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  • in reply to: Enfold Theme Problem: non-JS module / ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED #1428725

    Temporary link is the same as before, I just activated it again.

    Please, try to make edits to the news & events page.. It breaks the connection every single time that Im using the builder and in the inspect, I can see that the error is related to avia builder or similar.

    in reply to: Enfold Theme Problem: non-JS module / ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED #1428723

    Hello Im still having issues with my site. I already tried 3 different browsers, 2 computers, 2 different countries, changing servers, checking DNS, and even changing IP provider.

    I really need a solution. I can not update my pages anymore.

    Hi, im sorry to be a pest but we just did all the requested updates and still having a strong presence with the issue. I just spent 2 hours with Godaddy support to check DNS, servers and others he says that might be related with network issues but its strange because when I turn off Enfold theme.. all works just fine. The problem Im getting now is the same and now its happening when I do edits in the news page, any edit to the image mosaic and it breaks the site showing a black screen with this legend.. also when it comes back, the spinning wheel of the layout editor keeps going for hours.

    This site can’t be unexpectedly closed the connection.

    Checking the connection
    Checking the proxy and the firewall
    Running Windows Network Diagnostics

    Site seems to be missing the main menu, galleries (white wine weekend and others) and more. The version of PHP I upgraded is 8.1 in case it helps. The rest of the info has been updated too as you requested. Hope you can help me out. I don’t know if I should reinstall the latest version of enfold or what to do. BTW.. site is running super fast so it seems like a good move.. now we just need to fix those issues.

    Thank you again

    Hi I did some of the updates and also increased and updated the version of the PHP and it broke some parts of the site, enfold logo is showing and lot of galleries and icons are missing.. I could try to bring it back to the 7.4 php but maybe this could be a reason why its failing?

    Me and my team has been using chrome only, on a PC and on a MAC and the error keeps repeating every single time. The only time it stops is if I deactivate the theme and use another one. I also tried with deactivating most of the plugins just in case and still the same thing. It seems to be related with galleries and images, when we make changes there it almost immediately breaks the connection.

    Any other ideas what could be causing the issue?

    Thank you

    Just added 7 more days same login you have

    thank you!

    This reply has been marked as private.


    I don’t know why that code is there and don’t know how to take it away but we are still receiving a lot of issues on our site with this theme. Now its happening in almost all sites when editing anything after a few minutes it breaks the connection and got that error. You can try the post i mentioned in the private area, make a couple of edits and you’ll see what happens. Ill record a video for you too in a few minutes.

    IS there anything we can do? hope you can help us, we thought that updating the theme would solve that problem but still nothing.

    Thank you!

    Thank you, the requested info is in the private content.

    Every time happens when I make edits in any post or page but particularly right now with the POST called PINOT NOIR FOOD ARTISANS attached link on the private too.. even I created a new page called the same and I got the same problem every single time I make an edit of a text or a photo, works for 30 seconds and I can update the content but then the connection breaks and I have to wait for 5 minutes and automatically it comes back,

    let me know

    thank you

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