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  • in reply to: category alignment #1330706

    Hi Ismael,

    thank you for your answer, yes i tried that. It did not find the solution. Here is the picture again: sorry for the mistake. I would like to have the categories displayed like in the picture above. Currently it looks like this :
    It showes all double times. Why is that?

    Thank you very much :)

    All the best,

    in reply to: logo in burger menu #1326240


    we are not there yet, I tried this

    #av-burger-menu-ul {
    padding: 112px 0px;
    padding-top: 50px;

    but it is not working. Any suggestions?

    Best regards,

    in reply to: logo in burger menu #1326214

    Hi Mike,

    great help as always! It looks devine. I customized it a bit, and unfortunately I don’t know how to shift it up. Like this:

    Any recommendations?

    Thank you

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Sticky search-dropdown #1326213

    Hi Mike,

    thank you very much for your help :) it look perfect

    Best regards,

    in reply to: masonry grid #1326183


    You are great! thank you so much :)

    in reply to: Sticky search-dropdown #1326180

    Hi Mike,

    thanks for the fast response. Unfortunately it is doing weird stuff when clicking the burger menu and the search icon. the whole page is grey.

    View post on

    Any suggestions?

    Veronika ^^

    in reply to: masonry grid #1326156

    Hi Nikko,

    unfortunately nothing happens. :/
    Any ideas left?

    thank you,

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    in reply to: masonry grid #1325567

    Hi Yigit,

    thank you so much, that worked exactly as I imagined, unfortunately I noticed a column right next to the pictures and I can’t remove it. Any ideas?

    thank you,

    in reply to: masonry grid #1324370

    Hi Nikko,

    thanks for the fast reply, it is a „all posts-unofficial“ Page. I had two, but I deleted the unnecessary one, now. I hope it helped.


    in reply to: how to add an internal link to a symbol #1317965

    Hi dear Kriesi-Team,

    you can close this question. It was a stupid question. Thank you for your work! we love this support!

    all the best,

    in reply to: Plugin Problem with the theme #1317856

    Hi Nikko,

    Could you please tell me how you post something in a draft mode? I’m kinda lost right now. I create blog posts with the page builder “elementor”. I made a video, maybe this is the best way, to show you how I did it. Do you have maybe a tip for me, how to improve the work? I am very thankful for any advice :)

    All the best,

    in reply to: Plugin Problem with the theme #1317728

    Hi Nikko,

    I´m sending you a private access. Could you please check it again? Thank you very much.

    all the best,

    in reply to: Plugin Problem with the theme #1317592

    Hi Rikard,

    thank you for your time. I contacted the developer and I’ve got this message for you:

    „Hi there! Does the Enfold theme enqueue a script for Flickity? If so, please could you confirm the ID used to enqueue it? I am using a plugin which also enqueues Flickity and it is causing some issues, so I need to dequeue it on the theme.“

    I hope, it is helpful,

    All the best,

    in reply to: Plugin Problem with the theme #1315123

    Hi Rikard,

    I have a problem with the plugin “Shopr”. I’m trying to build a shop-here section, where I show my readers products, and links to buy the recommended items. I already contacted the service from “Shopr” and I was told, that unfortunately, something in my theme ( enfold) is blocking the plug in, from working correctly. Could you please try to locate the error and help me out?

    All the best,

    in reply to: Logo in the Sockel #1296693

    thank you Rikard

    in reply to: transparent burger menu #1296692

    thank you very much, for your help and your time

    in reply to: Logo in the Sockel #1295350
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: transparent burger menu #1295346

    Hi Rikard,

    unfortunately, the code did not work. What else could I try?


    in reply to: Logo in the Sockel #1295341

    Hi Rikard,

    thank you very much for the code. Although now the “©Copyright Verasweek 2021” is on the right side, is It possible to have it on the left side, right before the links?

    So that only one thing stays on the right side: “powered by Enfold WordPress Theme”

    Thank you so much for your time and effort.


    in reply to: Widget: Gestaltung #1279594

    Hie Victoria,

    I figured out, I can just drag and drop it :) thank you

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Widget: Gestaltung #1279268

    Hi Victoria,

    thank you, but unfortunately my settings are still on the left side
    My settings: Use WP Classic editor

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Widget: Gestaltung #1278771

    I found it actually over here, so my question is, how can I switch it to the right editor? :) thank you for your time

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    in reply to: Widget: Gestaltung #1278721

    Sorry, here the right URL

    in reply to: how to add an internal link to a symbol #1175913

    I tried to insert a symbol and enter the link in the title link window but it just never works, even if I link google for example. However, it only does not work on the PC. It works on the iPhone.Thx

    in reply to: optimize the burger menu #1132309

    Hi Rikard,
    yes, yes you can close it. Thank you.


    in reply to: optimize the burger menu #1127696


    i already solved it:

    .av-hamburger-inner::after {

    thx for your help


    in reply to: optimize the burger menu #1127689

    its not working but it descirbes, something what i would like to do, could somebody tell me, why this code isn´t working please ?


    in reply to: optimize the burger menu #1127675

    Hi Rikard,
    thx for your code. It only changed the width but what i would like to do is, to make the indivual liens a bit thicker noch wider. thx.

    best regards,

    PS: i found this code online :

    {padding-left: -5px !important;
    padding-right: 0px !important;
    background: linear-gradient(to top,}

    {top: 0px!important;}


    {width: 50px!important;}

    would it crash my site or should i use it ?

    in reply to: optimize the burger menu #1124927

    Hi Victoria,

    I would like to change the width and the size of the lines in the burger menu.
    I ´d like to customize the burger.
    Thx for the fast reply.


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