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  • in reply to: main menu buttons NOT BOLD when you are on their ANCHORS #843139

    The theme will automatically add the current-menu-item class to links I would imagine via a little javascript script. This is getting confused by the extra menu item.

    A script could be written that says when “the show” ID is active add a class of current-menu-item to such a menu button. It may be easier to try and play with the menu structure first though :)


    in reply to: main menu buttons NOT BOLD when you are on their ANCHORS #842941

    Hmmmm yes the last three links are not being bolded as the page thinks the hidden version is the current item.


    From the screenshot (which I still can’t embed properly) when on the anchor “the show” it is menu level 6 that should be classed as current-menu-item. The class is being put on menu level 7 which is the hidden one. The same is happening for the other menu items
    Why? No idea.

    You could try and swap the two “the show” menu items round in the back end and see if the current-menu-item class also changes. If it does you’ll have to play about with the menu structure. When on the home page which ever menu item for “the show” has the class current-menu-item will be the one you want to show and not hide. All clear as mud again lol. That will mean any of the custom css to hide menu items will have to be tweaked.


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by tjswarbs78.
    in reply to: Change design of portfolio sorting options #842676

    Ah good stuff :)

    Each element builder handles the sort function differently so the classes and ids for masonry / portfolio etc are not the same.
    Glad you sorted (get it?) it out


    in reply to: How integrate Enfold Form with Pipedrive CRM? #842664


    I am not familiar with Pipedrive crm but I have worked with SalesForce, Pardot and Click Dimensions.
    These products have to ability to either embed forms via an iframe or to create a form handler that can be associated with a form on site to pull the information. The first port of call should really be Pipedrive to see whether form integration is even possible, as third party issues aren’t handled by Enfold support.

    If Pipedrive have technical details of how to integrate forms and you are still unsure I’m sure someone could lend a hand.



    in reply to: Change design of portfolio sorting options #842506


    There are a couple of pieces of css that you’ll need to use and tweak as to your liking

    /* create each none active item as a button */
    #js_sort_items a {
        background-color: #FFFFFF;
        padding: 12px 16px 10px;
        border: 1px #00aa67 solid;
    /* create each active item as a highlighted button */
    #js_sort_items .active_sort {
        background-color: #00aa67;
        color: #ffffff!important;
        padding: 12px 16px 10px;
        text-decoration: none;
    /* add some space between the new button */
    #js_sort_items a {
        margin-right: 10px!important;
    /* remove the seperator */
    .text-sep {
        display: none!important;
    /* optional centre the buttons */
    .avia-fullwidth-portfolio #js_sort_items {
        text-align: center;

    That will produce this


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by tjswarbs78.
    in reply to: how can i find my "page-id" for my SEARCH page? #842155

    Unless you fly to the UK…

    I’m in Manchester


    in reply to: how can i find my "page-id" for my SEARCH page? #842142

    Hmm i know in the latest version of Enfold the mobile menu was completely rewritten and I think some of the class behaviors changed.

    On the surface i see no reason why the global rule shouldn’t work unless the theme is changing or using a different menu id on mobile.

    I’ll have a gander and come back to you…


    ** edit **

    The burger menu has the following structure…

    div class="av-burger-overlay" style="display: block; opacity: 1;">
    <div class="av-burger-overlay-scroll">
    <div class="av-burger-overlay-inner">
    <ul id="av-burger-menu-ul" class="" style="padding: 90px 0px;">
    <li class="av-active-burger-items">  /* first child */
    <li class="av-active-burger-items">  /* 2nd child */
    <li class="av-active-burger-items">  /* 3rd child */
    <li class="av-active-burger-items">  /* 4th child */
    <li class="av-active-burger-items">  /* 5th child */
    <li class="av-active-burger-items">  /* 6th child */
    <li class="av-active-burger-items">  /* 7th child */
    <li class="av-active-burger-items">  /* 8th child */
    <li class="av-active-burger-items">  /* 9thchild */
    <li class="av-active-burger-items">  /* 10thchild */
    <li class="av-active-burger-items">  /* last child */
    <div class="av-burger-overlay-bg"/>

    There are no ids or numbers to single out any specific item so we have to use a pseudo class.

    To hide the first menu item on mobile you’d use…

    #av-burger-menu-ul li:first-child {
        display: none!important;

    To hide the last menu item on mobile you’d use…

    #av-burger-menu-ul li:last-child {
        display: none!important;

    to hide any in between you’d use…

    #av-burger-menu-ul li:nth-child(2) {
        display: none!important;

    replacing the two for whatever number you want to hide.

    Adding any new menu items may mess up the order so you would have to finalize the menu 100% then look at the mobile version.

    Hopefully that is clear as mud :)


    in reply to: how can i find my "page-id" for my SEARCH page? #842113

    AH HA!
    The search page with results has a class of .search-results
    The search page with no results has a class of .search-no-results
    I have no clue where I got .template-search from lol


    .search-results #menu-item-xx {show}

    should work (Note I’m being lazy again)


    in reply to: Activating Advanced editor in custom post type #842105

    Only thing i can think of is maybe try first-aid-courses rather than course.
    I don’t know how the plug in in question handles the creation of post types but generally the slug is the post type name and used in queries.
    That may even make your original code work correctly.

