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Hi Jordan,
I Have to go another way as also one of my Plugins, that uses WP Settings fpe language doesnt recognize the German “Sie” form and puts everything in English.
So i went back to german “Du”.Here i have 2 lines in my shop that need to be translated manually somewhere. Maybe you also know, where to find them.
Das könnte dir auch gefallen…
You can find them on shop pages, see links below.
Thanks, Tobi
This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by
HI Vinay,
please help me with that. No idea, why it is not displayed in internet explorer…
Everything else is fine..Thnaks, Tobi
Thanks so much Jordan,
this is perfect now.
Any idea concerning the last part of my question:
After changing WP Settings to German (Sie), meaning the german official form of address, i have english language at two places, what was german before.
“You are here” in breadcrumbs and
“Show details” on shop product page (both can be seen via same as bove link in private data)Is there a way to manually change those english expression?
Thanks a lot, Tobi
Hi Vinay,
i can not see the cart symbol in internet explorer. chrome is fine.
any idea?
Thanks, TObi
Thanks Yigit,
this does the trick.
Could you also anwer to this question further above:
2.) is not exactly what i wanted. my problem was the readabilityof the button. now i used your code and changed as well opacity. this comes close to what i wanted, but i would love the text color to be changed on mouse over. Also there is a thin vertical white line inside the button between the text rows, that i would like to get rid of. see link below.
And maybe you have an idea for this:
After changing WP Settings to German (Sie), meaning the german official form of address, i have english language at two places, what was german before.“You are here” in breadcrumbs and
“Show details” on shop product page (both can be seen via same as bove link in private data)Is there a way to manually change those english expression?
Thank you so much, Tobi
This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by
Thanks Nikko,
all done perfectly.
All the best, Tobi
Cool, thank you Vinay.
See the data in private content.
– i have a lot of modifications in quick css. but nothing active that concerns the shopping cart. There’s your code above at the very end of functions php. Therefore you see two cart symbols at the upper right corner of the screen on shop pages/page with breadcrumbs bar.see link below.
– the shopping cart symbol would be best in the breadcrumbs bar either at the position of the page title “”LebeNeo Shop”, replacing it,
or centered in the middle. important to be completely inside the bar.– you have permission to deactivate plugins.
– would be great if i’d have the possibility to change the position if needed later.
Have fun ;-)
Hi Ismael,
great. That’s it.
I changed that max-width to 98%, also for my grid rows. Gives me a white space left and right of colored clomuns on other pages (in smartphone view), but i am fine with that.
You can close this thread.
Thanks a lot, Tobi
One more Jordan:
4.) How do i change background color of the product title box (between produt picture and Read more/Show details section – see link)?
Thanks, Tobi
Hi Enfold Team,
Got two more issues with the magazine element:
– How do i remove the date inside the entries?
– How do I remove the All tab?a.all_sort_button.active_sort {
display: none;
}works only on first page. after changing tab it’s there again. Also first magazine page should show only elements of first tab/category (still shows all with that code).
– And still i need to open links in new browser tab.
Thanks, Tobi
Hi Vinay, thanks for your replay.
Have a look at my shop page below. I hid the cart symbol via quick css as i did not want it in the upper right corner. made it visible again now.
Now with your code i see both of them. i want it only in the breadcrumbs bar and on the position where you see now the page title (above first category image).I know that you ca not see more than about the lower 10% of the breadcrumbs bar on a screen with a resolution between 768px and 1550px . It’s a question in another thread (#744850). You gave my that code there:
.html_header_top.html_header_sticky #top #wrap_all #main {
padding: 50px 0 0 0px !important;
}which i cannot use, because it changes all my pages in all resolutions and not only the shop pages.
Maybe you can tell me first how to change that code for the shop pages only. Then we can go on with the cart symbol issue.Thanks, Tobi
Hi Ismael,
yes sorry, i did change the url. Habe a look below.
Regards, Tobi
Hi Jordan,
thanky for your reply.
1.) is fine now. great.
2.) is not exactly what i wanted. my problem was the readabilityof the button. now i used your code and changed as well opacity. this comes close to what i wnat, but i would love the background color to be changed on mouse over. Also there is a thin vertical white line inside the button between the text rows, that i would like to get rid of. see link below.
3.) This means it’s not possible? Any idea/experience how to place that shopping cart icon on the page, where it makes sense? It’s just too hidden in the upper rifgt corner of the screen.
Regards, Tobi
Hi Yigit,
is there no way to get that shopping cart into the breadcrumbsbar?
