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Ah, ok, well, thanks for trying — is there anyone else you can run it by? Maybe Ismael could take a look? :)
Hmm, you sure? I just tried it in multiple browsers, private windows, etc. — seems to be working, no? Oh, I guess you’re referring to the sftp info? But that seems to be working, too — I can’t reveal the pw in filezilla, but I just double-checked it with the pw I gave you and it seems to be working — here’s a screenshot, in case that helps: — lmk if you’re still having trouble.
Thank you for the follow-through, Mike! Sorry about that link expiring — I’ve updated/extended it and repasted it in private content along with sftp info for that dev site — feel free to mess with that site all you want, I’m not worried about losing anything there. Thanks again and lmk if you have any other questions.
OK, I moved the closing divs back to the bottom of page.php (Is this the correct way to close those divs? ), added all the code from footer.php below that (I assume I’m supposed to remove the get_footer function, correct?), and removed the closing divs from that footer code. Does that all look/sound correct? It doesn’t seem to work — the header and footer both disappear as soon as I activate the Elementor footer. I’m including the info again in the private content, in case you have any other ideas for me :). Thanks again.
OK, so, I should be able to test this with just the page.php file, if I’m only looking at “regular” pages (eg, right? If so, I added the closing divs to the page.php file and it doesn’t seem to do the trick. In my testing it seemed like I had to remove the echo, like this: — does that look right?
When looking at the source after adding those closing divs to the page.php file, I can’t find those new closing divs — I’m guessing maybe because I’m using Elementor to build the pages. If I add the closing divs to the header.php file and view the source, I can see them (, but they still don’t seem to make a difference — when I turn on the Elementor footer the Enfold header still disappears — so I put them back in page.php, per your instructions, for now.
Any other ideas for me? Thanks again.
OK, thanks so much — but it sounded to me like they said Elementor would replace the footer.php — “Please note that Elementor doesn’t just hook to WordPress functions. It declares its own theme locations and replaces the theme header.php and footer.php files.” — doesn’t that mean, as long as I’m using the Elementor footer, I don’t need to worry about the Enfold footer.php?
Thanks, Mike! Can you tell me how often you’d guess I’ll have to update those files, due to theme updates? I mean, you don’t think it will be impractical in that respect?
Thanks, Mike — here’s what they said:
Please note that Elementor doesn’t just hook to WordPress functions. It declares its own theme locations and replaces the theme header.php and footer.php files. For reference: Therefore, this is still valid feedback from my side:
Do you think that leaves me any hope for a workaround? Thanks again.
Thanks so much, Mike — sorry I didn’t catch that — I’ll bounce that back to Elementor support and let you know here what they say, either way, if you don’t mind keeping this open.
Thanks, Ismael, but I’m sorry, I misread what they (Elementor support) said and therefore described it wrong to you. They said “[Enfold] opens several div tags in the header template and then closes them in the footer template.” — plus, I missed that they had actually included screenshots (linked below) — does that make more sense, now? Thanks again and lmk if you have any other questions.
header opening tags:
footer closing tags: 6, 2023 at 5:34 pm in reply to: sorry content area not found error for popups in Elementor #1415653Yep, you can close it!
Yep, you can close it!
August 6, 2023 at 3:01 am in reply to: sorry content area not found error for popups in Elementor #1415630OK, I’ll try to get to that ;). Meanwhile, I seem to have narrowed this particular issue down to the footer options — as long as I don’t select a page to replace the footer in the Enfold options, the popups in Elementor still work; setting that footer page is what seems to break them. Anyway, thanks again!
OK, thanks anyway. I much prefer the way Enfold handles the headers and navigation, but when a client’s already using Elementor I feel pressured to stick with it, especially since Elementor does have some clear advantages. But I still believe Enfold is a smarter system, on the whole (including better support!), and I still recommend Enfold for clients who aren’t already familiar with Elementor. Anyway, thanks again, and thanks for so many years of good support and a great theme!
Thanks, Mike — that did it, for both the theme update and fixing the mailchimp element — feel free to close this thread, now. Thanks again!
Thanks, Mike, but I can’t seem to get the update to come available in the theme options — any idea why it might be stuck on “No Updates available. You are running the latest version! (5.5)”?
Heheh, ok, thanks again, Guenni!
