Forum Replies Created
December 23, 2024 at 4:30 pm in reply to: Overlay menu on desktop with vertical tabs instead of accordion #1474185
Thank you.
Have a pleasant end of the year.December 23, 2024 at 10:10 am in reply to: Overlay menu on desktop with vertical tabs instead of accordion #1474170Hi Ismael, thanks –
do you have any idea how to implement – quadmenu – instead of enfold into the menu,
or where I can replace something like that?
We can integrate QuadMenu the following way:<?php if( function_exists( ‘quadmenu’ ) ): ?>
<?php quadmenu(array(‘menu’=> ‘1’, ‘theme’ => ‘default_theme’)); ?>
<?php else: ?>
<nav id=”navigation”>
<?php wp_nav_menu( array( ‘menu’=> ‘1’, ‘theme’ => ‘default_theme’ ) ); ?>
<?php endif; ?>Inspector on p in the footer:
Inspector > Styles css-rules that are shownline-height:1.1em !important line-height:1.65em line-height:1êm
all are not giving the p a line-height of 1.1em and I can not see which class or rule effects or forces line-height to approx 1.65em
Inspector > Computed
says line-height for p is 33px
Thats why I thought its calculated.
I made in advanced styling
<body> line-height 1.1em
I made in Customizer
/* Fonts */
body {line-height:1.1em !important}
but nothing forces p to have a line-height of 1.1em
Ok, got it, had to make another Advanced Styling, extra for p with line-height 1.1em
But still have no idea where enfold takes 1.65em for p
But Advanced Styling helped me out
This worked out.
Thanks a lot.March 5, 2024 at 12:08 pm in reply to: mobile, lazy load, full-site-slideshow, image waits for interaction #1436361ok, solution is – deactivate lazy load in wp rocket on everything, not only on images.
to whome it may concerns.
Actually, not tinypng or imagify or any other plugin can resize and compress webp out of the fly.
@Guenni007 – original scale on alb elements avoids resized images to be delivered, but looks ugly on 3col or post-slider and so on.
Enfold has no option to say – height of the container and image contain cover or image with ratio or whatever.
So, it looks like the only way to get resized and compressed webp images is – dowload from /uploads and resize manually.The action, plugins you suggest only work with jpg and png. None of them can handle webp.
So, is there a solution for images in webp or avif format?
Thank you.Actually, the resize of the images is kind of the problem. The original image (2200px x 1375px) in webp is about 216kb and
then enfold resize the wepb image to – 400×495 – and the image is about 370kb. So, its actually enlarges the size, by resize the image.
Is there a roundabout for enfold to resize images in webp properly?
If i resize the webp image in photoshop to this size, it has only 33kb.
Any solutions for this particular problem in enfold?Yes, because i switched back to ‘scroll with page(default)’ – than it works.
Already tested again with ‘Sticky with curtain effect’ – does not work.
it is not a problem, just for your info.Hi Ismael,
slightly modified to be able to serve the buttons and now its perfect.
Thank you.
As always a pleasure.Hi Ismael,
curtain is disabled now, but you can check
to reproduce the issue – credentials are tested and in private.
Danke.OK, wenn Footer sticky mit curtain effect, dann kein Menü
Jetzt zurück auf Standard und Menu ist da.February 28, 2024 at 3:52 pm in reply to: social media profile email link not working anymore #1435771Looks like under win11 chrome needs an extra extension called Mailto:for Gmail to work.
Now it works.
Thank you.February 28, 2024 at 12:51 pm in reply to: social media profile email link not working anymore #1435736ok, looks like win11 needs some optimization, pfuuu.
No problem on old chrome, mobile – just on my chrome.
Thank you.Perfect, thank you,
works like a charme.February 28, 2024 at 9:00 am in reply to: social media profile email link not working anymore #1435685Ok, its working on firefox,
on my site it is not working on chrome.Hi Rikard,
all good, you can close this topic.ok, to wrap the link – just use a url shortener.
now it there a possibility to wrap the link?
Maybe that works?ok, found out – no problem with e.g. google maps links,
but does not work with a # in the params.thanks, that worked.
zugang backend
Inzwischen schon 4 Installationen mit demselben Problem gefunden.
Was muß ich tun, damit enfold 5.6.6 sein CSS-file lädt?Enfold Child > functions.php
add these lines and change the GTM-Code to your Code.
