Forum Replies Created
Thank you Andreas!
Thank you!
I use sabaidiscuss plugin. I do not want users to open images in new window.
Hello Yigit!
Thank you! And how disable image urls?Thank you!
Hello Ismael! hm… I did not mean it. I want to deactivate photo preview because it conflicts with other plugin.
Thank you! And what about second question?
Thank you! But nothing changed. I think I will found the answer of 1 question.
Maybe the problem is that the folder / uploads (in my case) is in another domain?
Thank you!
Your code changes all lists in page. I use it:
.sabai-wordpress-widget-entries > li { margin-bottom: 22px; }
This reply was modified 11 years ago by
Thank you!!!
Thank you Yigit!
This reply has been marked as private.Can you help to edit?)
Hello again)
I add global menu. Problem withi this code:
`/***************************************** Global menu ******************************************/
add_filter(‘wp_nav_menu’, ‘wp_nav_menu_global’);
function wp_nav_menu_global()
//if ( !is_main_site() )
remove_filter( ‘wp_nav_menu’,’wp_nav_menu_global’);
switch_to_blog(1);$args = array(
‘theme_location’ => $avia_theme_location,
‘menu_id’ => $avia_menu_class,
‘container_class’ => $avia_menu_class,
‘fallback_cb’ => ‘avia_fallback_menu’,
‘walker’ => new avia_responsive_mega_menu()
2 question (Search tab)
Popular items:
Other items: Yigit!
1) “Append search icon to main menu” selected. Do nothing.
.tagsy-container .tagsy-box .tagsy-name-group {
padding: 0 6px;
}.big-preview img {
width: 100%;
//if ( !is_main_site() )
Hello Devin!
I do this (it works):
add_filter('wp_nav_menu', 'wp_nav_menu_global'); function wp_nav_menu_global() { if ( !is_main_site() ) { remove_filter( 'wp_nav_menu','wp_nav_menu_global'); switch_to_blog(1); $args = array( 'theme_location' => $avia_theme_location, 'menu_id' => $avia_menu_class, 'container_class' => $avia_menu_class, 'fallback_cb' => 'avia_fallback_menu', 'walker' => new avia_responsive_mega_menu() ); wp_nav_menu($args); restore_current_blog(); } }
Everything works! Thank you!
Do nothing.
This reply has been marked as private.But here you do not need login to see that string.
Bingo!) Thanks)
But map is not changed;
String: “Redo search when map moved”
This reply has been marked as private.Hello!
Ok. To can see the dialog window you need:
1) Regster (
2) Open any question (
3) Move mouse over the text (
4) Push button “flag”
5) You see dialog window ( again!
I use second plugin of this author. So, you do not need to login.
String: “Redo search when map moved”This is administration part.
I open that dialog window as new window.
Have this code:<div class=”sabai-form-fields”>
<fieldset class=”sabai-form-field sabai-form-type-radios”>
<legend><span>Уровень ответа</span><span class=”sabai-form-field-required”>*</span></legend><div class=”sabai-form-fields”>
<div class=”sabai-form-field sabai-form-nolabel sabai-form-type-radio”>
<input name=”score[0]” value=”3″ type=”radio” id=”qf_df6a75″ checked=”checked”/><label for=”qf_df6a75″><i style=”color:orangered” class=”sabai-icon-star”></i> <i style=”color:orangered” class=”sabai-icon-star”></i> <i style=”color:orangered” class=”sabai-icon-star”></i> Лучший ответ</label></div>
<div class=”sabai-form-field sabai-form-nolabel sabai-form-type-radio”>
<input name=”score[0]” value=”2″ type=”radio” id=”qf_7f8ded”/><label for=”qf_7f8ded”><i style=”color:orangered” class=”sabai-icon-star”></i> <i style=”color:orangered” class=”sabai-icon-star”></i> <i class=”sabai-icon-star-empty”></i> Замечательный ответ</label></div>
<div class=”sabai-form-field sabai-form-nolabel sabai-form-type-radio”>
<input name=”score[0]” value=”1″ type=”radio” id=”qf_952a37″/><label for=”qf_952a37″><i style=”color:orangered” class=”sabai-icon-star”></i> <i class=”sabai-icon-star-empty”></i> <i class=”sabai-icon-star-empty”></i> Хороший ответ</label></div>
<fieldset class=”sabai-form-field sabai-form-buttons sabai-form-inline sabai-form-nolabel sabai-form-type-fieldset”><div class=”sabai-form-fields”>
<div class=”sabai-form-field sabai-form-action sabai-form-nolabel sabai-form-type-submit”>
<input class=”sabai-btn sabai-btn-primary” name=”_sabai_form_submit[submit]” value=”Ответ принят” type=”submit”/></div>
</div>Works)) Thank you)
And what about new line (.sabai-caret { border-style: none; } – do nothing)
This reply was modified 11 years ago by