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  • @olifant551 ‘“ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined”’
    Please check, that you have disabled “load jQuery in footer” (Enfold – Performance). That was my problem concerning this issue (it was enabled). After disabling it, it works very fine.

    Yours, Thomas

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by venolab.

    Update: the problem is solved. After again a few hours thinking about it, I found the error.

    I have to disable “load jquery in footer”. Now, it looks fine.

    Thanks again @guenni007 for your solution!

    Yours, Thomas

    in reply to: Difference frontend – backend when inserting code #1183028

    yes, you can close this ticket.

    Thanks again!

    in reply to: Difference frontend – backend when inserting code #1182973

    Update: I re-enabled the Autoptimize-plugin and the problem re-occurred, concerning the non-loaded background image of the seal.
    So, the solution is very simple: Just exclude the loading image


    from lazy-loading… dropbox

    in reply to: Difference frontend – backend when inserting code #1182967

    Hi Mike,

    thank you very much for your help! Everything works fine.

    With best regards, Thomas

    in reply to: Difference frontend – backend when inserting code #1182701

    Hi Victoria,

    I’ve disabled the Autoptimize-plugin. See credentials below.

    Thank you.

    in reply to: Contact form doesn't work #1173642

    Also look here:

    I had the same problem (I’m using Gravity Forms). The problem occured due to the WP-own smtp. I completely solved this problem using this plugin WP Mail SMTP.

    Yours, Thomas

    in reply to: Kontaktformular versendet keine Emails #1173453

    I had a similar problem with my page. Emails weren’t sent anymore – appr. after 2020/01/01. When researching the problem, it turned out, that only mails were sent when I write in a mail-adress from my own domain. Mail-Adresses from other domains didn’t work.

    Well, I’ve installed the following plugin WP Mail SMTP. Now, everything works very fine!

    Yours, Thomas

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by venolab.
    in reply to: Borlabs Cookie plugin and Google Maps element #1159872

    Hi @madsonic,

    yes, it worked at my site. And this very well. I did the recommended steps shown in the video.

    But now things changed concerning my site and GDPR. I’ve talked with a good friend, who is a professional concerning data protection (esp. regarding german laws). So, he is the opinion, that – for now! – you don’t need a content blocker (regarding google maps) absolutely necessary. It’s sufficient to refer to the loading content (GM) in your data protection site. This is possible due to the different opinions of the data protection commissioners (country level). A discrete law, which regulates this topic isn’t available yet.

    On the other site: He told me, that the descriptions in my cookie box weren’t really good. So, you have to explain, what are really necessary cookies (really explain what they’re for), which external content is really blocked (so, you have to explain GM, YT and so on). The aim is to really inform the customer – not in a technical way rather in a clear, vivid way – so that he is available to give his informed consent.

    Conclusions for my site: I’ve deleted the borlabs cookie plugin. The content (GM) is loading and I explicit point that at my data protection site. That’s it.

    PS: I also banned external things like google analytics, google fonts etc.

    in reply to: Header logo doesn't work anymore #1156855


    I found a solution to exclude pictures (f.e. and recommended logos) from optimization and delivering via CDN when using ShortPixel-plugin together with Autoptimize plugin:

    Like shown here ShortPixel Helpscouts just add this code to your functions.php (I didn’t use the described plugin) and set in the filenames (also working with paths) of your pictures you don’t want to optimize.

    function imgopt_excl() {
    return 'some-image.png, another-image.jpg';

    For now, everything is fine and it works :)))

    in reply to: Header logo doesn't work anymore #1156831

    I’ve solved both main problems. Deactivating the autoptimize-plugin was the key.

    ad 1.) I’ve enabled lazy load. Don’t ask me why, but it shows the first effects (seen on logo) after deactivating the mentioned plugins (GM and Borlabs)
    Now I’ve excluded both logos from lazy loading.

    ad 2.) I’ve also enabled “delibvering pictures over the ShortPixel CDN”. Somehow, this causes a cropping of my primary logo, so that the following content slides up. This caused the overlay of my primary logo.

    Now I try to exclude both logos from delivering via CDN. Does anybody has a solution for that?

    Yours, Thomas

    in reply to: grid row element fullwidth #1153574

    Still one question: It works very fine on desktop and tablet size. But when switching on phone size, there is a white edge displayed.

    How can I fix it?

    Thank you!

    in reply to: grid row element fullwidth #1153569

    Thank you Rikard,

    that works fine!

    Yours, Thomas

    in reply to: Borlabs Cookie plugin and Google Maps element #1153568


    sorry for the late reply – it was a busy day.

    Thanks @Guenni007 for this solution. I didn’t thought that easy way ;).

    What is my current solution: The Borlabs Cookie plugin isn’t able to block the GoogleMaps content inside the ALB element. Then I tried it with the plugin WP Google Maps from Codecabin. But that also doesn’t work aside the BorlabsCookie (citation: “That won’t work with that ruined JavaScript.”). They recommend the use of the following plugin: WP Google Map.

    Than you have to do some work inside Borlabs Cookie. Just watch their tutorial (in German): After doing this, I additional installed the following plugin to allow nested shortcodes:

    And now everything Works very fine and in complete accordance to the DSGVO resp. GDPR. When you select “accept all cookies/content”, the maps will be shown immediately. When you don’t want to allow external content, the maps are blocked and there is a placeholder. However, when you want to reload the maps, you have the possibility to select and enable it.

