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  • in reply to: too much white space above and below ruler #569800

    found it, its called: Themafuncties
    (functions.php) Thema selecteren om te bewerken

    in reply to: background color #569620

    sorry , i must be blind…
    i only see three thing , see screenshot:

    Indeling elementen, content elementen, media elementen

    am i looking at the wrong place?

    in reply to: too much white space above and below ruler #569287

    hmm, sorry, cant find it…in the list i only see the functions-enfold.php file…
    where is the functions.php?

    in reply to: background color #569280

    ok, sorry, but where can i find this Color Section element?
    i spotted a Content Section element , but no color section element

    in reply to: too much white space above and below ruler #568886

    ok ive found this file: enfold:functions-enfold.php
    i recogn this is what you meant.
    ive added these lines (bold). i hope this is oke like this?


    * The function within this file are theme specific:
    * they are used only by this theme and not by the Avia Framework in general

    /* for making classes */

    /* wrap embeds into a proportion containing div */
    function avia_preload_screen()
    $class = avia_get_option(‘preloader_transitions’) != “disabled” ? ‘av-transition-enabled’ : “”;
    $label = __(‘Loading’,’avia_framework’);

    in reply to: icon before title #568681

    ok, cool, but i i do so, there is this blue cirkel around the icon

    how to NOT get a blue cirkel?

    in reply to: too much white space above and below ruler #568669

    hi andy
    if i choose custom, the ruler is too short

    i have tried to adapt this, but it aint working:
    [av_hr class='custom' height='30' width='800' position='center']

    in reply to: title aligning #568647

    yes, of course:

    youlll see the word Finoven – above the portfolio grid – is aligned at the left

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by yampieters.
    in reply to: set speed sliding text #568577

    ok, it works, thanks

    in reply to: set speed sliding text #567656

    hi ismael,
    yes , this works..but only for the headingtext ‘Finoven”
    the main textblock, coming from the right, is still as speedy
    can i adjust this as well?

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by yampieters.
    in reply to: testimonials #565513

    i ve solved this one, thanks

    in reply to: nice arrow #565011

    im getting along:

    Choose portfolio items
    Add new
    Go to the bottom, add media, add highligt image
    At the right choose your category

    the only thing left: how to get a link from image to page?
    again at ‘add preview text’ (at the bottom)
    click the link icon
    choose your link

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by yampieters.
    in reply to: nice arrow #564990

    helloi yigid, thanks, but…i only see this after dragging and clicking Portfolio Grid…see images below

    i tried to put some images in the category, but than each image does not provide a link opportunity.

    i m not sure how to display the images. i go to portfolio items, make new item, select a category…
    somewhere is see ‘ add Preview images ‘… i get a pic in there…but no results, i only see title blocks, no images at the page

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    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by yampieters.
    in reply to: contact page with map #564876

    solved, there is this google map element

    in reply to: nice arrow #564722

    View post on

    this is exactly what i want.
    how to get this, which element to drag en drop?

    in reply to: single portfolio 2/3 gallery #564707

    got it! just drag down the gallery in Media elements. there youll find the options to get the thumbs under it.

    in reply to: elements client and reactions #564572

    i got it!
    i dragged and dropped it in a content section, but that was wrong.
    just drag and drop the hotspot element and you’re alright!

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by yampieters.
    in reply to: testimonials #564525

    ok, but is the hotspots still working than?

    it tried this, but it did not work. if i choose a 1/1 element and put a background pic in it, it is not even appearing.

    if you go to:

    shortcodes – hotspots

    youll see that one way or another it IS possible to obtain a full width pic including hotspots.

    question is: how?

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by yampieters.
    in reply to: elements client and reactions #564522

    no, this is not a post, its a page.
    above this page i want a full stretch hotspot picture.
    but whatever i choose, even full width, once picked the needed picture,
    the width is everytime adapting to the content.
    but when i visit your enfold site, i see it can be full stretch as well:

    there is unfortunately no full stretch option in your hotspot element list. see imgur image below
    the pic now is 1600px wide, but as you can see it isnt. even if i choose full with it sticks to the content.

    in reply to: nice arrow #564500
    in reply to: combine gallery and slider #564496

    does this link work?
    see private content

    i want this slider , and also the images below it.
    now you either have the slider, without images,
    or the dia-show, WITH the images below, but you have to click for the next picture, its not sliding automatically.

    in reply to: nice arrow #564113

    here , see link, somewhere in the middle i got 8 pics.

    i would like to get the enfold style, like you did in recent work. see second link

    in reply to: testimonials #563795

    wait, now ive seen the option to manage the width.
    an option only occuring when one chooses a new image.
    at the right you can change the size.

    but in the list is not ‘full width ‘ that is splashing the whole page from left to right, is there?

    in reply to: elements client and reactions #563792

    wait, now ive seen the option to manage the width.
    an option only occuring when one chooses a new image.
    at the right you can change the size.

    but in the list is not ‘full width ‘ that is splashing the whole page from left to right, is there?

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by yampieters.
    in reply to: testimonials #563761

    believe me, the one i upload is 1366px x 450 px.
    once uploaded and put in hotspot element it comes out small!

    see link private content: this is the one i use

    below the element is the line;
    Huidig: | Aan breedte content aanpassen |
    in english: current state: adapt to width content
    maybe this has something to do with it, but i can not see any option to change this

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by yampieters.
    in reply to: elements client and reactions #563752

    i think i have solved it.
    see imgur_image.

    the one remaining question concerning the topic is: how to get a top border on the images?
    shrink the image? or get some padding?

    in reply to: elements client and reactions #563413

    ad2: see private content

    in reply to: testimonials #563063

    this pic should be completely full width…

    in reply to: testimonials #563057

    ” To link the images to a new page goto Advanced layout builder > Media Elements > images > Click EDIT icon and add your link.”

    i go to advanced layout – media elements , i see this image icon (the first one…)
    but i need 2 colums of 4 square pics with title under it, and every pic links to his page.

    but i dont know what to choose. every option seems to have a disadvantage.
    when i choose Partner Logo element: yes , here one can link each pic seperately, but the square pics get left and right a white margin suddenly and that is not what i need.
    when i choose masonry there is no link possibilty

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by yampieters.
    in reply to: elements client and reactions #562944

    hello rikard, thanks
    ad2: i ll come to this later
    ad 3: yes.
    in fact i always want to have an option to link images. is it in a gallery , a portfilio, whateve.
    ad4: ok

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