I fixed it, was my mistake, I had accidentily put in “show blog in Home page” on Enfold Theme Options, when you’re supposed to leave it blank if you dont have any blog.
For the other problem, that the website keeps changing, since I realized and changed this, it hasnt acted weird. Sorry for the trouble, and maybe this will help someone else :)
Want to add that it is constantly changing, we’re not talking about one change that I dont understand, the website is constantly changing settings or removing content or resetting itself to a former version…
I have this very same problem.
My webpage currently have two problems:
1: It is showing the error-page (which I as above can redirect to the homepage, but the URL will still show forced reroute 1.
2: My webpage is revisioning itself to a former version of itself, totally random.
So I log out, and then a few hours later I check the webpage and realize that some options has been changed…
I have no idea how to fix this, Enfold version is 4.5.6, WP version is 5.1.1, nothing seems weird.
This is the only two things out of the ordinary I have done:
1: I let a friend of mine login to the WP-page to see it while I still had the maintenance-mode activated. so he could see the progress of the page.
2: I once clicked “Reset all options” on Enfold, and noticed what changed and what didn’t, and then started to edit from there.
Any ideas?