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  • Hello Mike,
    thank you very much. Your code did it – I only hat to change it to “margin: 1.5em auto” (otherwise the boxes would have run into each other at the top and bottom without a gap – as shown also in your screenshot) – and I could delete my code for “position relative”.

    Thank you very much. Now there are no more questions left from my support ticket above :-)

    Best regards,

    Hello Ismael,
    I don’t mean the .galerie figure elements, I mean the boxes (#willkommen .box) with the red craft-icons, directly under the first headline – I used flex-columns with coloured backgrund. (please see my first question, Point 4, for more details, or I can send you a screenshot).
    Since I couldn’t get them centered, I offset them to the right with the following code:

    @media screen and (max-width:550px) {
    #willkommen .box {
    	position: relative;
    	left: 15%;

    My question was: Is it possible to make the flex_columns narrower and center them – or is there another way to achieve what I want with an other Avia Element.
    Thank you very much,

    Hi Ismael,
    yes, and I would like to make this one single column narrower (fixed max-width) and center it (with more white space left and right of it). Is this possible or did I use the wrong element for what I want?
    Thanks for your help.

    Dear Mike,
    I hope you had a good start into the new year und wish you all the best :-)
    Thank you very much for the code, this works well and looks great.
    Now only problem No. 4 is left – can you also help me with this?

    Thank you,

    Hello Mike,
    thank you for help. In mobile landscape it looks great now, the “too much space” under the logo is away. So problem No. 1 is solved.
    But in portrait mobile the logo is still much too small – see question No. 2 above, can I use 100% of the width for it?
    And can you also help with question No. 4?
    Thank you in advance.
    Best regards,

    Hey Mike,
    the first line in the private content is the URL, I just forgot to add “http://”, sorry.
    I have tried to include all access data in my first question because would like to finish the project in the next days…
    Thank you for helping.

    in reply to: Advanced Styling not applying any more #1317804

    Hi Rikard,
    thank you very much. I am very relieved that you found the cause.
    Best regards,

    in reply to: Advanced Styling not applying any more #1317579

    Hello Rikard,
    I have already checked the file permissions before opening this post and I checked what happens when I replace my own style.css with an empty style.css – always the same problem. I hope you can find out what the problem/solution is…
    Thank you.
    Best regards,

    in reply to: Advanced Styling not applying any more #1317446

    Hello Rikard,

    nothing specified in the advanced styles settings works. The fonts families and font sizes and everything else. And until the moment I reloaded the advanced styles page everything worked fine!
    I sent you the login details with the first post – please try it yourself – nothing works, even if I try to change the color or anything – the site looks horrible now and it is my own site, I need it.
    Thank you for help.

    in reply to: mobile menu doesn't work (fly out) on iPhone #1294061

    Hi Rikard,
    I am SO SORRY – and I am also shaking my head about spending several hours for working on this “problem” without “success” (on my customer’s phone).

    Shortly: The problem was caused by disabled Javascript on my customer’s iPhone. Now everything is working fine.

    I hope this at least helps others to avoid this or similar problems…

    Best regards,

    in reply to: mobile menu doesn't work (fly out) on iPhone #1293800

    thank you for checking this out. I also could check it on two more older iPhones (from other people I know), also there everything was working fine.

    Please be so kind to hold this thread open for some more days – I want to check if my customer’s problem is caused by wrong local settings of her phone or can be an incompatibility with the Theme and newer iPhones and then I write again.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: mobile menu doesn't work (fly out) on iPhone #1292989

    Hello Rikard,
    great that you work on Easter :-) Thank you very much, but …. the update had no effect. The mobile menu still doesn’t fly out by touching the burger icon.
    Hope you can help.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by web-und-text.

    Sorry cyrilduval (it was to hard for me in English) and thank you again Guenni. But with the variable fonts I want to deal further along the time.
    I solved my problem by uploading Raleway 800 as zip-Archive via the Import-Function of the Enfold Theme and then selected this font (last entry in the list) via Enfold Advanced Styling Settings.
    As a suggestion to the Enfold Developers: It would be very helpful to see in the back-end which styles (weights) of a font are implemented and which are not. – Apart from that I am really happy with Enfold :-)
    So all my problems in this post are solved.

    Hallo Günni, danke für Deinen Hinweis, das klingt sehr interessant, weil ich dann Raleway gar nicht in so vielen verschiedenen Styles laden muss.
    Aber ich bin jetzt seit einer Weile vergeblich am Recherchieren und komme nicht weiter. Deshalb meine Frage: Könntest Du mir das bitte mal “für Dummies” erklären? Ich nutze den Google Webfonts Helper und kann damit auch woff2-Dateien erzeugen. Allerdings nur aus dem jeweils angewählten Schriftschnitt – mir ist also nicht klar, ob ich dann einfach die 400er-woff2 umbenenne in raleway-variable-woff2?
    Dann die Einbindung:
    Wenn ich diese in meinem Child-Theme in dieselbe Hierachie wie mein style.css anlege, im Head der style.css die Schrift lade mit
    @font-face {
    font-family: “Raleway”;
    src: url(“raleway-variable.woff2”)

    und dann in der style.css (wie von Dir angegeben):
    h1 {
    font-variation-settings: ‘wght’ 800 !important;
    tut sich weiterhin nichts. Wäre toll, wenn Du weiterhelfen könntest. Vielen Dank!

    Hello cyrilduval,
    thank you. I also tried it with Quick CSS and “! important”, but it’s the same problem as via custom style.css: The Raleway Font doesn’t work with font weight 800 oder 900. If I understand Victoria right, the Raleway Font is not included with all existing styles in the Enfold Theme.

    The Problem is: The settings of the Avia Layout Architect allow to combine each font family with each font weight – and then in the front end you have the surprise
    a) whether it’s existing AND
    b) whether it’s embedded in the ENFOLD Theme.

    I started a new search in the support forum for the Raleway problem and found the solution to just upload missing styles via the Import-/Export-function of the Avia Layout Architect.

    Hello dear Support Team,

    part of the problems I could figure out for myself:
    1) I removed the background image in the “general styling settings” for the main content and set it for “#main” in my custom CSS. Now the semi-transparent background for the sections are working!!
    2) Removing the “background-size: cover” for “.main_color” the background image for one of my sections also appears now!! Yay :-)

    Now my online problem left are the font weights as shown in the avia settings and the browser “inspector” – would great to get help!!!

    Thank you very much.

    I loaded the images in my dropbox and send you the link as Private Content.
    I hope these images help you to understand my problem.
    Best regards,

    Hello, Victoria,
    how can I attach Screenshots in the post?
    Regards, Antonie

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