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  • Hi Nikko,
    I had Enfold 5.4, now installed 5.5, the error has disappered and the problem ist fixed, thank you.
    However I wonder, that my other Enfold-based websites on lower versions of Enfold (e.g. 5.0 or 5.4) are running without problems – they are all using WordPress 6.2 and PHP 8 too at the same hoster.

    Best Uwe

    in reply to: Can't update Enfold Theme #1259385

    Hi Victoria,

    thank you, for this moment it’s ok for me. I will wait until I have a quiet period to make the proposed changes, it seems not to be a quick thing.

    Thank you for your help, you can mark the topic as solved.

    Best regards,


    in reply to: Can't update Enfold Theme #1259250

    Hey Nikko,
    it seems that it is more than a little hack but I have to install the hole theme new with the risk of loosing some content or special effects.
    thank you anyay for your friendly and detailed answer.
    Best regards,

    Hello Rikard,

    thank you for your answer. I have deleted now the first token I had created before in Envato website and entered in Enfold Theme on my website. Then I have created a new token again following the instructions of your link. This time it seems to work and the problem is solved – whatever the mistake before was.

    Best regards

    Hallo Docperi,
    weil hier scheinbar alles auf englisch läuft hab eich mich “verkünstelt” – gerne deutsch, ist viel einfacher.
    Ich glaube Dein Tip war der entscheidende: die Kombination von ultradünner Schrift und heller Farbe ergab diesen Effekt der schwer lesbaren Schrift. Ich habe jetzt die Schriftart gewechselt und Schriftdicke 300 gewählt, jetzt wirken sich auch Farb- bzw. Helligkeitsänderungen im Grauton sichtbar aus. Die Einstellungen waren im Demo so festgelegt und mir gefiel die typografische Kombination von Headline und Fliesstext sehr gut, aber so wie jetzt geht es auch und ist dafür besser lesbar.
    Vielen herzlichen Dank, jetzt kann ich weitermachen.
    Alles Gute und viele Grüße
    Uwe Sonnenschein

    thanx for your answer. I’ve done a test installation on
    Because of testing, there are very few plugins until now – I’ve deactivated them, but there is no change.
    It seems like there is a kind of overlay all over the site, similar to the background overlays of single sections. This disturbing “overlay” is visible in the Footer, too. For me that means, that it is a general problem, but I have no idea any more where to fix it.

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