I decided now, to place it to the left, instead of the title.
Shouldn’t that be possible?
Regards, Tobi
Great. Thanks Ismael.
Awesome support!
You can close this thread.
Hi Yigi,
see Login Data below. You should have no problems to deactivate plugins.
I just gave it a try with several cart plugins, but did not find, what i am looking for.
As said i’d be most happy, if i could arrange the same dropdown cart symbol that was by default (deactivates in Quick CSS right now) in the upper right corner of the screen into the breadcrumb bar. So it’s only visible on shop pages, because breadcrumbs aren’t vidible on the other pages.Please have a look at the text padding issue as well.
And do you have any idea, how to change the text “Das könnte dir auch gefallen…” on single product pages like this one:
Should be the german official “Das könnte Ihnen auch gefallen…”. Changing the WP option to German (Sie-Form) does this, but changes several other german text to English on my site…Thanks a lot, Tobi
works now. I just saw, that i have the same issue with the background box of the link above:
“In den Warenkorb”Can this box color be added to your code?
Hey Yigit,
thank you. So easy…
All the best, Tobi
Hello guys,
i’d really could use some help with this matter.
I also need to add some padding to the text in the breadcrumbs bar, so it does not touch the edge of the device in mobile resolutions.Can’t find any hints in this forum to solve this on my own.
Best regards, Tobi
Hi Ismael,
see link below.
Regards, Tobi
Great. Everything fine now.
Thanks a lot, Andy.
You can close the thread.
Hi Ismael,
ok, meanwhile i managed to move the sorting options completely, as i do not need them.
But there is this this one link on my product detail page, the becomes invisible with “mouse over”:
On page of link B you see below product count and above product description: “Kategorie: Body Peeling” . Mouse over “Body Peeling” as well ist not visible.
Thanks, Tobi
Hi Vinay, thanks a lot.
I just habe the problem, that this changes
– all pages of the site (and i use breadcrumbs only in shop)
– changes the view in an unwanted way as well in resoltutions below 768ox and above 1550px.I tried this:
@media only screen and (max-width:1549px) and (min-width:768px) {
.page-id-742 .html_header_top.html_header_sticky #top #wrap_all #main {
padding: 50px 0 0 0px !important;
}Hoped, this would do the trick, as page 742 is my shop page.
Unfortunately this did not work…Any idea?
Hi Ismael,
1. Decided not to show the category image inside the category. But thanks for the hint.
2. As you see in private link A, above the category images you can find “Sortieren nach Standardsortierung” and “Zeige 15 Produkte pro Seite”. These are Dropdown Buttons for sorting and viewing options of the page. Mouse over inside these buttons are not visible.
On page of link B you see below product count and above product description: “Kategorie: Body Peeling” . Mouse over “Body Peelinf” as well ist not visible.
Thanks a lot for help.
Hi Basilis,
awesome. so easy :-) Grey line is gone and i am happy.
As for Andy’s Code before:
div .flex_column {
min-height: 0px;
.flex_column.av_three_fourth.no_margin.flex_column_div.avia-builder-el-20.el_after_av_one_fourth.el_before_av_hr {
float: right;
.flex_column.av_three_fifth.no_margin.flex_column_div.avia-builder-el-27.el_after_av_two_fifth.el_before_av_hr {
float: right;
}This affects as well other pages. How can i assign a page id to this code, so that it affects only one certain page (page-id 207)?
Thanks so much, Tobi
Hi Andy,
thanks, this does the trick fpr the white gaps. But there’s still that grey linke above my footer. As well on other positions on other pages like that one:
How can i get rid of them?All the best, Tobi
Thanks Rikard,
This worked, but i still had the title above (therefore double) and the sharing section below. Solved it by creating a post with code block (ultimate recipe id). You can close the thread.
February 8, 2017 at 3:13 pm in reply to: Masonry gallery – Some links open in New window, but not all links. #744362Hi Ismael,
is this still not possible?
Hi Ismael,
thanks. Never heard of “css pixel ratio”. How can this be understood? The pixels i see (in browser) on the S2 are 1024px in width (landscape)? What is the reason for this when the hardware has a width of 2048px?
I set the breaking point to 1024 as you suggested and think this works fine on tablets now. Still i’d like to understand it.
One more thing:
On the site i gave you the link to above, you see 2 tiny white gaps (below first yellow box and below second blue box). Also there is a thin grey line below the last image, above the footer. I’d really like to remove them.
Thanks again, Tobi
This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by