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  • Hey there —

    Any fix for this issue? If not, can I get the last version to revert back?


    Hey Victoria,

    Login credentials are below – thank you!

    @michaelH – I’m using Enfold Child theme.

    in reply to: Breadcrumb overflowing container on small mobile screens #910042

    Worked like a charm!
    (I changed font size to 10px and max width to 479px since it looks ok on wide views, it’s only the narrow views that were a problem.)
    Many thanks for the quick response.
    You guys are the best. :)

    in reply to: mobile icon is low on small screens when logo is hidden #907195

    Hey Jordan,
    Interesting… That looks great on the home page, but now it’s a little high on the others (on a Samsung Note 4).
    Looks like the height shrinks without the logo.
    I think this will work.
    If not, I’ll be back.

    Thank you :)

    in reply to: mobile icon is low on small screens when logo is hidden #907131

    Hey Jordan,

    Oops, sorry about that – should be able to check now.


    in reply to: How to increase text size on "search not found" page #905344

    Hey Nikko,

    Yes, that got it – thank you!

    To increase the size of the “Nothing found” header and “Sorry, no matching results found” lines above that part, I also added the following (leaving this for anyone else who may need it):

    .entry-content {
    font-size: 16px;

    Thanks so much for your help! :)

    Awesome, thank you!

    in reply to: How to increase text size on "search not found" page #905324

    Hey Nikko,

    Thanks so much for your quick reply.
    The page with the small text still looks the same – it’s the one that comes up if you search in the sidebar and get no results.
    Is there different code for that?

    Thanks :)

    Hi Jordan,

    Button color is now all set – thank you!
    Placeholder text is being stubborn though and is still unchanged – is there something else I should try?

    Hey Jordan,

    That worked on the button text – thanks!

    How can I change the placeholder text font also?

    What about changing button color (regular and on hover) and making border radius 0?

    The font the client chose is elegant typewriter:

    @font-face {
    font-family: “elegant-typewriter”;
    font-style: normal;
    src: local(“elegant-typewriter”), url(“/wp-content/uploads/useanyfont/171107032406Elegant-Typewriter.eot”) format(“embedded-opentype”), url(“/wp-content/uploads/useanyfont/171107032406Elegant-Typewriter.woff”) format(“woff”);

    in reply to: Move slider caption small mobile screens (wide view) #771896

    Hey Victoria,
    I agree that this would be a good idea on future pages, but for this one, I was hoping to get a quick fix for this one page to move the caption on just the one view– the rest are all ok for now.
    Any way to achieve that?
    Let me know.

    So glad I found this thread, I was struggling with this issue also– the links Tim provided above from Gravity Forms have great info, but they were missing a key step.

    Here’s a summary of the full fix that worked for me for forms using text confirmations with ajax enabled in the form settings (it won’t solve Tim’s issue since he can’t use ajax, but it works if you are using ajax):

    1. Add the following to your child theme functions file to turn on confirmation anchors for Gravity Forms:
    // add gravity forms confirmation anchor
    add_filter( ‘gform_confirmation_anchor’, ‘__return_true’ );

    2. Set the placement of the anchor by adding a codeblock on the page where you want the confirmation to appear with the code Ismael gave above– I used <a id="gf" class="gform_anchor"></a> because it was not for a specific form, and I put it just above the textblock that contains the Gravity Form shortcode, because I want it to appear where the form was.

    3. If needed, you can adjust spacing above/below the confirmation text in the text editor by inserting code to add 100px whitespace above the confirmation text, and 40px whitespace below it– here’s the code for 100px whitespace, adjust the value of height to increase or decrease it:
    [av_hr class='invisible' height='100' shadow='no-shadow' position='center' custom_border='av-border-thin' custom_width='50px' custom_border_color='' custom_margin_top='30px' custom_margin_bottom='30px' icon_select='yes' custom_icon_color='' icon='ue808' font='entypo-fontello' custom_class='']

    Hope this helps someone else who needs this fix.


    Hey Basilis!
    That’s not what I tried… what you gave me works great. :D
    Thanks so much!

    in reply to: Titles not showing on category pages #758093

    Hey Vinay,
    Wow, I had no idea it did not normally display or that the fix would be so complicated– thank you and the team so much for this!

