Hi Rikard!
Thank you – I have already tried all the steps – it still doesn’t work!
Thank you for your reply! Please see the private content!
Hey Victoria!
Thank you for your reply! Can you please help me to modify the file? What do I have to do?
Best regards
Hey Rikard!
Thanks for your reply! I have attached our website as a private content. Following a screenshot:
I would like to display the first two entries in bigger size. In our case, we just see the first post big. Is it possible to display the second blog entry also big? For example below the first one?
Best regards
Is there meanwhile a solution available for this issue? I am searching for an option to display the first two entries of magazine bigger. Is it possible?
Hey Victoria!
Perfect – that’s what I am looking for! Thank you so much!
Best regards,
Hey Basilis,
thank you! There is no element “grid one”. Just “Icon grid” and “portfolio grid”. Which one do you mean?
Best regards