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  • in reply to: Linking Problem with Anchor in Menu #1307731

    Hey Ismael,

    the preloader wasn’t on but I switched it on and the page get stucked during the preloading ( site hasn’t finished loading, some error with this maybe?).
    I removed all layersliders from the page, the problem still persists in both browsers (Firefox + Chrome). Please have a look again, maybe I miss out on something.



    in reply to: einfacher Slider wird nicht angzeigt #1105454

    Ich hatte exakt das gleiche Problem. Ich hab dann festgestellt das ich ausversehen einen deutschen Umlaut in einer URL von meinen Menü-Links hatte welches für einen Fehler in der Console gesorgt hat. Vielleicht hilft das ja nochmal dem ein oder anderen mit dem selben Problem.

    in reply to: Anchor issue with sticky header on Ipad #815199

    Hallo Mike,

    i i tried your anchor solution but the problem is that the page works fine besides the ipad-problem. if i add the anchor css above, it will add on top of the existing offset. I end up having a double height. The suggested plugin has no effect on the page :-(

    I have no idea why apple is executing the code differently than other browsers…


    in reply to: Anchor issue with sticky header on Ipad #812327

    The issue is only visible on ipads. Android, OSX and Windows is working fine.
    The Issue is mentioned above in the first post. If you use a anchor link or the “scroll-down” of the sliders the page will match the given anchor link the the top of the page and ignore the sticky header. The result is that the first headline or content will be hidden behind the sticky header. But again, only on the ipad. This was not a issue with older versions of enfold.

    Thanks for your help.

    in reply to: Anchor issue with sticky header on Ipad #811233

    Hey Basilis,
    thanks for getting into it. Its the Safari Browser on the Ipad which causes the issue.



    in reply to: Table Alignment #454451

    Great that was the simple answer and it solved my problem! Thank you very much for spending your time!

    Best regards,


    in reply to: Breaking Points or liquid Design #452080
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    in reply to: Breaking Points or liquid Design #446727
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    in reply to: Breaking Points or liquid Design #446725
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    in reply to: a:hover doesnt work! #430747

    Thank you for your solution… it works for me!

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