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  • in reply to: Enfold – Image Caption range left and responsive #721063

    Ok Andy – Thanks ever so much for your help.



    in reply to: Enfold – Image Caption range left and responsive #721055

    Hi Andy,

    Yep that works – thanks. It isn’t totally responsive though?
    Have you a snippet to make it repsonsive on tablet and smartphone?

    in reply to: Enfold – Image Caption range left and responsive #720988

    Hi Andy,

    Thanks for the advice – but surely that’s an old fashioned solution? Text wouldn’t be picked up by browsers? and if you ever wanted to change the text – you’d have to change the file and re-upload – defeats the object of CMS?

    I’m surprised there’s not the facility to postion the text in the theme other than centred? Can I make this as a suggestion for the next update if there’s not a work around?

    Thanks for your time on this anyway.


    in reply to: Enfold – Image Caption range left and responsive #719865

    I’d like the same text look as the slider but just want the text to overlay on a static image without any animation. Can I only do this by using a slider then and not animating the text? The two pages are in the private data above.

    Many thanks,


    in reply to: Enfold – Image Caption range left and responsive #718991

    Hi Andy,

    I did not get a resolution to my query and have handed this project over to the client so I will not be implementing this on this site and now that it’s handed over I’m reluctant to release the login details.

    However, I intend using Enfold again and would like to encorporate this functionality into my next site. The query remains the same – when using a large full size image at the top of the page when the image is inserted into single column layout as an image file (which is an image not a slider) how do you make the image text range left as the dialogue box only allows for centred. Below is a link to a page where I would have liked to have incorpated a large image caption on top of the image – but range left like the slider on the homepage?

    Many thanks

    in reply to: Enfold – Image Caption range left and responsive #716871

    Hi Nikko,

    Only the main page has a slider on the site – the other pages which I required assistance with have static images inserted at the top. It is these images that I require some advice on – for both this website and others going forward? There is an option in the image dialogue box to include a caption in the main image, but it only provides a centred version for text? Although you can change the caption size, there is no option to range the caption left as per the Easy Slider? Have you a code snippet to remedy this? Also I believe it would be worthwhile building this into the theme?

    Also could you let me know if it is possible to delete the Enfold credit from the Footer Socket? So that you can create your own bespoke copyright notice and design credit?

    Thanks for the info on Yoast – it’s useful to know.

    Many thanks,


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