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  • in reply to: Site broken when WooCommerce is activated #1294418

    OK, I’ve been able to fix this. Issue was with the child theme somehow.
    I was able to export the child theme’s customisations, switch to the main theme, re-import those customisations. The site was now working properly without the child theme.
    I then deleted the child theme, reinstalled it, switched to it and restored the customisation backup and everything appears to be OK now.
    I have no idea what happened, maybe it was since the upgrade to 4.8.1 but I thought I would have noticed the problme.
    Anyway, I’ll keep an eye on it and in future will make full site backups before upgrading the theme in case the upgrade breaks something!

    Is there an archive of previous versions of Enfold ? Themeforest only seems to hold the latest version so unless I keep a copy of a new release when it comes out, it seems that future releases remove the ability to download the previous versions.

    in reply to: Site broken when WooCommerce is activated #1294407

    I think it IS related to Enfold after all.
    For ages, I’ve used the child theme function to ensure any customisations (I have a few) were not lost when doing a theme update.
    If I switch to the main Enfold theme (not the child), the site works a lot better even with WooCommerce enabled.
    So there must be something in my customisations (which haven’t changed in months) or the Child theme that breaks once WC is enabled.

    in reply to: Site broken when WooCommerce is activated #1294351

    Apologies, I realised the links to the screenshots weren’t working.

    Site not loading with WC enabled
    Site not loading with WC enabled

    Site loadiing OK with WC disabled
    Site loadiing OK with WC disabled

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by xavbroadcast.

    Many thanks Victoria, all good now, I feel silly realising the function hadn’t been defined!

    Apologies. Admin now!

    Details below Victoria.
    Thank you!

    Hi Victoria,

    Thanks, I have tried this after removing the CSS I had added but it doesn’t seem to work.
    I’ve provided login details in the private section.
    Also, is there any reason why the functions.php method would be preferred to the CSS which I tried which seems to work? I don’t mind whichever I use, but if there’s a technical reason to prefer one approach over the other, it would be good to know.


    in reply to: Easy Slider sizing – should it work for images? #1121884

    I’ve worked around the problem by resizing my images and adding white padding to the jpeg files.
    But if you do have an explanation / fix, please let me know as it will save a lot of additional and annoying media editing / duplication! :)

    in reply to: Adding single products to a (non-product) page #1121675

    Thanks Jordan,
    That works but it looks ugly, nowhere near as elegant as a nice list :)
    I’ll have another play, but might as well do it by categories as it looks a lot prettier.

    in reply to: Remove link on portfolio element again #909066

    Ahh, yes, I see the av-masonry-5 div ID.
    Seems to work now. I still have the hand pointer and the link shown at the bottom, but no effect on clicking. That’ll do for now. Thank you :)

    in reply to: Remove link on portfolio element again #908480

    Hi Victoria,

    Thanks for this, but I can’t seem to get it to work. I changed the code you proposed to #flavours as that’s the masonry table I didn’t want the links to work, but no effect. Just for clarity, it’s the three “flavour” portfolio items I don’t want to be clickable – “lemon drizzle sponge cake”, “Stawberry & Champagne” and “Supreme Vanilla”.

    Am I right in that there’s been a change in Enfold meaning it can no longer be done with CSS alone which was the way the previous post did it? Having to do it via functions.php isn’t a massive problem (will ensure a Child theme is in place for the final install), it’s more just out of curiosity :)
    Thanks again for your help so far.

    in reply to: Remove link on portfolio element again #908098
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Remove link on portfolio element again #907856

    HI Nikko,
    Thanks for the quick response.
    See private content.

    Ah OK. Thanks. I’ll see if I can figure something out.

    For now, I guess I can do it on a post-by-post basis with CSS like
    .post-xxxx .single-product-main-image{width: 100%;}
    Ideally, I’d like to do have all the “custom product boxes” products grouped together so I can have a single capture-all line of CSS and not have to explicitly detail every page each time I add one. But I can’t find any identifier I can use, so maybe updating CSS every time is the only option?

    Thanks for this most elegant fix. Now I can really see the benefit of having child themes and the ability to manually select and override individual files to the main ones in the plugin / themes install.
    All working for me again :)

    in reply to: Strange paragraph issue #763204

    I take it back, it’s not that! I still have the issue in Firefox.
    Also, with the newer version of Enfold with the added Element Preview window, I can see the problem straight from in there. Sometimes, the Element Preview window stays blank (not sure if related or a different issue).

    If I go in the edit window frame, and for example make a carriage return then delete (so no real change), then the element preview updates. I’ve also noticed that I don’t even need to make an edit: just go in and move the cursor arround, and the Element Preview updates. So that would suggest a browser glitch?

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by xavbroadcast.
    in reply to: Strange paragraph issue #763185

    Ooh thanks Mike (and sorry, I had missed your post somehow).
    Yes, I’m using Chrome, and yes, if I look at it with Firefox, it appears OK. I’ll look into this clear cache extension.

    in reply to: Strange paragraph issue #747912

    OK, this is driving me nuts!
    Currently, it’s wrong:

    When I go into the editor, I can see it as a single block of text with no line returns:

    But when I click on it to edit it, the paragraphs magically reappear!

    If I then click on Save then save the actual page, it’s fixed once I refresh the browser view.

    But if I go back into the editor, it still appears as a single block of text.

    And when I make some other changes, it will reappear incorrectly as a single block of text.

    in reply to: Custom shop page with Woocommerce #741826

    Thanks Vinay, managed to get my head around it. :)

    in reply to: Custom shop page with Woocommerce #741693

    Hi Rikard, you can close this ticket.
    Very quick question (off topic, but I’d like to avoid starting a new one): is there an easy way to extract the Avia code from an Enfold site? I’m particularly interested in the coming-soon page you have here:
    I did see someone post the code for a coming-soon page, but it was a different one. I have the debut mode enabled on my site, so it’s easy for me to paste in the avia build stuff. Can you post the code for the current coming-soon one?

    in reply to: Custom shop page with Woocommerce #741479

    OK, it looks like I’ve managed to fix the problem.
    Despite not having a page defined in woocommerce > Products > Display > Shop Page (as it was set to nothing, it had “Select a page…” in faint grey), it would still show the default shop.
    Having changed the Shop page to another page, saved, then deleted the setting so it returns to the “Select a page…”, it’s now working. :)

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