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problem caused by cookie-setting, webfont loading was disabled. So its solved now.
To clear it: I didn’t use a uploaded google-font, I just choose from an option within Enfold-Theme…
Hi Ismael,
didn’t understand your question. I chooses the font in the Enfold-Settings in the Backend (General Stylilng -> Fonts -> Selection list -> Source Serif Pro).
TimIs there a chance, to answer today please? Its urgent…
BTW: If you setup a WordPress in German, pleas have a look in teh Enfield-Settings in the Backend: About 5-10% are not in German and still in english! So in the outputs on the frontend. I would like to psot an screenshot for examples, but unfortunately its not possible to post iamges here…
“When refusing all cookies this site might not be able to work as expected. Please check our settings page and opt out for cookies or functions you do not want to use and accept cookies. You will be shown this message every time you open a new window or a new tab.\n\nAre you sure you want to continue?”
Its not about the Button-Text, its about the popup-box taht occurs when user is declining to set cookies. PLease have alook at teh text I posted. Teh WordPress runs in German , but the translation within Enfold doesn’t work propperly. Some things in teh backend are still in english, also system messages like the mentioned popup…
Where can I change that specific text I quoted?its solved, so you can close it. I opend a new topic for an other, more language specific question.
Found the Problem: AdGuard blocks the fields for editing.
Forget to mention: In the Privay&Cookies Setting the filed for my own message is not editable! Nor ist he filed where I can genrally switch messages on and off.
Danke funktioniert jetzt.
In welchem Ordner finde ich die Sprachdateien?Das snippet funktioniert nicht. Cache ist ausgeschaltet…
Davon abgeshen: kann man zentral auf formales Deutsch switchen, sodass alle Dialoge nicht das Du sondern das Sie verwenden?
Ja, sonst würde die deutsche Übersetzung ja nicht angezeigt. Ich möchte den Satz
“Suchergebnis nicht zufriedenstellend? Versuche es mal mit einem Wort oder einer anderen Schreibweise”
And another one….
Same problem in another Enfold-Project….
You can close it. Thanks.
Hello Rikard,
yes, the update fixed it. I usually do an Theme-Upgrade only when really neccessary, because last time it crashes the frontpages design…
Thanks.And whats really crap: if one user does this (if wanted or not), its switched for every other User include the admin! I asked them how to prevent this, but no answer yet.
TimSame Problem here. It may be that you toggled the Fullscreen mode without wanting it (but they gave me no explanation how this could habben). Try:
Shift + CMD + OPT + F (OS X)Best regards
TimThe Shortcut is wrong. Its Shift + CMD + OPT + F (OS X User here!). This switches to the wright GUI. So it works now.
TimHi Nikko,
it isn’t fixed. I also can’t see that you logged in the backend. Also teh shortcut changes anything.
TimPlease Supporters, it is EXTREMELY URGENT!
.edit-post-header is completely missing, even when #wpadminbar is set to display_block…
@media (min-width: 782px) #adminmenumain, #wpadminbar { display: none; }
Why is #wpadminbar set to none? And why does set display:block doesn’t fix the whole thing?
Please, have a look urgently.
Here you go…
And if you switch to a very small view port, the menu comes back, so obviously its a css or js media-query problem? But no changes in custom css made the last months!
Some hints: I create a new Post, it is done in the classic editor, no Problems.
If I switch to “Erweiterte Ansicht” the error occurs, the whole above Line is gone. And from there on, it is not editable anymore!
Pleas, my customers are quite upset, its urgent. THANKS!And before you ask, I deactivated the only plugin I installed in the last few weeks (and the error is still there). All others are running for months and this problem exists since some weeks.
see privcon