* Google Tag Manager Head Script
function add_custom_gtm(){
<!– Google Tag Manager –>
new Date().getTime(),event:’gtm.js’});var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],
<!– End Google Tag Manager –>
add_action(‘wp_head’, ‘add_custom_gtm’);
* Google Tag Manager Body Script
function google_tag_manager_body_code() { ?>
<!– Google Tag Manager (noscript) –>
<noscript><iframe src=””
height=”0″ width=”0″ style=”display:none;visibility:hidden”></iframe></noscript>
<!– End Google Tag Manager (noscript) –>
<?php }
add_action( ‘ava_after_body_opening_tag’, ‘google_tag_manager_body_code’, 1);September 1, 2022 at 2:35 pm in reply to: consentmanager und recaptcha erzeugen fehlermeldung und funktioniert nicht #1363485Thank you
August 30, 2022 at 8:47 am in reply to: consentmanager und recaptcha erzeugen fehlermeldung und funktioniert nicht #1363146Hi Ismael,
i want to implement the consentmanager plugin to handle all the cookies. It works fine, only the recaptcha from google does not work on the contact form.
To adjust the default Cookie Behaviour I have only 2 options – activate or deactivate. Even if i try to make the enfold-cookie banner visible (which makes no sense, cause i want the consentmanager) and allow external scripts – recaptcha doesnt work.
I want that the Cookie Handling to be made by the consentmanager plugin. Is this possible? I really hope so, cause i want to implement this plugin on about 30 enfold-sites ;) Otherwise i have to take another plugin for the form.
Any ideas how i can manipulate the cookie handling by enfold? Or deactivate it generally in functions?
Thanks in advance.
add_theme_support( 'avia_supress_cookie_modal_html_creation' );
didnt work either-
This reply was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by
Hi, also double logo on mobile only, also imagify, images are replaced by picture-tag
but – two different markups –
logo 1 = <span class=”logo avia-standard-logo”>
logo 2 = <span class=”subtext avia-standard-logo-sub”>How to get rid from class subtext avia-standard.logo-sub
I mean, sure i can display:none, but thougt you might be interested in this case.
thank perfect, thank you guys and gals.
always a pleasure to learn from you.Yes, thanks. They just got back to us. We changed settings for imagify from –
use <picture> tag
use rewrite rule
So all images on the page are jpg/png, but served threw rewrite as webp.
Thank you.An for all with the same issue i will post the answer from imagify:
Imagify’s “Use <picture> tags” option (the default and likely what you’re currently using) swaps out your page’stags for <picture> tags in order to display WebP images while also providing fallback support for users of older versions of Apple Safari browsers (they don’t support WebP images). If you’re having layout or display issues, this is most often the cause.
To resolve this, you can try switching to the “Use rewrite rules” option in your Imagify plugin settings page as long as you don’t use a CDN, Cloudflare, or certain cache services like Varnish (as these conflict and may cause image display issues, especially in Safari browsers).
It’s worth noting that when using the rewrite rules option, the HTML code of your pages will still show the JPG or PNG versions of images, but the rewrite rules work in the background to actually serve the WebP versions.
You can follow the Rewrite Rules section of this guide to check that WebP images are being served:
In case you can’t use the “Use rewrite rules” option, you could instead try installing the following helper plugin, as it’s possible it could help with this issue (works just by being installed and activated). It’s also possible that it won’t help, but it is worth a try:
If that doesn’t work, you can uninstall the above helper plugin, and instead try to use the following HTML class that can be added to specific images (the logo in your case) to prevent WebP display via <picture> tag replacement for those specific images (the optimized JPG/PNG versions will be displayed instead). If you can add this HTML class to your logo, then the images without any issues can still be displayed in WebP format.
If neither of these can work for you, then it will likely be best to disable WebP display in your Imagify plugin settings page for the time being (you can still keep creating the WebP versions for future use though.
That should resolve the layout/display issues with your logo and will still result in the Optimized JPG/PNG versions being displayed on your pages, so they should still be loading much faster than before they were optimized.
yes, works fine without imagify.
thought maybe you have a quick css.
try to get somebody on imagify.
thanks a lot.hi Rikard,
updated to (manually, otherwise didnt work), no changes are shown.
Login in private
thanks in advance -
This reply was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by