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Questions about what you did for the hover size increase effect on your site.
Set your menu item to Button Style (Bordered). Give that menu item a custom CSS class of “border-menu” and use the code below.My meager understanding of css appears to have run out on this. Can a custom css class of “border-menu” be used with the enfold quick css?
When I have used custom css I define the item in the css file and it also goes in the page code. So I am unclear about this.
So, I am unclear if I can use your cool solution with the code I am using now by merely changing aspects of it.
#avia-menu #menu-item-6709 > a .avia-menu-text {
border: 2px solid #e8720b!important;
padding: 5px 10px;
border-radius: 4px;
}I got it to work by moving it up the css list.
#avia-menu #menu-item-6709 > a .avia-menu-text {
border: 2px solid #e8720b!important;
padding: 5px 10px;
border-radius: 4px;
}I like your version too and will run it by the designer.
Thanks for the help.
Ah, nope,
While I am working on t his I also found this solution in support forum, for a box around the menu item which also didn’t work for me
#avia-menu #menu-item-6709 > a .avia-menu-text {
border: 2px solid #e8720b!important;
padding: 5px 10px;
border-radius: 4px;
}I would prefer this but was going to settle for merely a color. The box or a solid color would be best. They really want this one menu item to take focus. Thanks for any help on this.
What if you don’t want it square?
The designer wants to keep it round as it is now in the compact slider, just a larger circle.It can not be turned off and it updated every couple of hours.
So my fix, from the help file, might have worked.
Do I also need to update the thumbnail to 180?
I can at least do what I think should be done and wait to see.
I know you don’t want to deal with this lag time but if the cod I found should work
#top .av-large-testimonial-slider .avia-testimonial-meta .avia-testimonial-image {
width: 180px !important;
height: 180px !important;
I can keep checking to see if it happens. What I need to know for sure is if I also have to set the thumbnails to 180 and regen the images (or merely upload the 5 images again which is better).Thanks
This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by
Well, how fun. Media Temple has 3 levels of caching and it can not be turned off.
I am now attempting to find out what sort of roadblocks they have for having my people move the site to a real host.
Well, what I see in wordpress doesn’t indicate caching, but the host might use something like that.
I logged in to the host dash board and also don’t see a place to turn off caching so I will have to get some info from them.
Please stand by while I try to track down what is going on.
So you know this host Mediatemple, is not my standard host.
Be back soon.
Weird, I wonder if you are blocked in some way.
Regardless, the method I use to make updates is the manual method in the theme updates.
If this is not the way, please advise the right way to do updates. I assumed ftp of the new files would overwrite all settings.
But if that is not true and is the way this needs to work let me know.
And connection is via sftp If I didn’t say that I am sorry.
This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by
Ok I did the update for the site in question and it too removed the child theme.
I was able to move the child theme back but I need to know if my php man put the child theme in the wrong place and this will always be an issue and if I need him to change the way he set the child theme up.
I have included the connection information again.
If the child theme is where it is supposed to be, how do I turn this over to the end user if each time there is an update the child theme dies?
I will be having my php man do an addition to the child theme this week an he can fix its path if that is the issue so please let me know.
Steven Leith
http://www.wordwarepress.comI noticed
You have version 3.5.3 installed. Update to 3.5.4.Should I update this site to the newest version and see if the child theme remains?
Or wait until I hear from you on my odd issue?
BTW, I don’t mind using ftp to put the child theme back, but that sort of update may be beyond the end user when they take this over.
Sorry, I pasted the wrong link for ftp.
I have successfully updated enfold for another client this morning (who has no child theme) and it worked just fine.
BTW, I have the client buy their own version then give me their api key since I am a bit confused how I can manage more than one api key since I am moving over to using your enfold rather than build myself.
So, back to this one. want serious changes to your nice portfolio options so we had no choice but to do a child theme, and my php guy followed your child theme format and it worked great (the new feature:
The host did an auto update before I could force a new update from you and the site lost images. I did an update when I was alerted, but then the child theme appeared to vanish. I restored the site back to pre-wp 4.5 and took a deep breath.
However, strangely, after my restore I found that the new theme version was listed as the current theme so I wondered what the story was about the child theme and the new 3.5.3 enfold and WP 4.5
Thanks for your timely replies and sorry if I am missing something obvious.
I was told that a site had issues. I looked and sure enough all the images were gone. I noted at that time that the host had updated to wordpress 4.5. As standard procedure I turned off all the plugins and the problems remained.
I checked enfold and saw there were version issues.
I went in and manually updated the theme to enfold.
After the manual update done within enfold theme update option, the child theme was no longer recognized.
I restored the site back to April 1st. Then I began this thread since as far as I could figure, the child theme should not have been affected.
When it said the child theme was gone/broken and then the entire site went away, I looked at the enfold files online with ftp to see. I could not find the child theme there anymore. That is when I restored and everything came back. Now it is possible the child theme was still there and in my distress I failed to find it, but given that wordpress choked upon looking for the child theme I think it was not there.So I kinda assumed that their may be a new way, not backward compatible, for handling child themes and I need to alert my php coder that the child theme needs to be changed.
Do you mean do not use the manual update process but do this.
1. Backup my current child theme.
2. Do and ftp update of the enfold theme (thereby loosing all the current settings).
3. Then copy in the old child theme filesSeems a bit harsh.
Or do you mean
1. backup the child theme
2. use the enfold manual update process which will kill the child theme
3. FTP in the old child theme folderThanks,
December 22, 2015 at 7:13 pm in reply to: Masonary Portfolio hover layer with title want to add excerpt too. #556668Rather than use the designer dropbox which would require her to share with you I put the relevant info here
I also annotated that page with more details and all the thread info.
I do have a php coder who can step in since I suspect that the solution is more than css tricks can handle.
Thanks so much for any advice you might have for me or Charles, my PHP maven.
Can we close this thread and focus on my first support request #553302
For the above page that is important.The client moved on and we don’t need to worry about more than one portfolio. I fear I confused the issue by my second request.
December 17, 2015 at 7:29 pm in reply to: Masonary Portfolio hover layer with title want to add excerpt too. #554610It occurs to me what I need to know for support is what the attr for a portfolio excerpt is.
I don’t think it is post_excerpt since if I use that in place of title I don’t get anything.
Nor does it seem to be portfolio_excerpt
So, I think I can use the code I have been using, and put the data I want into excerpt if I know what you call the portfolio excerpt data?
I thought the link went in via the private field, but here it is
This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by