    I’m happy, that now everything works fine. That costs me some hours of brood and trial and error.

    Yours, Thomas

    in reply to: Borlabs Cookie plugin and Google Maps element #1153426

    Hi Jordan,

    yes, I’ve mentioned thought. I found a solution an an other way that fixed my problem.

    Yours, Thomas

    Hi Victoria,

    that works very fine!!! Thanks a lot for your efforts.

    Have a nice day and weekend. Yours, Thomas

    in reply to: different margin of elements (responsive) #1153323

    Hi Victoria,

    thank you! Now that’s right and it works fine.

    Yours, Thomas

    in reply to: different margin of elements (responsive) #1153162

    I’ve Set the concerning elements with a custom css-class “mobile-margin”.

    Then I’ve tried this code:

    @media only screen and (max-width:767px)
    .mobile-margin {
    margin-top:-10px !important;

    But unfortunately it doesn’t work.

    in reply to: grid row gradient color over multiple sections #1153161

    Thanks a lot for your explanation. The code Works well – thanks again!

    This thread can be closed.

    in reply to: different margin of elements (responsive) #1152894

    Hi Victoria,

    the site is still under construction. You can see the mentioned things in the screenshots: –> Dropbox

    As you can see, the box covers up the image above in phone-mode. So, it is possible to reduce the negative margin dependent of the screen size?

    Thank you. Yours, Thomas.

    PS: Do you a need a login?

    in reply to: grid row gradient color over multiple sections #1152879

    Hi Guenni,

    you`re awesome!!!! Thanks a lot – that solved my problem!

    <blockquote>but you see on my testpage – that there is a whole image as background to both grid elements?</blockquote>

    No, I didn’t. 😬

    I’ve changed the code in that (just for other readers of this thread):

    .with-background-image {
        background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(35deg,#f4c695 0%,#b7885f 100%);
        background-image: linear-gradient(55deg, #f4c695 0%, #b7885f 100%);
        background-repeat: no-repeat;
        background-size: cover;
        background-position: top center;

    But I have still one question concerning the css-code: Why are there two details about the angle (35 deg and 55 deg)? I would have guessed to Set it up to 45 deg, based on a gradient from left bottom to the right top?!

    Thanks a lot again!!!

    Yours, Thomas

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by venolab.
    in reply to: grid row gradient color over multiple sections #1152706

    Hi Guenni,

    thanks for your reply. I think, I mean something different.

    Here, you can See a screenshot. –> Dropbox There are to sections. In the left section, there is an image shown. Now, I want to have a color gradient from the left edge to the right edge – so to say fullwidth.

    you know how to set in quick css a background-image ( Gradient ) ?

    No, not yet. I think, I had solved this (assuming I got it right) in Photoshop.

    Yours, Thomas

    in reply to: grid row gradient color over multiple sections #1152659

    Hi Jordan,

    the site is still in coming-soon-mode. Below you can find the link and account Information.


    in reply to: background/font color in mobile menu #1147585

    Hi Mike,

    thank you very much!!!

    Everything works fine – I’m happy!

    Wishing you a nice sunday afternoon and a nice upcoming week.

    Best regards, Thomas

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by venolab.
    in reply to: background/font color in mobile menu #1147573

    Hi Mike,

    thanks a lot! That works very well!
    But there are still some small issues (screenshots here:
    – when hovering over the main menu, the font color is white. So, that’s white font and white background.
    – when hovering over a menu point and there’s a sub-page, then everything is fine with the “upper” page. But same point (see above) when hovering over other pages. The main site is then again with dark color and dark background when not hovering.

    Thank you for your efforts!

    Best regards, Thomas

    in reply to: Fullscreen-slider not responsive in mobile (portrait mode) #1147431

    Hi Ismael,

    thanks a lot for your reply.

    So, Ive misunderstood the “fullscreen”-slider. Of course, I mean the fullwidth-slider. Now, I this slider it and everything is fine.

    Thank you and have a nice day…

    Best regards, Thomas

    in reply to: customize height of elements in contact form #1146775


    so, call it a spleen of mine ;) I’d like to have things in line. But you’re right, that’s quite impossible to align it for all aspects of displays. Now I’M aware of it.

    There are quite other (bigger) issues I have to solve – with your help, of course.

    So, you can close this ticket.

    Thanks a lot.

    in reply to: Fullscreen-slider not responsive in mobile (portrait mode) #1146774

    Hi Ismael,

    I’d like to have a fullscreen image (filled from edge to edge). So the image should be shown in its entirely width. It works very well in landscape mode. So I want to see an uncutted image also in portrait mode.

    On my landing page there is also a fullscreen slider built in. Here it works fine.


    Best regards, Thomas

    in reply to: customize height of elements in contact form #1146262

    Yes, now added to the top, cleared cache a few times and restartend my computer. I set the value at 479px to see a big change, but nothing occured. 🤷‍♂️

    I’ using safari (macOS and iOS). Here you can See three screenshots.

    Yes, I mean the picture with the child and the doctor.The upper one is a fullscreen-slider and the lower one is a “normal” slider.

    As you can See, in portrait mode the image is cut left and ride. Turning the phone into landscape –> the image is shown in fullscreen.

    Best regards, Thomas

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