I want to save the conten, but change the layout. Thank you!
So, I figured it out.
I had nothing there in the widget for the footer. I put plain text in there, which worked out.
Thank you!
Hey Rikard,
thank you for your reply, but this does not solve my problem.
My problem has nothing do to with the “Related Entries”. I think it is a problem with the footer but I can’t figure it out on my own.
If you scroll down on all of my pages you can see this area I am speaking of.
Thank you!
Let’s try it this way.
Here is the link.
Thank you!
Hey Ismael!
Thank you for coming back to me. What I mean is the featured image. It worked the last few days, but right know there is a post on which the featured image is not showing up. And this only happens with Safari…