thanks for the help :D

    in reply to: Annoying Bug Update show #909279

    Yeah, i understand. It’s quite a job you’ve done so far with the theme so it’s understandable. Anyway, thanks again for the help and for the theme. U guys ROCK

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