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  • in reply to: Site is loading slowly #1442211

    thank you for your effort The results are very interesting.Your cloned site has much more speed, but there I miss the fonts (avant garde gothic) and the header with navigation.
    I understand the preloader issue. Will keep it deactivated, so that the user can see logo and navigation while waiting for other content.

    We have shared hosting at a big provider and the hosting package is a premium one. I dont know if they have server caching. I suggest you have a better server package. But I also created a test-html on my own server (also shared hosting, but another provider). Please see the html in private content.

    At the moment the site is loading quite ok with the caching-plugin. We want to show it to the customer, so I deleted your wp-account for the moment. If I have further questions, will come back to you.
    Thank you again.

    Best regards

    • This reply was modified 7 months, 2 weeks ago by vthie.
    in reply to: Site is loading slowly #1441476

    Thank you for your time and reply.

    Please see private content the login. But I have an idea: the videos are loading with status 206 (partial content).

    What do you think about the prelaoding issue?

    BR Vera

    in reply to: Site is loading slowly #1441472

    I noticed a strange behavior: after deactivation the page preloading, the site is loading much more better!
    The issue with the double loading video isn’t solved. Any idea why the backround-videos are loading for 2 times? Each video is only integrated once.

    in reply to: Site is loading slowly #1441291

    Hi Mike,
    thank you very much for your advice.
    I started a few tests and modifications: files merged, shortpixel optimized. Result: hm…
    The Mainpage with now no videos is still loading very slowly. Other pages with videos are of course more slowly.

    Another site we created a few months ago with enfold (we always use enfold since years!) is loading much more better although there is also an autorun background video in the main section. But the testing showed, that this video is also loading 2 times? (

    loading very good with video:
    loading not good without video on mainpage:

    If you want, I can give you a temp account to wordpress.

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 7 months, 3 weeks ago by vthie.
    in reply to: Site is loading slowly #1441209

    Hi Mike,
    thank you for your answer and your time.
    Backend is loading ok.
    My only Plugins: super cache, short pixel, updraft plus. Should I really disable them? Then the page will load much longer.

    Page preloading is enabled.

    The page is now loading but still very slowly. Couldt you please try to check it again? I removed the mainvideo.

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 7 months, 3 weeks ago by vthie.
    in reply to: Site is loading slowly #1441041

    can please anyone take a look at this site:
    why is it so slowly?
    BR, Vera

    in reply to: ALB deletes html in .team-member-name #1399137

    Guenni007, thank you, that’s great!
    I was lazy and tried to solve it with only span and css, but with class = yes!
    Best regards

    in reply to: ALB deletes html in .team-member-name #1399129

    Sorry, It’s solved. span does not work, but b = <b>
    KR, Vera

    Hi all,
    I had a strange issue: Transfered Website (Enfold 4.8.1. – WP 5.5.3 – everything worked, also contact form) from dev (php 7.3) to live (php 7.4)-Server.
    On live: Contact form didn’t work (no success and no sending email).
    Then updated to WP 5.7. Contact form didn’t work.
    Compared the php-versions. Changed php on live-server to 7.3. = contact form worked!
    Anybody the same problem? :-)

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Mobile Menu with touch not working #1096494

    Thank you, Victoria.
    I removed the booking widget on the live-site and informed the developer of the widget.
    You can close the thread imo.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Mobile Menu with touch not working #1094430

    Hi Victoria,
    thank you for your reply and the screenshot. I changed the live system where the issue was a too big fail.
    As I posted on #1094108 I detected the bad guy: It was a included booking widget. You can see the effect on the dev-system (please see private content link).
    Kind regards,

    in reply to: Mobile Menu with touch not working #1094108

    I have detected the problem. We have a booking widget on site which is the bad guy. Try to contact the owner of the widget. Thanks for your quick support.

    in reply to: Mobile Menu with touch not working #1094027
    This reply has been marked as private.
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