    Worth a shot


    in reply to: how can i find my "page-id" for my SEARCH page? #842099

    Ah yes {hide} and {show} are not vaild css values.
    I was being lazy and hoping you’d use the correct css from other posts

    You can lead a horse to water… ;)
    good that you are picking up on things though. Coding isn’t as scary as it looks

    You can display items as block, inline or inline-block


    in reply to: how can i find my "page-id" for my SEARCH page? #841252


    rather than using .page-id-xxx try using .template-search then the menu item id.
    A neater way maybe to set the menu items to be hidden as a global rule rather than on a specific page.

    #menu-item-xx {hide} will hide then items on every page. Which will be easier than finding every page id.
    Then on the page you want them to show (which is only one page?) use..

    .page-id-xx #menu-item-xx {show}

    If you are hiding on more pages use a global to hide, if you are showing on more pages use a global to show. That make sense?


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by tjswarbs78. Reason: it's early and I can't spell

    1) the !important shouldn’t cause an issue no. It can cause issues if wrongly used in the css hierarchy but as a way over forcing something to happen on a single class it should be fine

    2) the blog titles are a anchor tag nested in a h2 tag, so they sit like this

    <h2 class="post-title entry-title lightbox" itemprop="headline">
    <a href="" (hosted on WPengine) rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link: The Watchman Episode 63:<br>Can Christian Zionists Lead Fight Against Rising Anti-Semitism in UK? Pt 2" class="mfp-iframe lightbox-added">

    The gray hover is coming from the h2 tag

    try… {color:#222222;}

    That will change any h2 tag with a class of .post-title regardless of what page they are on (including the search page – handy)


    .template-search a:hover {
        color: red!important;


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by tjswarbs78.
    in reply to: Activating Advanced editor in custom post type #840861


    I too have tried a few different snippets to do the same thing without success.

    All the snippets are trying to write a rule adding the post type to the meta.php so the ALB will load.
    You can do this manually which is how I got round the issue. Not ideal if you are unfamiliar with .php
    None the less if you fancy a bash go to…
    config-templatebuilder>avia-template-builder>config to find meta.php

    The code to alter is at the top and looks like…

    $boxes = array(
        array( 'title' =>$av_default_title, 'id'=>'avia_builder', 'page'=>array('post','portfolio','page', 'course'), 'context'=>'normal', 'priority'=>'high', 'expandable'=>true ),
        array( 'title' =>__('Layout','avia_framework' ), 'id'=>'layout', 'page'=>array('portfolio', 'page' , 'post', 'course'), 'context'=>'side', 'priority'=>'low'),
        array( 'title' =>__('Additional Portfolio Settings','avia_framework' ), 'id'=>'preview', 'page'=>array('portfolio', 'course'), 'context'=>'normal', 'priority'=>'high' ),
        array( 'title' =>__('Breadcrumb Hierarchy','avia_framework' ), 'id'=>'hierarchy', 'page'=>array('portfolio', 'charity', 'publications', 'our_events', 'partners'), 'context'=>'side', 'priority'=>'low'),
    $boxes = apply_filters('avf_builder_boxes', $boxes);

    Add course to the top three arrays. That should set the ALB and all portfolio options to work with your CPT.

    Not the best solution but it works



    It’s like I’m following you around the support forum!!

    Main blog

    All blog posts are wrapped in a class of .template-blog. This allows a style to assigned global across all blogs.
    You can use that and a combination of css to style every link in every blog with a few lines of css

    .template-blog a:hover {color:darkblue;text-decoration:underline;}

    You could use something similar to style all the text on blogs too


    in reply to: how can i find my "page-id" for my SEARCH page? #840846

    page id’s, post id’s etc only apply to things created within WordPress. These are given an ID so WordPress can identity things in functions like

    The search page isn’t really a page it’s a template to hold content that the search.php and loop-search.php will pull depending on search out come.

    You can edit either of them files to style the search page button by adding a class or using in-line css. Unless using a child theme changes will be lost.

    On the search result pages content is wrapped in a class of .template-search which you could use to target the button.
    For example to change the color of the round pagination buttons you use…

    .template-search .pagination a {
        background-color: #eebbee;


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by tjswarbs78.

    Java script won’t be being blocked by the theme.
    If you right click and go to view page source you’ll see .js files being called in the header.

    While in the page source if you press ctrl+f and search for a word in the javascript we loaded you can check that it is loading correctly on the page. If you see it in the page source it’s loaded.

    I’ve checked on a live page my end and the right click function works but dragging is still allowed. Boooooo :(

    A css trick would be to disable pointer-events on images…

    img {pointer-events:none!important;}

    That should render the images as none clickable. Problem is if you have any images as links… they wont work.
    Possible solution give every image you want to protect a class of you-cant-steal-this then use…

    .you-cant-steal-this img {pointer-events:none!important;}

    Long winded and a ball ache to add class to every image but would do the trick… i think :)


    You can do it either way.