Right, but unless it needs to be there for accessibility, I’d rather not have it at all.
Oh, and Mike, you may notice I did end up switching (at least for now) to using the icons in the main header area, but Guenni’s code with my css still seems to be working, so I’m inclined to leave it as is, unless you think it’s a problem. Thanks again, guys!
Ah, good to know, Guenni — thank you. I set the width to a pixel value instead. But I’m not sure what you’re saying about the heading — is not having a heading an accessibility issue or something?
Thanks, Mike, but I’m using the Full Page Overlay Menu, where the menu items are centered. I wanted to center the social icons, like all the other menu items, and the quickest way I could find to do that was to change the width of the list item containing the social icons ul from 100% to fit-content, and then set the margins to auto. But that “Social Bookmarks” text (even though it wasn’t showing on the front end) was adding a bunch of width to the list item, preventing me from perfectly centering the icons. Removing that text from the php code solved the problem. Does that make sense now?
Sorry, Guenni, did it sound like I was still having trouble? I think I’m all set on this — I’m keeping the socials in the top strip on desktop, and your code helped me add them to the mobile menu, for when they disappear from the header on mobile. Thanks again for your help!
Oops — thanks, guys! I couldn’t even see them on my phone, but once I saw the screenshot from Guenni, I found them on my emulator, in tablet view.
And yeah, I think you’re right, Guenni, about wrapping them in an li. And I’d like to keep them in the top strip, on desktop — so, thanks, Mike, I don’t think I want them in the main header area on this site, but I’ll keep your solution in mind if I do!
So I went with Guenni’s code using the socket socials, but they were still showing at the left edge of my mobile overlay menu. I was able to center them by changing isHeading=”Social Bookmarks” in the php to isHeading=”” (deleting that whole line seemed to vanish the icons), and setting the css to width=”fit-content”; margin: auto; — so here’s my code, if it helps anyone else.
Thanks again, guys!!!
<?php function social_footer_icons_to_hamburger_menu(){ ?> <script> (function($){ $('#header').one('click', '.av-main-nav-wrap', function() { var isMobile = $('.av-burger-menu-main').css('display'), isHeading = "", social = $('#socket .social_bookmarks').clone(true).addClass('sub-menu').css('display','block'), mobileMenu = $('.av-burger-overlay'); mobileMenu.find('#av-burger-menu-ul').append('<li class="menu-item-social av-active-burger-items" role="menuitem"><span class="avia-menu-text">'+isHeading+'</span></li>'); if( social.length ){ mobileMenu.find('.menu-item-social').append(social); } }); })(jQuery); </script> <?php } add_action('wp_footer', 'social_footer_icons_to_hamburger_menu');
And then this css seems to work for me:
.html_av-overlay-full #av-burger-menu-ul { width: fit-content; margin: 30px auto; } .html_av-overlay-full #top #wrap_all #av-burger-menu-ul li { font-size: 1em; margin: 5px; }
Thanks, Mike! Feel free to close this thread.
Thanks, Mike — what I find tricky is that, when looking in the inspector, unlike with “normal” hover states, I can’t see any change in the css when the slides open, so I couldn’t find what to target — know what I mean? Anyway, if you don’t know what I mean or don’t have any other advice in that respect, feel free to close the topic — and thanks again!!
Ahh, nice! Thanks, again, Mike! Any tips for how to find that kind of thing? I’m usually pretty good with css, but it seemed particularly hard to find the css that was changing when the slides open.
Perfect — beautiful! Thanks so much, Mike — case/thread closed! ;)
Yep, you can go ahead and close it, if you like.
Thanks, Mike, but actually, you/they can hold off on this, for now — I just spoke with my client about this and we’ve decided we might switch gears and try to make the default Events Calendar view work for us, rather than customizing this Events Calendar Shortcode plugin. Thanks anyway, though!
April 26, 2023 at 12:09 am in reply to: using blog element for events calendar listings, need to order by event date #1405617Nice — thanks so much, Ismael — the ordering’s working, and that’s amazing, but it seems now the recurring events aren’t showing. For example, there should be recurring events showing on If I disable the functions file in the child theme, I can see the recurring events, but we’re getting that “nothing found” message when the functions file’s active. Do you have any idea why that might be? Thanks again.