ok that work around would do. Please help me with the CSS that i can use
Best regards
Victor J
Hi changeing the specificity of the css did the trick, However it did nit be able ti change the coloring of the input background as it were overwritten by the base.css and needed to be changed from the styling in the base.css.
Will it be easier if going with a child theme of the enfold or will that not make any change in to how the css works?
those seams not to work as my i think they get to low specificity number, i get the base to overwrite the css in all cases
it works if i remove the input type[text] in the base css. however that will effect all the forms on the site which i dont want to .
if i create more specific css lilke input then it will only change all the input field or do you mean
<div id=”#frmSS3_optin”> {
some code
i know that rule, however its seams ineffective to have to add this to every CSS shown in the code. is there not other way you can priories this so its not overrides by the base.css like if a custom.css is made then it overrides the base.css.
Victor Johansson