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  • in reply to: Grid row not responsive #1428751

    Hi, yeah it’s very strange. If you say that you can’t reproduce the issue on another site, then I’m also thinking about exporting site data (creating a backup copy) using one of the export plugins, then deleting everything, installing new WP on the server, then new Enfold and new Child, and then importing site data again, but firstly it will take some time so I’m not too keen on doing that, and secondly, not sure if the issue would be exported in the backup copy as well? Because if so then no point doing that, obviously, because it will come back with the imported backup copy file :|

    Or could it be related to the fact that I imported your demo after installing Enfold Child, which (maybe) includes some old code that causes that? I’ve done it mainly for that demo’s theme colours which I liked, so I may try next time without loading that demo, again – if it’s something that could cause that issue, which seems unlikely but just trying to exclude every possibility before building everything again from the scratch (if I find time to do so, for now I’ll just leave it as it is and will work around it).

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! :)

    in reply to: Grid row not responsive #1428553

    Hi, thanks and sorry about the delay, it’s Xmas rush time :) I planned to put some nice photos there on one side (possibly as a background) accompanied with some text on the other side, 2 columns like the one saved as ‘006 grid row’ in Templates and also like you can see on the Juniors page, which is nice and responsive, no problem there… I’m not sure what’s going on either, but if there is no quick fix to that I’ll just find some workaround (feel free to suggest sth if you’ve got any ideas), cheers!


    • This reply was modified 10 months ago by Tom_Tom_UK.
    in reply to: Grid row not responsive #1428433

    (private message)

    in reply to: Grid row not responsive #1428395

    Hi, thanks, I’ve changed the home page so that it does not include the grid row which was breaking the layout now, but I can see you’ve created a ‘Test Home’ page, on which I have recreated the problem. Simply add the empty grid row at the bottom there, and it will break the footer display and responsiveness, or add ‘006 grid row’ saved in Templates with content, and the grid row is not responsive (and breaks the footer as well). I attached the link to Dropbox in private section, here is the list of screenshots:

    001 – correct layout desktop
    002 – correct layout mobile
    003 – added empty grid row at the bottom
    004 – footer display changed in desktop view (no white borders)
    005 – footer not responsive in mobile view
    006 – added grid row with content (named 006 grid row in templates) – incorrect footer display in desktop view
    007 – added grid row with content (named 006 grid row in templates) – incorrect footer display in tablet view and grid row layout broken – not full width and not stacked
    008 – added grid row with content (named 006 grid row in templates) – incorrect footer display in mobile view and grid row layout broken – not full width and not stacked
    009 – added grid row with content (named 006 grid row in templates) – incorrect footer display in the narrowest mobile view and grid row layout broken – full width but not stacked

    Now, I’m also pretty sure if you now removed the top slider and left this ‘006 grid row’ which breaks the layout and responsiveness, the layout and responsiveness would be correct again… no idea why and how those elements are related (and perhaps this would also happen if you removed other layout elements, but I wasn’t checking that).

    Just for the record, it was built on a clean WordPress install, then clean Enfold, followed by clean Enfold Child, and then one of your Demos loaded, so you can follow the same route if necessary. As you can also see not many plugins installed yet, and the ones that are there are rather standard.



    • This reply was modified 10 months ago by Tom_Tom_UK.
    in reply to: Grid row not responsive #1428369

    Hi Mike, thanks for your time. I’ve changed PHP versions to 8.0, 8.2 and 8.3 (can’t go back to 7.4 now) and it didn’t help. It’s 8.2 now (as recommended).

    However, I decided to rebuild the home page from the scratch and created the New Home Page. I was adding elements starting from the Fullwidth Easy slider and everything was working perfectly until the last grid row at the bottom of the page, which broke the layout and responsiveness of the footer. It happens even when adding a new empty grid row from layout elements menu of Avia builder. So I thought it must be the grid row element that is responsible for that.
    HOWEVER, when I remove the Fullwidth Easy Slider from the top of the page, then the grid row at the bottom does not break the layout or responsiveness! BUT it makes the grid row directly above it not going full width when changing to tablet/mobile resolution! That leaves me completely puzzled – it looks like some of those elements TOGETHER cannot work correctly.

    You can try this on ‘Kriesi test page’ or ‘New Home Page’ – I’ve saved the top slider as ‘001 Old slider’ and bottom grid row is ‘006 grid row’ in Templates, so you can just remove and add them easily to see how they break the layout and responsiveness together, but when one is deleted everything goes back to normal.

    And what is even more puzzling, when I add the same Fullwidth Easy Slider from the template at the bottom of the page (see New Home Page) it displays differently than at the top, when it’s preceded by that grid row, (colours and font sizes are all wrong, despite the same settings in the slider options). BUT when I delete that 006 grid row which is preceding it, then the slider at the bottom displays correctly, and so does the footer and it’s responsive as it should be. So really that grid row looks to be a problem, but I’ve got no idea why! (check the New Home Page first and then remove the grid row above the bottom slider, you will see the difference).

    I haven’t tried deleting other layout elements, it’s actually enough of the mystery to me :) But it happened all the same on a newly created page (‘New Home Page’) with empty grid row added from the menu, so it looks to me like there must be some issue with the theme elements working together in the layout builder, but again it’s just my gut feeling. I haven’t installed imagick, I also don’t think this would cause the problem. However, if you’ve got no other suggestions, I may try this but I wouldn’t like to add unnecessary things on the server side if possible. I also haven’t yet install caching plugin on that site, but again how would this be the issue here?

    Thanks for your time, let me know if you find the cause and/or solution for all this, but for now I will just rebuild the home page using some configuration and elements that will work correctly together.


    UPDATE: I have now changed Fullwidth Easy Slider to Fullscreen Slider on the Home Page, and again adding the grid row at the bottom causes the problem to reappear.

    • This reply was modified 10 months ago by Tom_Tom_UK.
    • This reply was modified 10 months ago by Tom_Tom_UK.
    in reply to: Grid row not responsive #1428333

    Hi, thanks. I’ve added an empty Fullwidth Easy Slider to the page (at the top) and it broke the layout (including the bottom grid row and the footer widgets display) even without any content in it. Repeated that a few times – I left that empty slider on the test page now for you to double check.

    Of course, a temporary solution would be not to use that slider and use some other slider instead, but is there any fix to the Fullwidth Easy Slider you could apply to avoid that? If, of course, it is this element that is causing the issue, maybe it’s a combination of several factors.



    in reply to: Grid row not responsive #1428308

    Hi again, I’ve updated to the latest version and unfortunately no change, the problem is still there.

    Interestingly, I’ve removed quick CSS code from General Styling section (which was there to make the footer widgets responsive and stacked in tablet/mobile view) and it looks like the footer widgets are responsive on all pages except the home page, where they are still side by side, so it suggests that responsiveness and stacking is for some reason not working on the home page only, but why is that? (I’ve put this quick CSS in the private section if you want to add it back to General Styling to check, it’s actually a code from this forum).

    I’ve also noticed that the home page is marked as ‘Inactive Custom Footer Page’ and I can’t see the option to change this, I’m not sure what it means but maybe that causes the issue, but that’s just a wild guess I really don’t know why the home page seems to be following different rules for that grid row and footer widgets than other pages.



    • This reply was modified 10 months ago by Tom_Tom_UK.
    • This reply was modified 10 months ago by Tom_Tom_UK.
    • This reply was modified 10 months ago by Tom_Tom_UK.
    in reply to: Grid row not responsive #1428220

    Sure, thanks.

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