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  • Sorry about the sftp info — below/private has a new password. Instead of reverting the whole site, I just uploaded restored the functions file. But replacing the ADD POST SORT OPTIONS TO ENFOLD ELEMENTS filter at the bottom of that file with the filter you provided didn’t seem to work, so I left the original filter in place.

    BTW, you’ll notice the Morgan Place page/url now seems to have some events at the bottom which aren’t formatting properly — I’m guessing that’s a separate issue due to staff not properly entering events, or something (I haven’t seen that issue before) — I’m guessing you can ignore that, for now.

    Thanks again and lmk if you have other questions.

    Thanks, Ismael — looks like I added it with the CPT UI plugin (see, but I also just noticed this block of code at the bottom of my functions file (sorry I missed that the first time). Thanks again and lmk if you have any other questions.

        function avia_custom_query_extension($query, $params)
            global $avia_config;
                $query['order'] = $avia_config['avia_custom_query_options']['order'];
                $query['orderby'] = $avia_config['avia_custom_query_options']['orderby'];
            return $query;
        add_filter('avia_masonry_entries_query', 'avia_custom_query_extension', 10, 2);
        add_filter('avia_post_grid_query', 'avia_custom_query_extension', 10, 2);
        add_filter('avia_post_slide_query', 'avia_custom_query_extension', 10, 2);
        add_filter('avia_blog_post_query', 'avia_custom_query_extension', 10, 2);
        add_filter('avf_magazine_entries_query', 'avia_custom_query_extension', 10, 2);
        add_filter('avf_template_builder_shortcode_elements','avia_custom_query_options', 10, 1);
        function avia_custom_query_options($elements)
            $allowed_elements = array('av_blog','av_masonry_entries','av_postslider','av_portfolio','av_magazine');
            if(isset($_POST['params']['allowed']) && in_array($_POST['params']['allowed'], $allowed_elements))
                $elements[] = array(
                    "name" => __("Custom Query Orderby",'avia_framework' ),
                    "desc" => __("Set a custom query orderby value",'avia_framework' ),
                    "id"   => "orderby",
                    "type" 	=> "select",
                    "std" 	=> "",
                    "subtype" => array(
                        __('Default Order',  'avia_framework' ) =>'',
                        __('Title',  'avia_framework' ) =>'title',
                        __('Random',  'avia_framework' ) =>'rand',
                        __('Date',  'avia_framework' ) =>'date',
                        __('Author',  'avia_framework' ) =>'author',
                        __('Name (Post Slug)',  'avia_framework' ) =>'name',
                        __('Modified',  'avia_framework' ) =>'modified',
                        __('Comment Count',  'avia_framework' ) =>'comment_count',
                        __('Page Order',  'avia_framework' ) =>'menu_order')
                $elements[] = array(
                    "name" => __("Custom Query Order",'avia_framework' ),
                    "desc" => __("Set a custom query order",'avia_framework' ),
                    "id"   => "order",
                    "type" 	=> "select",
                    "std" 	=> "",
                    "subtype" => array(
                        __('Default Order',  'avia_framework' ) =>'',
                        __('Ascending Order',  'avia_framework' ) =>'ASC',
                        __('Descending Order',  'avia_framework' ) =>'DESC'));
            return $elements;
        add_filter('avf_template_builder_shortcode_meta', 'avia_custom_query_add_query_params_to_config', 10, 4);
        function avia_custom_query_add_query_params_to_config($meta, $atts, $content, $shortcodename)
            global $avia_config;
            if(empty($avia_config['avia_custom_query_options'])) $avia_config['avia_custom_query_options'] = array();
                $avia_config['avia_custom_query_options']['order'] = $atts['order'];
                $avia_config['avia_custom_query_options']['orderby'] = $atts['orderby'];
            return $meta;
    in reply to: Events Calendar Shortcode & Block plugin conflict? #1404498

    Hmm, I usually hear back from y’all by now — did this one slip through the cracks on?

