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  • Thank you.
    I feel like a bonehead. That’s pretty simple.
    Will look at it tomorrow after getting some sleep!

    Resolved & close.

    I agree with Jerremy-W.

    It would be great to have two default sizes to choose from with the Icon List size. Small and Large. Or, maybe three sizes (small, med, large). With large being the current CSS settings. Right now if you have any more than 5 (or so) bullet point items on a list, the Icon List becomes rather dominating on the page. It will almost fill an entire screen height. The option is to spread it among more columns, but that starts to clutter and remove white space and is less of an option if you have a sidebar in the page.

    I was going to dive into the CSS to see about resizing everything. It’s on my to do list, but if you know of a hack in the CSS to share that will resize the round Icons and the connected dotted line, this would be great. I would think scaling EM sizes might be a rather easy task, but just haven’t investigated where the CSS is buried.

    I won’t hijack Jerremy’s thread, but I thought I would chime in with a thumbs up if this is what he’s asking for.

    in reply to: Change background canvas color DIV on Masonry #180283

    1. Thanks so much for this. This is close to what I need and pointed me in the right direction. It worked but only affected the inside background and not the parent ID that wraps around the .av-masonry-container. So the inside background was red, but it has a 15-20 pixel white border circling the entire canvas of thumbnails. I removed your class and added a background property to the parent ID which in my situation which was: #av-masonry-1. It filled in everything including the inner child class .av-masonry-container

    If someone else reads this post, I would imagine the parent ID’s are named chronologically based on how many instances of the Masonry gallery you’ve embedded inside your site. I’m making an assumption here because I only have one Masonry gallery at the moment. So root around in your code and look for the parent ID name and I imagine it will work for you.

    2. Yigit, I will submit a request. Thanks for the link.
    Mark resolved and close thread.

    in reply to: Moving breadcrumbs to underneath the page title #180020

    @mayerkim87 Lookup the Firebug addon for the Firefox browser. It resides in the browser toolbar and gives a host of tools for viewing what’s happening in the browser. You can mouseover images and elements and the CSS rules will be highlighted in a sidebar window in your browser. I would suggest you watch some Youtube tutorials about how to use it first because it can be a tad daunting until you know what you’re looking for. I know CSS pretty dang well and it can still be a bit difficult to figure out nested rules like you have in Enfold. Without Firefox or some other tool, you are truly wasting a bunch of time shooting in the dark.

    in reply to: No answer needed delete topic #179940

    No issues. Just taking a stab at some geek humor admiring your new masonary layout. Good job on the design.

    TY so much for your input. I was wondering if I was missing something.

    Transparency is pretty popular because of the depth it adds. Here’s a thought for you folks. Maybe you could bundle a bunch of opacitized images in black and white rgb values on the back end of the theme. I know you are geared towards full CSS, but IE simply is terrible about transparency. Maybe a dropdown menu could fill in the CSS background properties for folks.

    Just a thought. This is not a request because I already have my own classes setup and a system for doing this. I make a bg 5px by 5px and use values stepped at 10% intervals: IE 10%, 20%, 30% and so forth…. I preview using a browser that supports RGBA and decide what looks best, then I insert the bg image in lieu of RGBA. Just gotta luv IE!

    Do you have CSS code that renders reliably in IE? Specifically version 8 and below. RGBA is not recognized and everything turns out solid white with your example above. Unfortunately, there’s still a lot of folks using IE 8. I could upload a transparent png as a BG image, but that seems a little old school.

    Pie is only reliable in a handful of scenarios
    And rgb fallback for IE has it’s own caveats:

    And HSLa is not supported either, but here’s a nifty little tool for defining HSLa values here:

    Q. Is there a filter that is reliable in IE for transparencies?

    I still use old school .pngs with an alpha opacity. More work, but it works. I usually make a bunch of bg’s at the beginning of a web project in both white and black shades with preset percentage levels. A good CSS option for IE would be welcome info though. Maybe I should know this, but I’m sorry to say that I don’t.

