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  • in reply to: Visual and text editor – auto removing   tags #433936

    Thank you, Josue!

    It works. Do search engines see this code? I mean does it somehow affect on SEO?

    in reply to: Visual and text editor – auto removing   tags #431153

    Hi Rikard,

    Usually I need an extra line space above or below the images in my posts. If you have any idea about custom CSS I would be happy to use the code.


    in reply to: Questions about customization and avia images #358899

    Hey Andy!

    Sorry about that, I uploaded images into the other place.


    in reply to: How to disable image previews generation in child theme #357412

    Ok, Ismael, thank you!

    Best regards,

    in reply to: How to connect files from child theme with parent theme #357410

    Thanks a lot, Ismael! It worked for me!
    Kriesi support is awesome!


    in reply to: How to connect files from child theme with parent theme #357166

    Ismael, I’ve actually seen the code you had posted before you deleted it. Is it correct?

    add_action('after_setup_theme', 'avia_child_lang_setup');
    function avia_child_lang_setup() {
            remove_action('after_setup_theme', 'avia_lang_setup');
            $lang = get_stylesheet_directory() . '/lang';
            load_theme_textdomain('avia_framework', $lang);

    I tried this code, now it looks much better – only one line with error and the header sticked one line from the top when I scroll the page.
    This is the message I see above the header:
    string(76) “/home/e/evdubi/”

    in reply to: How to connect files from child theme with parent theme #357156

    Hi Ismael,

    But this is exactly what I’m trying to do. I created lang folder in the child theme folder and put there language files.
    When I insert the codes from above into the child theme functions.php file, I see the mess in the header. Don’t understand why it happens, I do as wordpress codex and you guys tell me, but something goes wrong.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Questions about customization and avia images #356951

    Hi Andy,

    Thanks for reply!

    1-2. I don’t want to remove gravatars and entry-image previews, just want to remove rounding, so the images could be square or rectangular but not round.
    3. I mean to do this.
    My original image:
    Image overlay after I move mouse cursor at the image in blog (there is overlay with arrow icon):
    default overlay
    My target is gentle overlay without icon:
    target overlay
    4. I use Share42 script for the share buttons at the left side of the page. I prefer to minimize plugins usage to increase page loading speed. I tried to put the code into many places, but nothing helped me to display the buttons as close to the post as possible. It works good for small screens but on large devices like 30″ monitors there is a huge gap between the post and buttons.
    This is the code that I use now:

    <div class="share42init" data-url="<?php the_permalink() ?>" data-title="<?php the_title() ?>" data-top1="180" data-top2="40" data-margin="0"></div>
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

    5. I already have social buttons at the bottom of the post, and they are custom buttons I made myself. I just want them to display on the entries previews. I mean when I go from home page to the blog page, I can see 10 post previews on each page. The target is that social buttons could also be displayed in each post preview at the bottom, not only after I open the full post. 10 post previews on the blog page should be accompanied with 10 social buttons sets, so the user could share the post before he opens the full entry.
    6. Got it!

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by Speedskater.
    in reply to: How to disable image previews generation in child theme #356871

    Thanks a lot for your help, Ismael, it worked!

    I’d like to add some more information for those who want to remove unnecessary thumbnails. There are also thumbnails in config.php file in config-woocommerce folder:

    $avia_config['imgSize']['shop_thumbnail'] 	= array('width'=>120, 'height'=>120);
    $avia_config['imgSize']['shop_catalog'] 	= array('width'=>450, 'height'=>450);
    $avia_config['imgSize']['shop_single'] 		= array('width'=>450, 'height'=>999, 'crop' => false);

    And just one more question for undestanding. Most of my image sizes in my blog (with sidebar) are 1100x773px (3:2 ratio). If I want to make page loading faster for tablets and other small devices is it possible to use thumbnails instead of original images?
    For example, I set thumbnail sizes to 845×563, 630×420, 345×230 etc, ratio is kept at 3:2. When I load a page on a device with possibility to see images in the blog with a maximum width 845px, a browser will load thumbnails with size 845px. And when the device can show images with a maximum width between 630 and 845 px, the browser will load and scale 845px. Is it possible or not?

    in reply to: How to disable image previews generation in child theme #356117

    Hi, Ismael!

    Thanks for your response. But is it possible to do without plugin? I used Force Regenerate Thumbnails plugin to remove thumbnails and /* */ to prevent new thumbnails generation.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: How to connect files from child theme with parent theme #355843

    Hi Josue!

