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  • in reply to: Contact Form Bugs #502353

    Problem solved, it was cloudflare that was causing this error with the contact form.

    thank you Ismael.


    in reply to: Contact Form Bugs #497316


    I did do that and above I mentioned that the problem happens after the first text block.

    “On the test page you created in that first block you will see a contact form, text block then contact form. The contact form on the top keeps my email. However the contact form below the text block and at every spot below will reset to the default after I update the page.”


    in reply to: Contact Form Bugs #496898

    Hi Elliott,

    Yes having the contact form all by itself I have confirmed works. For some reason when it is used on the page it does not work. I just spent the past 20 minutes rebuilding the page 1 element at a time and put my email address and chose light transparent in the contact form, saved it. Updated the page and same error occurs.

    After testing every possible spot on the page where the contact form could be I have isolated the block that is causing the contact form to not work. On the test page you created in that first block you will see a contact form, text block then contact form. The contact form on the top keeps my email. However the contact form below the text block and at every spot below will reset to the default after I update the page.

    I created a test2 page and removed those blocks out of the 1/1 layout to see if that was the problem but it is not the issue. Still the contact forms below that text block reset to default after update.

    Please advise.


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by wmsgeorge.

    Cool. Everything was close to working. When I added that margin left to be 0 it fixed the alignment on mobile devices but then made all the videos right next to each other on the desktop version. Bummer. I will deal with the misalignment if there is no fix, thank you all for all your help.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by wmsgeorge.
    in reply to: Easy Video Suite Embed Breaks Text Block #454160

    Awesome! I didn’t even notice the code block. Thank you for helping me out. I like to use as few plugins as possible on my sites so this is awesome! Thank you Josue.

    Hey Yigit, Thank you. The code you provided helped make the website look proper on my phone now. I added the other two sections which you can see below. Is that correct though?

    Also, I noticed 2 things

    1 – in the sections after the about: the videos are not aligned properly. They look pushed over to the right.

    2 – just over the mobile phone px size the videos are all still squeezed together after the about section. But the responsiveness in the top 2 sections is working perfectly still.

    Do I need another css function for another size as well?

    @media only screen and (max-width: 480px) {
    div .av_one_third {
      width: 100%;
    div .av_one_half {
      width: 100%;
    div .av_one_fourth {
      width: 100%;
    in reply to: Easy Video Suite Embed Breaks Text Block #454122
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Easy Video Suite Embed Breaks Text Block #452697

    Hi Ismael,

    I think you misunderstood. I wasn’t using a plugin initially to embed the video code. I setup my layout in 1/3 and then placed a text box in each 1/3 area. Opened the text box and pasted the embed code of my video which is from Easy Video Suite, saved the text box and then moved to the second text box.

    Opened that text box and nothing would work. Couldn’t see source code, couldn’t see text, nothing. Go back to the first text box where I pasted the embed code and in there also couldn’t see anything.

    I then found a plugin to use for easy video suite videos, installed that and used that to paste the embed code of the videos in. Then everything worked again.

    So the problem is happening if someone uses the embed code of easy video suite videos directly into a text box.

    I wouldn’t use the default editor because I needed to have the layout specifically done in 1/3 and not sure how to do that in the default editor, so I was using advanced layout editor.

    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: AV Google Map Just Stopped Working #350597

    okay after some researching I found the problem. The google_maps.php file was missing from the config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes folder online. Why? no idea. It was there when I built the pages. Anyway, it’s fixed now but just a heads up that these files randomly disappeared on me and I really don’t know why.

    in reply to: Admin Menu Broken #238431

    Hello, is anyone available to help? Please advise.

    in reply to: Slider Not Working Again #163023

    Thank you Yigit, how did you find that? Did you do inspect element and check? I only ask so that I can troubleshoot errors like this on my own before contacting support. Thank you again.

    in reply to: Slider Not Working Again #163013

    I switched the slider out to the easy slider instead of the advanced layer slider so something would work until I heard from support. Currently I put the layered slider back so now you can check in all browsers and see that it is not working. Thank you.

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