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Hi Josue! If its not alot of work could you show me an example of how I could add it to all blog post pages?
Hi Ismael! I’m using the new sidebar main menu and this breaks the layout….
I have found that if I add
<?php echo do_shortcode( "[av_submenu menu='5' position='center' color='footer_color' sticky='aviaTBsticky']" ); ?>
Right after this line in the header.php
<body id="top" <?php body_class($style." ".$avia_config['font_stack']." ".$blank); avia_markup_helper(array('context' => 'body')); ?>>
It almost works but the layout is still not right and the sticky is kind of broken…
Worked perfect! Thank you Josue :)
Hi Josue! Thanks for the reply. I am a little confused looking at /enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/portfolio.php because there are a bunch of variables in that file. In the portfolio custom link in wp I have added a custom link like “services/”. Now in the portfolio.php I want to add “home_url()” to the portfolio custom title link and image link.
I see the variables $title_link, $link, $custom_link but not sure which one to change…
Could you show me a code example of what the best way to do it would be?
PHP version is 5.4.30this is the line of code in question in the class-metabox.php on line 208 on line 208
if(!is_array($this->default_boxes) || !isset($_POST['post_ID']) || !isset($_POST['post_type']) || $this->saved) return;
Have tried everything I can think of to get rid of it but the code in that file is complicated, the only way I have been able to get rid of it is when I empty the whole class in the class-metabox.php but then I no longer have the metabox which I still want to have the metabox….
Any help sorting this is appreciated.
The file is the same as the fresh copy, no change. When saving a custom post type I still get this error-
Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context in /public_html/wp-content/themes/enfold/framework/php/class-metabox.php on line 208
class-metabox.php – which metabox in the theme is this for?
This reply has been marked as private.Thank you very much Ismael! Enfold theme and support is the best I have come across since I’ve been working with wordpress. You guys do excellent work :)
This reply has been marked as private.This reply has been marked as private.Thanks for the reply, something like this where the backgrounds change colors-
Hi Devin, thanks for the quick reply. Is it possible in anyway to turn a page made with the avia builder into an actual wordpress page template?
This reply has been marked as private.I chose to use simplepress because I am using it on a community type site and in my opinion it is far more feature rich than bbpress. Also, simplepress new mobile theme is probably the best mobilized forum I have ever seen. Now If I had been creating a support forum I probably would have just went with bbpress.
Thanks for your help of looking into it!
This reply has been marked as private.hmmm I’m still left with my original problem, something in the theme is conflicting with the formatting even when I comment out that call in the header, and if I add CSS display:none; to remove the mobile dropdown menu it removes the menu thats being misformatted that I need as well. Not really sure how to debug this problem on a mobile device…..
Misformatted on android- is how it should look on android mobile- URL:
Any ideas what else I can try to fix this?
Yeah resizing on desktop won’t work it has to be viewed on a mobile device…. Css won’t work… what I really want to do is comment out the mobile dropdown menu in the PHP code, can you tell me where I could locate that?
This is a picture of how it looks on android mobile- is how it should look on android mobile- will only be able to view the misformatted drop down menu in the picture from a mobile device, I took the screenshots on an android.
Site URL:
This reply was modified 11 years, 5 months ago by
That fixed it! Thank you for your help a bunch :)
So the poll issue was not caused by enfold, however, I still have the attachment issue after fixing the CSS error…. It only occurs in google chrome when trying to post in the forum if you open and close the “attachments” button the attachments panel overlays the text editor causing the text editor to be blank… I can confirm this issue does not occur with the default wordpress theme… I have contacted simplepress but since the issue is not occurring with the default wordpress theme it has something to do with enfold…
This worked for me
.page-id-246 .main_color { background-color: #000000 !important; background-image: none !important;}
Thanks you for the help :)
thanks for the reply, that changes the header color too…. am only trying to change the body background…
Hi, thanks for the response, heres a link to the page
This reply was modified 11 years, 5 months ago by