    This is just the small part of this text:
    ���DQl>�S �S*�S�STT�$TK�T5UIUZU \U fUrU wU �U �U�U �U�U �U6�U�UV8V >VHVYVbVHV4�V�V W WW0W AWHOW��WB=X�XE�X�X!�XY%Y>Y]YnY�Y�Y�Y%�Y �Y�Y ZZ2Z:ZRZgZ~Z�Z �Z �Z �Z�Z6�Z&�Z6″[ Y[d[�[“�[�[?�[\�\�\�\�\�\ ]] 1]>]G]Z] o]z]�]�]�]i�])^=^S^m^ ^0�^�^�^�^ �^�^__+_ >_ I_T_ Y_ c_ q_}_ �_ �_�_ �_�_ �_ �_ �_ �_�_ �%��a a"a 5aBa4Ra/�a��a�:bF�b9:ctc �c�c �c#�c)�c&d-d$Bd�gdWeFXe#�e+�e2�e%"f(Hf&qf#�f"�f'�f$g!,g>Ng!�g �g#�g)�g.hPMh�h�h�h�h�h!�h"i 7i Di Rii fiqi �i�i�i�i�i�i �i�i�i�i j jF$jkjsjB|j�j�j�j6 kDk#]k�k$�k%�k-�k5l9Pl�l&�l&�l&�l&m&Bm&im”�m�m�m�m nnn3n KnXnhnzn�n�n�n �n�n�nooo)o 1o?oNo ]oko {o �o �o�o�o�o*�op pp’p 6pBpUp^prpzp�p�p�p2�p�pqq2qGqq zq�q�q�q!�q�qVr#lr&�r,�r"�r8s8@sys�s&�s�s&�stt)tBt@Zt#�t$�t�tpuqu�u$�u,�u*�u*"vLMv��vB&w2iw(�wD�w" x.-xO\x�x$�xD�x,y�HA�A��Ḃ<��4L�,��p����c����5��7ӊ � ��.�3�L� T�b�q� ��+��'‹(��%�,9�#f����� �� �� �� �� Č Ҍ ܌ �� ��Y�,\����P�Wb���"Ԏ���� �� 3�?�T�8h�4��.֏�� /� ;�H� O� \�j� ~���=��������9�"U�x�1����ݑ ��X��KU����� �� ʒؒ�� ��� � �1+�]� b�yp����� ���.�=� M� Z� g� t����� �� ���� ���� Д۔����O�R�a�Hh�����ȕ ە ����3��+�e0�+�� – ϖږߖ��� �'� ;�F�]�b�e�l�/t��� ����#җ �� � ��0� H�$V�#{�m�� �"�&2�Y�)x�c��/�)6��e�l� ~��� �� ������ؚ �� ��� �+�/I�y�������֛����� �”�1� 6� D�Q� W�b� w�������”�7’�_�~�������ϟ���

    After these symbols there is text from translation in both languages:
    installed and activated successfully.%1$s installed successfully.« Older Comments(Edit)(It is recommended to only activate this if you receive spam from your contact form, since an invisible spam protection is also implemented that should filter most spam messages by robots anyways)(Note: Images will be scaled to fit for the amount of columns chosen above)(Show Styling Page)(Unnamed Slider).1 Columns1 Pixel Gap16:92 Columns3 Columns4 Columns404 – Page not Found404 Not Found4:35 ColumnsA list of all supported Video Services can be found on

    And then the symbols again.
    Though it started catching the files.
    I’ve noticed, that the symbols appear only if I login as admin

    in reply to: Questions about customization and avia images #355675
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: How to connect files from child theme with parent theme #355674

    Hey Josue!

    Thanks for reply, however it didn’t work – same issue.
    Why do you think the file might not be on the server? I uploaded .mo and .po files into */enfold-child/lang folder. Style.css, functions.php and other php files included in child theme work correctly, but files like .png, .mo, .po etc don’t work.
    You can see the chaotic symbols on grey background above header. The more information in the file I try to include, the bigger this area.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Sidebar problem after update #351724

    Thank you Ismael! The problem is solved. Kriesi support is perfect as usual!

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Speedskater. Reason: Problem is solved
    in reply to: Sidebar problem after update #351216
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Sidebar problem after update #349692

    Thanks for help, Ismael!

    There wasn’t anything like the code above, but the problem was with functions.php file. When I updated the file, I didn’t replace some lines.
    Now almost everything is fine. The only problem is header. Something strange with default code from grid.css

    .container {
      position: relative;
      width: 100%;
      margin: 0 auto;
      padding: 0px 50px;
      clear: both;

    Padding applies only to content area, but it doesn’t apply to header. I checked with Firebug – padding actually applies, but the text of the header lays over padding.

    in reply to: Sidebar problem after update #348671

    Even if I try to replace the whole css folder with the default one from update it doesn’t work.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Speedskater.
    in reply to: Sidebar problem after update #348655

    Hi Ismael!

    Yes, I now that grid system has been modified. And I did try to edit container width and content/sidebar ratio at dimensions panel. I can only see the changes of the width, but sidebar is below content anyway.

    in reply to: Custom widget in header #348301

    Thank you Josue! It worked!

    in reply to: Custom widget in header #347962

    Hi Yigit!

    Unfortunately, it didn’t work. Nothing appeared. But if I try to paste the code into header, I can see the changes.
    Here is the code –

    in reply to: Width of the posts #207414
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