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Hi Ismael,
here is a SC
When i open the page the bg is not correct. When i open the menu then it fits. strange.
Hi Ismael,
this did not seem to work.
And how about the problem with the background image?
Hi Yigit,
well i can only see the menu when i click on the grey box. There i expected to see the single menu items. This is a little confusing.
And the background image is not alligned correctly in Portrait mode just in Landscape. Howcan i fix that.
And about the code you send me: I juse this code now:
/* #Desktop - Large ================================================== */@media only screen and (min-width: 1140px) { .responsive .boxed#top { width: 960px; } .responsive .container { width: 860px; }
does that conflict with the one you send me?Kind Regards
This reply has been marked as private.Let’s say i want a boarder in a special green: #719430
How can i make a custom color?
Thanks Ismael!
January 29, 2014 at 6:04 pm in reply to: how to do rounded corners for the content area and menu #216522Worked like a carm!
Thanks Josue!
January 29, 2014 at 5:23 pm in reply to: how to do rounded corners for the content area and menu #216480This reply has been marked as private.January 29, 2014 at 4:16 pm in reply to: How to shorten the background of the main menu and reduce its opacity #216427Great!
January 29, 2014 at 3:23 pm in reply to: How to shorten the background of the main menu and reduce its opacity #216387Awesome Dudes! Thumbs up!
Is it possible to make a blank space between the Menu and the content?
January 29, 2014 at 1:49 pm in reply to: How to shorten the background of the main menu and reduce its opacity #216355Awesome Sergei! Thats it!
Now i just need to enlarge the font.
January 29, 2014 at 11:31 am in reply to: how to do rounded corners for the content area and menu #216320Hi Josue
Thanks for the hint. But i dod not get it to work. Do i have to put the code in the quick css or anywhere else?
And i use another header ( Header with social icons and bottom navigation.)
Do i have to edit the code then? I tried this:.social_header .header_bg, #header_meta, #header {
-webkit-border-top-right-radius: 10px;
-webkit-border-top-left-radius: 10px;
-moz-border-radius-topright: 10px;
-moz-border-radius-topleft: 10px;
border-top-left-radius: 10px;
border-top-right-radius: 10px;
}….in quick css but had no success.
Thanks in advance
January 29, 2014 at 11:23 am in reply to: How to shorten the background of the main menu and reduce its opacity #216316Hi Yigit,
thanks for the answer. But this does not solve the Problem i mentioned.
Please take a look at the screenshot:
The Menu is still overlapping to the right. How can i get rid of this?
And i am not able to enlarge the size ofthe menu font.
I tried these codes:.main_menu ul:first-child>li>a {
font-size: 16px;
}and :
#top .main_menu .menu li ul a { font-size: 15px; }
both with different fonts but no change in the size.
January 28, 2014 at 8:14 pm in reply to: How to shorten the background of the main menu and reduce its opacity #216022That worked out for the opacity and the small space!
But how about the background which is overlapping to the right? – I want to center the menu and then this is happening.
.main_menu {
left: 120px;
}Hi Josue,
thanks for the answer!The first code made the complete Text in small letters. Is it possible to get the letters as i write it in the layout field. “Fullscreen Slider” So the fist letters of the word should be capitals.
The second code worked out perfect! Fot the title i just used:
.avia-caption-title { font-family: serif; font-style: italic; }
How can i use a google font style there, which is not in the list. In fact i want to use font “Alex Brush”
Sorry Josue, but i do not know what you are talking about.
Here is the example of the fullpage slider
How to change the textstyle in the boxes. (Second image)
I know that i use images now. Therefore i said that the fullscreen slider is not active now!
So again:
How can i change the fontstyle of the text in the fullscreen slider? And how can i remove the capitals?
This reply has been marked as private.Nein, das habe ich noch nicht gemacht. Aber das werde ich gleich tun. Danke fürs nachschauen.
Übrigens wäre eine FAQ im Forum wirklich hilfreich. Das würde allen eine Menge Arbeit ersparen ;)
…oder eine kleine Anleitung wie man mit Webmaster tools wie Firebug oder ähnlichen nach bestimmten Dingen suchen kann, die man dann selbst erledigen könnte.Grüße Simon
This reply has been marked as private.This reply has been marked as private.Hallo Peter,
das memory Limit ist bereits auf 128M gesetzt.
Ich habe danach noch mal W2 Total Cahe ausgeschaltet und dann hat es funktioniert.
Heute ging es aber wieder nicht! Auch mit ausgeschaltetem Plugin nicht. An anderen Rechnern das gleiche Problem.Es war sogar so, dass nicht nur der Avia Layout Builder nicht geladen hat sondern die ganze Seite konnte nicht geladen werden. Einfach alles weiss. Ich konnte dann die Seite mit einem Plugin duplizieren und da ging es dann.
Das gleiche Problem tritt aber jetzt auch beim Reiter Portfolio auf! Wenn ich drauf klicken kommt nur ein weisses Bild. Wenn ich einzelne Portfolio einträge über das Frontend zum bearbeiten anwähle, komme in die Einträge rein.
Das ganze wird langsam zu einem größeren Problem, da der Besitzer der Seite diese auch teilweise selbst aktualisiert und dies so nicht funktioniert! Brauche da dringend HIlfe!
Danke!I have to keep the menu in the lower position.
But i i want to bring the fb icon in the right corner next to the search icon on the white menu bar it hides under that part. How can i bring it on the white field?
Thanks for the answer!
In this case when it is on top, the menu is not active. I can not click anything…
Works good, but the menu moved from just over the content to the top of the page. And i can’t bring it down without moving the rest.
Worked out! Just the small white line on the top is still there.
And is it possible to make this header fixed? So that it comes donm when scrollin down?
Last question is:how can i bring the fb logo into the menubar? When i move it down it hides under the menubar.
Thanks and regards!
Hi Dude,
that was nearly perfekt! Just right and left side of the menu is ” too much” and at the top there is also a small white line left.
Hi Ismael,
i use the “header with social icons and bottom”.
The code you mentioned did not effect anything.
…as i said i want the not the logo and menu to be transparenst
This reply has been marked as private.I have the same problem like zerodesign. Headerbackground should be transparent but not the navigation and not the logo.
The last code changes nothing.
Kind Regards