    You can navigate to appearance>editor
    On the right you can select to change the main theme files or the child theme.
    Find theme header and bung the code in there just before the </head> tag.

    Running a child theme is advisable for two reasons
    1) any changes carry over during an update.
    2) If you screw things up you have the main theme as a fallback and way to check.

    Dunno how used you are to changing theme files but be careful. Any errors can wreck the site and you’ll need ftp access to change the files back.

    If you have ftp access you can create a .js file and link to it from the header.



    You can add some javascript in the header

    <script type='text/javascript'>
    function nocontext(e) {
    var clickedTag = (e==null) ? event.srcElement.tagName :;
    if (clickedTag == "IMG") {
    return false;
    document.oncontextmenu = nocontext;

    Or can add some jQuery

    <script type="text/javascript">
    // this part disables the right click
    $('img').on('contextmenu', function(e) {
    return false;
    //this part disables dragging of image
    $('img').on('dragstart', function(e) {
    return false;

    It is kinda pointless though.

    What is to stop someone screen shotting the page and cropping in paint or photoshop.
    They could use windows snipping tool.
    Remember that I mentioned in other post you can inspect a page? Do that and go to sources. On the left-hand side you can “steal” every resource on the site. The web and the internet is open. Nothing can be hidden if you know what to so.



    in reply to: Images don't spread across full width of column #840375


    The image only has a size 300px by 46px.

    When you use the image element and are selecting the image take a look at the right hand side. There is a little drop down menu for attachment display settings. Is the image set to full size?

    If you are setting an image using the column settings rather than an image element navigate to edit>colors and you can set a background image for the entire column. Again watch out for the attachment display settings.

    Hope that helps a little


    The last bracket of the code should be a } not a )

    That is causing the css to go haywire.
    My bad as it was in my original post.


    No worries :)

    The logo and menu items sit in different divs so making a change in one shouldn’t affect the other.

    So long as you are attacking the top level menu item id it should work perfectly.


    Usually errors like that are due to something missing from the css. You haven’t closed off a tag or missed a semi colon somewhere.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by tjswarbs78.

    If you are using chrome you can right click on a page and inspect any element.
    A new window will open with the html structure on the left and css on the right.
    You can live edit a page, check resources, console errors etc

    IE and firefox it’s called inspect element but works the same way

    Image below looks complicated but isn’t really.
    Long red box shows page-id t’other red box show menu-id


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by tjswarbs78.

    of course….

    You need two things
    1) The page id of both pages
    2) The menu id’s of the buttons.

    you then use something like….

    .page-id-xxx #menu-item-xx {display:none;}
    You don’t need to worry about setting an item to display as that’s the menu standard

    Rinse and repeat for each menu item.

    Working on a live page is way easier… hint hint ;)


    in reply to: Have VIDEO (vimeo) open up in Lightbox from standard text #839989

    Ah keep playing a hopefully it’ll fall in to place.

    With the way the Magnific Popup is structured makes editing it a bit complicated.

    You have a mfp-contain that sits 100% height and width and inside that the mfp-content.
    Inside the mfp-content you have the iframe scaler.

    It a question of tweaking the right set of properties to get the desired effect.

    The last code I sent worked fine on my end. Hmmmm!


    Hmm I’ve done the full url and anchor before and it has scrolled nicely. So many factors can result in jerky scroll. If it isn’t an option lets move on…

    How about having two sets of buttons in the same menu. One set for use on home page with anchors and one set for use on other page with whatever links you like.
    Then use css to show / hide a set depending what page you are on?



    Haha. Believe it or not.. I have a full time job and just help out for fun :)

    I’m such a nerd lol

    You have a menu with say three buttons.

    Button one anchors to a section on the home page with id of one (ie #one)
    Button two anchors to a section on the home page with id two (ie #two)
    Button three goes to a new page (ie

    All works fine and dandy on the home page but when you click button one on the new page it is looking for the anchor #one
    That doesn’t exist so button doesn’t work.


    On the button rather than setting the link as #one try
    So you will be putting whatever your home page url is with #one at the end

    That means no matter page you are on clicking button one will load the home page and go to anchor one.

    If you are only anchoring to something on a page from that page #one works fine. If you want to anchor from another page to a page you have to use the page url then the anchor

    Hope that helps


    If you have access to the twitter account you can create a web widget that will embed into the site.

    To do this go to setting and privacy and select widget from the left-hand menu.

    Just follow the onscreen prompts.



    in reply to: Have VIDEO (vimeo) open up in Lightbox from standard text #839955

    Well unless someone has been super kind and bought one for you I guess that isn’t causing the issue :)

    Method two is below…

    .mfp-iframe-holder .mfp-content {
        width: 100%;
        max-width: 80%; }
      .mfp-iframe-holder .mfp-close {
        top: 50px!important; }
    .mfp-iframe-scaler {
      width: 100%;
      height: 80%;
    .mfp-iframe-scaler iframe {
        top: 90px;

    Fingers crossed for this one



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