    Hmm, I thought I replied to this — guess I got distracted and never hit submit….Anyways! Yes, the filter’s in the functions file and the Event Time snippet’s in the loop-index — both are in the child theme. The example I listed in the original post is no longer valid, since those events have now passed, but here are a couple of other examples: and

    Credentials below — thanks, Ismael!!

    in reply to: Events Calendar Shortcode & Block plugin conflict? #1402527

    Thanks, Mike. Disabling all the other plugins doesn’t seem to help, but switching to a default theme does seem to resolve that error and the calendar shows. I have it set to the Twenty Twenty-Two theme, now, and you can see the calendar and no error — . If I switch back to Enfold, the error returns and the calendar disappears — does that tell us anything?

    in reply to: elementor options not holding in Enfold footer page #1401856

    Thank you so much, but no I’m actually having trouble isolating the issue — I thought I had it pinned, but it seems to be inexplicably switching between working and not working. So, thanks again, but you’re welcome to close this ticket and I’ll reopen it if I can pin down the issue.

    in reply to: elementor options not holding in Enfold footer page #1401825

    Well, I can show you the problem, if you’re willing to look. But if you’re not willing to look because it’s Elementor in combination with Enfold, I understand.

    in reply to: Events Calendar Shortcode & Block plugin conflict? #1401813

    So, that’s the default Events Calendar plugin view. As described in my posts, we’re using a separate/additional plugin — the Events Calendar Shortcode & Block plugin ( to modify it here: (why my client wants to do that is a long story). So, you can see the shortcode from the additional plugin in that Virtual Events page ( You can see the calendar showing with Twenty Twenty-One activated ( and not showing when Enfold’s activated ( Thanks and lmk if you have any other questions.

    in reply to: Events Calendar Shortcode & Block plugin conflict? #1401098

    Thanks, Yigit! I’ve included the credentials below, and I left the dev site with Twenty Twenty-Two activated, so you can see the calendar showing at — if you switch back to Enfold or Enfold Child, you should see the calendar disappear. Lmk if you have any other questions!

    in reply to: sticky header mobile not working #1400216

    Oh, wow — my bad; somehow I had it in my head it worked on mobile! Thanks, Guenni — you’re amazing, as always — I’m going to pass on it, for now, but it’s good to know I can try your code if I want, someday! Thanks, guys.

    in reply to: text in popup #1365785

    Awesome — thanks so much, guys!!

    in reply to: text in popup #1365469

    @Guenni007, I hate to ask, but would it be too much to ask for a version of this that uses text links instead of the buttons? My client prefers simple text links, like on Gio Aliano, on — again, feel free to deny my request, here — I could always just style the buttons to look more like links. Thanks!

    in reply to: map Portfolio custom post type to Portfolio Items #1364146

    Epic, Ismael — you continue to be “the man”! I actually duplicated this site and switched the theme to and enfold, so I didn’t import the posts – they were already there from the duplication. So using the CPT UI plug-in to register those posts worked to register them, and then using the post type switcher plug-in you suggested worked to convert them to enfold portfolio entries — perfect! Thanks again!

    in reply to: masonry load more not working #1364143

    Oh, cool thanks guys – sorry for the false alarm. I updated chrome and quit/re-launched it and that seemed to do the trick for me. Thanks again!

    in reply to: text in popup #1362323

    Awesome — thanks so much, again, Guenni — I think I can leave you alone on this one, now ;)

    in reply to: text in popup #1362138

    Thanks, Mike. It looks like anything I add to the page itself ends up way below the code for the popups. I could use the page ID, since that’s in the body, but I’m not sure how @Guenni007 got that class added above the popup code. The page I’m working on is Also, no offense to Guenni, of course, but I do prefer the arrows in the default enfold lightbox — for example, in the lightbox gallery for — no one on the Enfold team has put out a way of repurposing this in the way Guenni has?

