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  • in reply to: blurred images #1268835

    Hello Victoria, thanks for the reply.
    but the same not-square-images dó display square in 180×180 thumbs.
    Thats a bit confusing, i think.
    Why are the 180x180thumbs come out square and 300x300thumbs dont ?
    best regards, jelle

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by yampieters.
    in reply to: not aligned #1268599

    thanks a lot, you can close this ticket.
    best regards, jelle

    in reply to: blurred images #1268597

    Hello Victoria It’s still using the 180x180px so it looks blurry
    yes, ive choosen the 180×180 as the 300×300 does not dislay square thumbs.

    ive made a temporary User account

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by yampieters.
    in reply to: get coloured background full width with menu on the left #1268448

    got this far

    Under Developer ive put a Custom CSS Class named “kleur”
    In the Quick Css ive put

    /* kleurachtergrond row*/
    .kleur {
    margin-right: -50px !important;
    margin-left: -50px !important;
    color: green;
    padding-left: 50px !important;

    now its almost alright, but the right side is refusing…

    in reply to: bold text coloured #1268372

    you can close this one, its oke.
    must be the
    .main_color strong, .alternate_color strong { color: inherit !important; }
    ive put in the css.
    works normally now with the colourpicking in the editor.
    best regards, jelle

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by yampieters.
    in reply to: highligt search terms #1268045

    Hello Guenni007, well, im not a programmer, but as far i know its a fix for the plugin.
    In fact, ive just made, via filezilla, the necessary changes in the document he told me, and it works.
    There is this file: lib/excerpts-highlights.php
    which contained:

    		 * The method here leaves extra spaces inside the highlighting. That
    		 * is cleaned away here.
    		$replace_regex = '/(.)(' . preg_quote( $start_emp_token, '/' ) . ')(\s)/iu';
    		$content       = preg_replace( $replace_regex, '\1\3\2', $content );

    which i ve replaced by

    $replace_regex = '/(.)(' . preg_quote( $start_emp_token, '/' ) . ')(\s)/iu';
    		$replace_regex = '/(.)(' . preg_quote( $start_emp_token, '/' ) . ')(>|\s)/iu';
    		$content       = preg_replace( $replace_regex, '\1\3\2', $content );

    best regards, jelle
    ps: this is the plugin: Relevanssi – A Better Search

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by yampieters.
    in reply to: highligt search terms #1267926

    Hello Rikard, yes, it was working, but sometimes loose search words were not highlightened. Like “tuin tuin tuin”, none was highlightened.
    i had contact with the maker and he wrote:

    I tried reproducing this problem on my test site, and I can indeed reproduce it – when I recreate your test posts, they behave the same way on my site. I’ll investigate this next week and will get back to you.

    In general I don’t recommend using the highlight in documents feature in the first place; it’s prone to problems, for various reasons, and it may cause conflicts with other plugins. I haven’t really figured out a really good way to do it.

    and later:

    Ok, I figured this out. The problem here is that the highlighting does not work for words that come after a HTML tag.
    That wasn’t noticed before, because I’ve only tested this on strings that don’t have any HTML tags in them (because that’s usually how excerpts are). That’s why the highlighting sometimes works and sometimes doesn’t, even with the same words.

    I’ve fixed this, and in the next version this will work. Meanwhile you can keep using the feature if it’s necessary (I still think it’s an overrated feature, browser in-page search is pretty much always better) and if it doesn’t cause problems with other plugins you’re using, it just won’t always highlight everything. In the next version it will be more reliable, but even then it probably won’t always work 100 %.

    just in case, here is the fix:

    best regards, jelle
    This ticket can be closed now.

    in reply to: highligt search terms #1266870

    thanks, rikard,
    ive tried it, but it makes not so much difference.
    see image, it even might have something to do with loose words.
    (once in a sentence the word IS highlighted).
    anyway, ill leave it for now; you can close this ticket.
    best regards, jelle

    in reply to: Arrow Up Button #1266612

    Hello Yigit, thanks a lot. Thanks for the support.
    Firefox reacted with delay i think , as now its alright. :)
    best regards, jelle

    in reply to: highligt search terms #1266608

    It works now Rikard, but like half.
    in the excperts there is no problem, but in the content there is.

    as an example im using the word “tuin” to search on.
    sometimes it highlights, sometimes it doesnt. The same for a search term like
    “klik hier”.
    But another term like “zaden” is highlighting everywhere.

    the maker of the plugin said:
    Like it says in the setting: Relevanssi should add the highlight parameter automatically. No changes should be necessary in your templates.
    Something else is adding a hilite parameter in your search results; whatever that is may be overriding Relevanssi.

    could be something is overwriting it, but why only every now and then.
    quite peculiar…isnt it?