    For the benefit of anyone else who needs this fix, to get it to look right, I edited the code in the archives.php file to remove the “You are now in” and “category.” text, and styled it (to make it all caps and adjust font size and padding so it matches the tag title pages on my particular site) by adding the following in Quick CSS:

    .custom-cat-title { text-align: center !important; text-transform: uppercase; padding-top: 27px; padding-bottom: 24px; font-size: 30px;

    Thank you so much for your patience and for helping me with this! :)

    in reply to: Titles not showing on category pages #754419

    Hey Vinay,

    Yoast is installed and set to display category page title (default setting). Tag pages are also set to display (also default). Screenshot link is below.
    Categories pages do not display title at all, Yoast or otherwise. Tag pages display title, but not the word “archive” as specified in Yoast.
    Yoast settings are not displaying on tag pages– this is why I am thinking this is not a Yoast setting but a theme issue.

    The other plugin you referenced appears to only allow changing page/post titles on pages I can edit. I can’t edit the Categories page template.

    Can you check that the Categories archive page template is correct? Or maybe there is a fix to apply in the child theme functions? I don’t understand why it’s not working on this site– I have used this theme many times and it does on all the other ones.

    Sorry this is such a pain. Thank you for your help.

    in reply to: Titles not showing on category pages #753813

    Hey Vinay,
    Thanks for taking a look.
    The page title I want to show is the one at the top of the page, not in the breadcrumb bar.
    It shows on the Tag archive pages, but not on Category archive pages. Links to marked screenshots to clarify are below.
    I applied a fix earlier from this thread to fix a problem with duplicate titles showing, not sure if that is causing the problem:
    Thanks for your help.

    in reply to: Titles not showing on category pages #751506

    Hey Vinay,
    Breadcrumbs are turned on sitewide and working correctly.
    I do not see an option to edit the blog category page template to change title settings.
    Login credentials are below.
    Thanks for your help!

    in reply to: How to exclude one category from category widget? #750155

    Hey Rikard,
    Perfect! This is exactly what I had in mind. :)
    Many thanks!

    in reply to: How to reduce scrollable table column width in mobile views? #750154

    Hey Ismael,
    YES, this is exactly what I was hoping for. :)
    Thank you so much for your help!

    in reply to: Titles not showing on category pages #748591

    Hey Vinay,

    Must have been a server glitch– they are working for me.
    Can you try again? I have added them again below.

    Awesome, thank you!!

    in reply to: How to exclude one category from category widget? #748580

    Hey Vinay,

    It’s not the post slider– it’s the category widget in the sidebar.
    Links to screenshots are below.
    Is there a way to hide one category from appearing in this widget?

    in reply to: How to reduce scrollable table column width in mobile views? #747721

    Hey Basilis,
    Sorry, I am having trouble getting this right.
    I added this:
    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    .page-id-1374 td { max-width: 50% !important;

    That helps, but it is still very wide because the text is not wrapping.
    I still want it to be scrollable, just want to keep the width from going quite so wide. If it would be half as wide and wrap, only on small screens, that would work.
    What am I missing?

    in reply to: Calculator not displaying well on all screen sizes #737401

    Hey Nikko,

    That did the trick.

    Thank you so much for your help! :)

    in reply to: Calculator not displaying well on all screen sizes #735497

    Happy to report I figured out how to fix the mobile views. :)
    Only problem now is there is a border line appearing at the bottom of the section containing the calculator.
    How to get rid of that?
    Thanks for your help!

    in reply to: Footer widget alignment on small tablets #724491

    Hi Rikard,

    Awesome! Had to adjust it to 180px instead of 170, but now it looks great.

    Thanks so much for your help!

    in reply to: Icon list titles cutting off on larger tablet screens #723905

    I thought maybe there was a way to batch the page numbers, did not even think of using custom classes for this.
    Now I know better. ;)

    Many thanks Yigit!

    in reply to: Icon list titles cutting off on larger tablet screens #722634

    Update: I adjusted the page layout so the columns are 1/3 which made the problem appear only on smaller tablets, and the following code in Quick CSS works to adjust the font size of the icon titles on a per-page basis:

    @media only screen and (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 990px) {
    .page-id-816 .iconlist_title {
    font-size:15px !important;

    I will have to apply it to each page separately, but at least I can get it to look right.

    Is there an easier way to apply the same code to multiple pages than listing the whole snippet for each page under the media query? I have it like this for 2 pages (the 2nd one the text size needs to be smaller to fit because the titles are longer, but the rest will probably be the same as page 816):

    @media only screen and (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 990px) {
    .page-id-816 .iconlist_title {
    font-size:15px !important;
    .page-id-3588 .iconlist_title {
    font-size:12px !important;

    If so, let me know.


    in reply to: How to reduce space below icon list? #719455

    Works perfectly– I didn’t know there was padding around that start animation element, another lesson learned. ;-)
    Thanks a million Yigit!

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