Okay, I have stripped away all custom CSS and just pasted in *just* the CSS you wrote above. Here is a page with a left sidebar: http://suz.illyria.webfactional.com/books/e-shorts/when-tony-met-adam/
I have not modified the padding anywhere. This are no changes to the CSS except your code above.
As you can see, it’s really not working. I would really like it to look like your screenshot above.
Thank you.
Sorry to hassle, but do you have any suggestions regarding the above?
Thanks for the reply. Two issues with the above.
1. For some reason it knocks the alignment of the links (so you have to hover *below* the words not on them for the link to be clickable).
2. Submenus continue to jump out of alignment.
This is just a test site area so please see the following links, for a parent-level menu:
http://suz.illyria.webfactional.com/books/e-shorts/ (as you can see problem 1 is in evidence, but sub-menus are aligned properly
For the sub menu:
http://suz.illyria.webfactional.com/books/e-shorts/when-tony-met-adam/ (as you can see problem 1 and 2) are both in evidence – the links are not aligned properly and the sub-menu indentation has been lost.
Many thanks.