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by yampieters.
    in reply to: Arrow Up Button #1266521

    Hi Victoira, thanks , and it worked
    that is for two minor issues:

    1. in IE , Opera and Google Chrome the new buttonpic is showing but in Firefox the old image is still to be seen, even after refreshing the page
    or even restart the pc.
    2. it is a .png file ive used. Ive deleted the white background but its still visible. Is there any explanation for that?
    best regards, jelle

    in reply to: different language menu #1265191

    ive found a solution…one COULD do it with conditional menus anyway,.
    so you can end this ticket.
    best regards, jelle

    in reply to: image sizes #1261280

    thanks ismael, works great!
    this ticket can be closed, possibly.
    best regards, jelle

    in reply to: image sizes #1260469

    Hi Rikard, i assume its a normal tablet. I reproduced it on my own tablet, and its true , that after dragging it upwards to let the lightbox fit into the screen (in first appearing the bottom does indeed fall out of the screen) its only fitting very narrowly. Is there some way to tell the system to , lets say, display the lightbox window 80% of the screenheight, and be directly centralized/totally viewable?
    best regards, jelle
    ps: my screen is about 22 x 13,5 cm (about 8,5 inch x 5,5 inch)

    in reply to: seperate homepage #1259929

    thanks a lot rikard, that solved the problem…you can close this ticket now
    best regards, jelle

    in reply to: seperate homepage #1259500

    see below please

    in reply to: image sizes #1259499

    yes , of course, see below

    in reply to: make extra element in left bar #1259207

    hi ismael, this seems quite elaborate.
    we went for another solution, so you can close this ticket
    thanks anyway, jelle

    in reply to: put some flags in menu #1259206

    hi ismael, this seems quite elaborate.
    we went for another solution, so you can close this ticket
    thanks anyway, jelle

    in reply to: seperate homepage #1259203

    Hi rikard see below
    nb: the menu called Zweden ive put in the widget, the menu called Mobile i would like to see as a burger menu…

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by yampieters.
    in reply to: image sizes #1259101

    hello rikard, of course, see image. Its a printscreen of a laptop – i pressume – of a client…. as you can see, the pic is too big for the screen.
    is there some way or code to keep in IN the viewport?
    best regards, jelle

    in reply to: seperate homepage #1259031

    aha, oke, thanks rikard, ive made another menu for mobiles under Enfold->Main Menu->Alternate Menu for Mobile , but i dont see it displaying…
    is there another thing i should do to display it on my mobile?

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by yampieters.
    in reply to: sidebar at the left just as long as the content #1258869

    Thanks a lot Victoria, works perfectly!
    You can close this ticket now if you want.
    best regards, jelle

    in reply to: sidebar at the left just as long as the content #1258704

    of course Victoria

    in reply to: make extra element in left bar #1258651

    Hello Rikard, thanks
    …but if i try to make an extra area i cant because of this warning:

    These options are only available if you select a layout that has a main menu positioned at the top. You currently have your main menu placed in a sidebar. You can change that setting at General Layout

    so, now i have put the menu on the left, im out of options?

    in reply to: logo area to high #1258623

    thats brilliant rikard, thanks a lot!
    this ticket can be closed
    best regards, jelle

    in reply to: seperate homepage #1258621

    ok, do you mean that you never can tell a widget menu to be a burger menu on a mobile?

    in reply to: edit homepage #1258321

    ok thanks rikard! you can close this ticket now.
    best regards, jelle

    in reply to: sub menu of sub menu #1258058

    thanks yigit, works perfect. you can close this ticket now if you want.
    best regards, jelle

    in reply to: sub menu of sub menu #1257982

    hi yigit, thanks. this is probably for ALL the sub sub menu items, isnt it?
    but what if i only want this of for example #menu-item-101.
    how should i do this?

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