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by sky19er.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by sky19er.
    in reply to: text in popup #1362114

    Ah, got it — thanks again. Oh, I meant to ask, is that magnificPopup code being used by some other element in Enfold? Like, when I tweak the position of the arrows in the phone view, am I potentially screwing up the formatting of some other element in Enfold?

    in reply to: text in popup #1362020

    Epic, @guenni007 — you’re the BOMB! FYI, I added a bit of css to pull those arrows a smidge away from the content, on the phone:

    .mfp-arrow-left {
        left: -7px;
    .mfp-arrow-right {
        right: -7px;

    and some css I often use to unfloat images on the phone:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 479px) {
    	body .alignright, .entry-content-wrapper a:hover .alignright {
    		margin: 5px 0px 10px 0px;
    		float: none;

    So it’s looking pretty good on the phone, now, I think (screenshot

    Thanks again so much!!

    in reply to: text in popup #1361878

    Ooh, and another thing — would it be too hard to also trigger the popups when clicking on the photos? So if the user clicked on either the photo or the button, the popup would be triggered? Again, this is “extra credit” — feel free to shut me down on these extra requests ;). Thanks again.

    in reply to: text in popup #1361877

    Epic — thanks so much, Guenni007!! One last request, if you feel like it (feel free to shut me down on this ;), but I’m wondering if you might know how to add a little fade-in to the popup, just to take the edge off the popup a little. You know what I mean? So the popup doesn’t immediately snap over the screen — so there’s a slightly softer transition? Regardless, thanks again so much!

    in reply to: text in popup #1361757

    Thanks, Mike — and wow, Guenni007, that’s amazing — exactly what I’m looking for — just the buttons, no toggles. So, sorry, did you already post the code for that solution?

    in reply to: text in popup #1361720

    Thanks, Guenni007, but I’m not trying to make the toggle trigger a popup — I’d like to trigger the popup from a link or button, instead of using toggles for the bios.

    And thanks, Mike — that does seem like a viable option — I think I will try that; thank you!

    I would still be interested to hear if anyone has a current solution for just using a link or button to trigger a simple popup with content in it…?

    Thanks again, everyone.

    Thanks, yep, you can close it up.

    OMG, thank you so much!! I assumed the titles were being changed by WordPress or that sentence case was somehow the html default, but I didn’t think to deactivate the plugins or test the issue on a different site. Never assume — always test! Turns out it was the Rank Math SEO plugin! There’s a setting in there (Rank Math > General Settings > Images > Change title casing) that was set to Title Casing! Thank you SO much for helping me solve this!!!

    Perfect — thanks so much, Mike!!

    in reply to: 4 column layout issues on ipad #1337996

    Great, thanks!

    in reply to: 4 column layout issues on ipad #1337899

    Ahh, OK — thanks for narrowing it down to that! The css you provided doesn’t seem to work for me, but I’m ok using the css I had already implemented, unless you see a problem with this:

    @media only screen and (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 989px) {
      #top.home .no_margin.av_one_fourth {
          width: 50%;
    in reply to: 4 column layout issues on ipad #1337857

    Is that the desktop css, though? The clear:both in the third column — as shown in my screenshot — would seem to indicate that it’s meant for mobile, and just the column width percentage is wrong, no? Seems like kind of a hybrid. Anyway, I’m including credentials for our dev site, where i’ve already disabled my custom css — you can test using the home page there. Thanks and lmk if you have any other questions!

    in reply to: 4 column layout issues on ipad #1337636

    What correct CSS are you referring to? I’m seeing the same css I sent you in the first screenshot, with 25% columns and clear:both in the third column: — Anyway, I did just try what you suggested and it didn’t seem to change anything. Thanks and lmk if you have any other questions.

    in reply to: 4 column layout issues on ipad #1337437

    Sure thing — here you go:

Viewing 30 posts - 61 through 90 (of 485 total)