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  • in reply to: LayerSlider Activation Issue #807976

    Hi Rikard, thanks for this. We seem to have 5.6.30-1+wpengine8 as our PHP version. Do you have any visibility on when we can expect a new version supporting LS 6.5.1? I think that we can clearly see that it is a problem with LS, from the error logg:

    [Tue Jun 13 03:47:55.468214 2017] [:error] [pid 18285] [client] PHP Warning: fopen(/nas/content/live/aptilo/wp-content/plugins/nas/content/live/aptilo/wp-content/themes/enfold/config-layerslider/LayerSlider/layerslider.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /nas/content/live/aptilo/wp-includes/functions.php on line 4784, referer:

    in reply to: LayerSlider Activation Issue #807870

    Hi Rikard,

    It seems like the versions in LayerSlider is moving much faster than with the Enfold theme? I don’t mind because fast version updates normally indicates bad quality assurance. Is this the reason? You want to make sure that it works correctly with Enfold, so you do not recommend that we upgrade LayerSlider independently from Enfold?

    I am using Enfold 4.0.7 which I believe is the latest version. Can you please confirm which LayerSlider version goes with this?

    I can see that we now use LayerSlider version 6.4.0. The most current version is 6.5.1. We have a PHP 500 error that I suspect can have to do with LayerSlider, and according to them there might be a fix in 6.5.1:

    Changes in LayerSlider 6.5.1
    Fixed a PHP error that might caused HTTP 500 Internal Server Error in some cases with older versions of PHP.

    What to do?

    in reply to: Scroll to the top not showing on mobile #788552

    Regarding this scroll button for mobile. In my humble opinion I think that you are not considering if the user really know how to go to the top in a mobile. We are a quite technical savvy company and just 1 out of 10 of my colleagues I tested this with knew that you could click on the top of the browser. What would be great is to have this button appear for mobile the moment the user start scrolling upwards i.e then offer him/her to get to the top with only one click. This would save space in all situations when it is not needed right?

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