Yes, I’m aware and I’m working on that. Could you possibly tell me how to disable my caching plugin? Not quite sure what that means. Thanks so much,
How do I disable my caching plugin? Thanks,
Hi, sure, heres the info
No, I don’t see it, I think you are referring to the title in the breadcrumb bar, I’m referring to a text block that I want to insert above the blog posts. Thanks!
Ahh I figured it out! I needed to change the permalink structure for the posts. I didn’t realize there was a difference for the different categories.
Hi Basilis!
Thank you for your response. I’m having trouble with my server, you might want to try it again, i’m working on that. I think Im using custom permalinks, /home /blog etc. Is that what you meant? Thank you!!!
Thanks so much, Elliott, but I did as you said and the thumbnail images are now all different sizes and the images are still cropped when you click on them and try to open the full image up. Heres the link:
Thanks again for your help.