    Nope. The files are not corrupt. You are misguiding him with your advice to re-download the entire package. The javascript files are simply not there, or for some highly odd reason, they vaporize in thin air from the inside of a zip file upon download. They simply don’t exist in the folder. Go look for yourself. The PHP error message in his screenshot tell you the story and exactly where to look. It will take you a few seconds with a wildcard *.js search on your local computer to confirm this. We have the same PHP error messages here with three downloads from two different versions of Enfold. I would suggest you also look for other missing javascript files too. Because there’s more than one that’s missing in action.

    When you replace the missing files, it sure would be good to give an announcement to your customer base in some fashion. Fortunately, the javascript files are not major features to the slider plugin and don’t affect the entire theme much. It still works, but lacks customization in areas and some of the buttons don’t fire the appropriate javascript functions due to the missing scripts.

    in reply to: Can I remove the menu from just one page using CSS? #176501

    Thanks so much Michael,
    Pretty pooped right now, but I will give that a poke later with a fresh mind and fresh coffee. It makes sense now because I saw some of the custom CSS ID’s in Firebug and was going to look at that, but there were so many cross outs in the CSS that it can be difficult to see which rules have precedence.

    I assume this will be the same if clean URL’s are used in lieu of page ID’s. If not, at least I know where to look now. I notice it took a member to comment before a support staff did. Thanks for doing this. I had plenty of info and screen captures in my other thread to explain things too.

    Thanks again.

    in reply to: Remove top nav menu selected pages #176490
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    in reply to: Remove top nav menu selected pages #176483

    This is cut and paste of my post below from this thread here:


    I have the same exact questions asked about six or seven hours ago and have no input.

    This seems like a pretty basic thing to do on a website. I want a landing page with a boxed layout and NO menu at the top and I’ve had to jump through serious hoops to get it going. I am working with your default demo site and data and haven’t added a thing to the databases with respect to custom content for the test page.

    I’ve got it working using if/else conditional statements in the header file using if ( is_page( 2345 ) )
    The menu is now gone, but the CSS is still writing an empty block (without href links). The block is the exact same pixel dimensions as if $nav
    is still being echoed. So somewhere a CSS property is still affecting the Div that held $nav.. It’s either that, or some padding-top or margin-top is
    being written to a wrapper Div or an adjacent DIV just below where $nav would reside in the header. If you read my other thread, you will
    see a screen shot where the background CSS Properties disappears. Probably because #wrap-all fills the screen width at 100%.

    Manual edits to the CSS were necessary to make the background spring to life again for both the boxed and unboxed layouts as follows:

    background: #000000 url(http://localhost/enfoldtest/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/asphalt_background_spotlight_upper_left_01.jpg) no-repeat fixed top center;
    background: #000000 url(http://localhost/enfoldtest/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/asphalt_background_spotlight_upper_left_01.jpg) no-repeat fixed top center;

    But I’m still left with the large empty white area where $nav would appear. Need to get rid of that.

    This sure is a major amount of hoops to jump through to remove $nav from a boxed layout so that you have a bonafide splash page or landing page without presenting a full blown menu to a first time site visitor. Sometimes you don’t want to sell the whole enchilada to a first time visitor. If you present too much information they may loose patience with the options, bail on your site and never call you for business. Sometimes less is more. And I haven’t even brought up the aspect of using small code blocks and HTML pages for presentation in popup light boxes. Things like registration forms, product detail popups and Ajax update forms for underlying pages. There are so many reasons why you wouldn’t want a menu to appear it’s silly.

    My intention was not to hijack this post, but it appears that my earlier post asking the exact same question with my three detailed posts with a screenshot was unanswered and skipped. Not even a salutation, or I’ll get back with you like you’ve done here. Every post around mine had a relatively polite reply except mine. Pretty odd. Meanwhile I’ve spent hours and hours hacking through your backend to see how it works for a pretty simple thing.

