I have no plugins installed besides Woo commerce and the plugins that came with Enfold.
I would rather try to solve it without giving that access.
No idea how I can solve this?
I dont see how a link makes more clear what I meant.
Product page. Main Image. If you hover main image an arrow icon in a blue circle shows up. Click on it and it opens in a lightbox.
I want to remove the option for the main image on the product page to open ina lightbox and with it the icon that shows when hovering.
It would help me more if you could tell me which text to remove so it will remove the suggestion and the display of articles.
What I meant is to remove the product name on the category page.
Now it shows from every product the product image with under it the product name in price.
I would like to remove the product name(their must be a line of code to add)
and ideally have the price centered.