    Sorry mgma. I will post in my other thread and hopefully get an answer to what we are both trying to achieve.

    in reply to: Can I remove the menu from just one page using CSS? #176479

    I have the same exact questions asked about six or seven hours ago and have no input.

    This seems like a pretty basic thing to do on a website. I want a landing page with a boxed layout and NO menu at the top and I’ve had to jump through serious hoops to get it going. I am working with your default demo site and data and haven’t added a thing to the databases with respect to custom content for the test page.

    I’ve got it working using if/else conditional statements in the header file using if ( is_page( 2345 ) )
    The menu is now gone, but the CSS is still writing an empty block (without href links). The block is the exact same pixel dimensions as if $nav
    is still being echoed. So somewhere a CSS property is still affecting the Div that held $nav.. It’s either that, or some padding-top or margin-top is
    being written to a wrapper Div or an adjacent DIV just below where $nav would reside in the header. If you read my other thread, you will
    see a screen shot where the background CSS Properties disappears. Probably because #wrap-all fills the screen width at 100%.

    Manual edits to the CSS were necessary to make the background spring to life again for both the boxed and unboxed layouts as follows:

    background: #000000 url(http://localhost/enfoldtest/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/asphalt_background_spotlight_upper_left_01.jpg) no-repeat fixed top center;
    background: #000000 url(http://localhost/enfoldtest/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/asphalt_background_spotlight_upper_left_01.jpg) no-repeat fixed top center;

    But I’m still left with the large empty white area where $nav would appear. Need to get rid of that.

    This sure is a major amount of hoops to jump through to remove $nav from a boxed layout so that you have a bonafide splash page or landing page without presenting a full blown menu to a first time site visitor. Sometimes you don’t want to sell the whole enchilada to a first time visitor. If you present too much information they may loose patience with the options, bail on your site and never call you for business. Sometimes less is more. And I haven’t even brought up the aspect of using small code blocks and HTML pages for presentation in popup light boxes. Things like registration forms, product detail popups and Ajax update forms for underlying pages. There are so many reasons why you wouldn’t want a menu to appear it’s silly.

    My intention was not to hijack this post, but it appears that my earlier post asking the exact same question with my three detailed posts with a screenshot was unanswered and skipped. Not even a salutation, or I’ll get back with you like you’ve done here. Every post around mine had a relatively polite reply except mine. Pretty odd. Meanwhile I’ve spent hours and hours hacking through your backend to see how it works for a pretty simple thing.

    Sorry mgma. I will post in my other thread and hopefully get an answer to what we are both trying to achieve.

    in reply to: How can i search only in enfold support forum? #176383


    in reply to: Remove top nav menu selected pages #176333
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    in reply to: Remove top nav menu selected pages #176327

    Well, the feature I am asking about is pre-built into your template and it works as described. But unfortunately if selecting a Template attribute of Blank – No Header, no Footer, the entire page background turns white when using a “boxed” layout. For example, using Boxed Grunge, the entire grunge background disappears and the underlying page color behind that BG image is now white. Hard coding custom edits to the css changes nothing either. Manually adding the background properties to HTML.html_boxed does not affect the page. And of course any edits to the BODY CSS property will not be recognized because your template outputs the following <html lang="en-US" class=" html_boxed responsive "> just after the DOC type declaration.

    Is this intended or a bug?

    It is easy to replicate and check on your end with your default installation of data. Which is what we are working with. Two clicks and you’ll see the bug that I’m talking about. Select Blank as the page layout in the Dashboard Page Editor on your default Portfolio page here –> Home v5: Portfolio Style

    You’ll see quickly for yourself that the background turns white under a Boxed Grunge layout. Poof it’s gone. I haven’t tried on a full page layout, Only Boxed Grunge and Boxed Blue Styling. Same results and errors for Boxed Blue & Grunge.

    Screenshot to follow.

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